Synchronize the hierarchy of files and directories of each client.
Dependencies: gpgme, libassuan, libgpg-error
Compilation: make
Execution: ./mirror_client -n id -c common_dir -i input_dir -m mirror_dir -b buffer_size -l log_file
- id: a number to identify this certain client
- common_dir: is a directory which is used for the communication of the mirror_clients
- input_dir: is a directory that contains the files that this client wants to share
- b: the size of the pipe buffer
- mirror_dir: is the directory where this client will store the files of the rest mirror_clients that participate in the file exchange
- log_file: is a file where are the runtime messages are writen
./mirror_client -n 1 -c ./common -i ./1_input -m ./1_mirror -b 100 -l log_file1
./mirror_client -n 2 -c ./common -i ./2_input -m ./2_mirror -b 100 -l log_file2
Note: If the key pair genetion takes longer than a couple of minutes, its probably because of low-entropy. To solve the problem, install haveged.
Creates a hierarchy of files and directories.
Execution: ./ dir_name num_of_files num_of_dirs levels
Execution: cat logfile1 logfile2 ... logfilen | ./
This project was one of the assignments in the System Programming course in 2019.