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Track Entries Stats More
screenshot of the track screen screenshot of the entries screen screenshot of the statistics screen screenshot of the more screen

This is a simple timetracking webxdc app, it meant to be used by one user. Later there could be a fork of this app or a build flavor that supports multiple concurent users.

You can send it to youself in the saved messages and timetrack across multiple devices, if you use different accounts on your devices, you could make a group and use it there on all your devices.

It's timetracking on multiple devices, but without the need for a cloud.


We use yarn as packagemanger, node version 18 and prettier for formatting. We recommend using a node version manager like nvm or fnm.

Starting a live server to develop

yarn dev

Running unit test:

yarn unit-tests

Running all tests:

yarn test

Fix formatting:

yarn fix-formatting

Package as webxdc:

yarn build

Making a new release

Bump the version with this command (it also creates a git tag)

yarn version --patch # or --minor or --major
git push && git push --tags

if you want you can also package it:

yarn build

you will find the .xdc-file it inside of dist-zip/.