You can create your own custom InfoBar using SSComposeInfoBar composable which accepts following parameters.
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Description | Default Value |
title | TextType | The title of the InfoBar (Wrapper around String and AnnotatedString. | N/A |
titleStyle | TextStyle | Text style of the InfoBar title. | SSComposeInfoBarDefaults.defaultTitleStyle |
description | TextType? | The description of the InfoBar. | null |
descriptionStyle | TextStyle | Text style of the InfoBar description. | SSComposeInfoBarDefaults.defaultDescriptionStyle |
customBackground | SSCustomBackground | Background of the InfoBar (Wrapper around Support PNG, SVG and Color). | SSComposeInfoBarDefaults.defaultSSCustomBackground |
icon | ImageVector | Icon that will be displayed along with title and description. | Icons.Default.Info |
shape | Shape | Shape of the InfoBar. | SSComposeInfoBarDefaults.shape |
elevations | SSComposeInfoBarElevation | Elevation of the InfoBar (Wrapper around Tonal elevation and Shadow elevation. | SSComposeInfoBarDefaults.elevations |
contentColors | SSComposeInfoBarColors | Content colors for InfoBar content. | SSComposeInfoBarDefaults.colors |
contentPadding | PaddingValues | PaddingValues that will be applied to InfoBar. | SSComposeInfoBarDefaults.contentPadding |
height | Dp | Height of the InfoBar. | SSComposeInfoBarDefaults.defaultHeight |
actionText | String | Title of the action button if action is showed. | SSComposeInfoBarDefaults.defaultActionTitle |
onActionClicked | (() -> Unit)? | Callback for when user clicks the action button on InfoBar. | null |
onCloseClicked | () -> Unit | Callback for when user clicks the close icon on InfoBar. | Empty Lambda |
isInfinite | Boolean | Flag that decides whether to show a close icon on InfoBar. | false |