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An arbitrage bot that scans Uniswap V3 pools between a set group of tokens for price discrepencies between pairs of different fee tiers between them. The bot scans for profitable price discrepencies between different Uniswap pools and fee tiers and execute the flashswap trades if there is a profit. You only need enough ETH for gas fees to run this.

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Arbitrum Branch (most up-to-date branch 🌿)

The contract is now deployed to on arbitrum at the address - 0xf812197dbdbcd0f80cd003c20f695dc8d06bc3b0

As it stands the script spends about 1,400,000 compute units per day, roughly 42,000,000 per month.

I am currently testing it with an input of 10 usd value. the amountIn for each token is calculated using this value.

Testing still continuing.

Uniswap V3 Flashswap Arbitrage bot.

Project Overview

This project is merely a working prototype, that can search for and carry out dual-arb trades.

I feel that a more suitable description for this project would be boilerplate code for anybody that wishes to explore flashswap arbitrage. That being said, this is uniswap v3 flashswap arbitrage seems a difficult game to get right, Probably due to the concentrated liquidity. With uniswap V2 it was relatively simple to calculate the exact optimal amount in for a trade. Whereas with V3, I have not yet been able to find a way to do this accuratly or efficiently.

That being said, I only explored arbitrage between the same tokens on 2 different pools. The real money is made when one utilizes multiple hops through different tokens, for example triangular-arbitrage (trading a 3 token route) or more.

Ideas for Future Development

  1. implement a 3 or more token hop strategy.
  2. Listen to the memepool for large trades then quote exactly when the transaction has been confirmed. Alternatively you could just directly call flashswap instead.
  3. Is there a more accurate way to quote this type of arbitrage?

This project is broken down into 2 main parts.

Flashswap function smart contract + Arbitrage scanner

The idea is for the script to scan the pools for current prices and execute flashswap arbitrage with a given amountIn.

You do this my first running getPools.js, which queries the uniswapV3 subgraph and writes a json file to ./src/jsonPoolData/ that is an object containing all of the pools neccesary information.

Right now it is configured to pool for pools that include WETH, WBTC, ARB and USDT, that have atotalValueLocked in USD of above $1,000,000.

You can configure the query how you like, the script should still run the same way.

Here is an overview of what the script does:

  • Scans all routes between a given set of pools.
  • Is the route profitable? (minimum amount out = amount in + profit threshhold(currently 1%))
  • Format the route for input into the flashswap function.
  • Execute Flashswap smart contract function and log profits.

Created using both:

Foundry - For testing the Smart contract, written in Solidity

Hardhat - For testing the scanner and all of it's dependencies, written in javascript.


This project will almost definatly not make you money. The people and systems that you are up against are far more efficient than this system in it's current form. Use at your own risk. I am not responsible for any mis-use or loss of funds.

To Contribute

If you would like to contribute to this project, please send me an email @ I would be more than happy to talk with anyone who is interested in collaborating on any web3 projects. You are more than welcome to open create a pull request and take it in whichever direction you like.


git clone


forge install
forge build

Populate .env File

These are all of the Api keys neccesary to leave the bot running right now.

// example .env


Set rpc fork url - Node provider API key (Alchemy, Infura etc)

If you haven't already, go get a mainnet API key from Alchemy, Infura or Quicknode.


Foundry testing ❀️‍πŸ”₯

Run the local node

You can go to if you want to get a more recent block number.

anvil --fork-url FORK_URL --fork-block-number 225459063 --fork-chain-id 42161 --chain-id 42161

Split the terminal and deploy flashSwapV3.sol to the forked mainnet: πŸš€

forge script script/DeployFlashSwapV3.s.sol --rpc-url --broadcast --private-key 0xac0974bec39a17e36ba4a6b4d238ff944bacb478cbed5efcae784d7bf4f2ff80 --legacy
[⠊] Compiling...
[β °] Compiling 33 files with Solc 0.7.6
[β ”] Solc 0.7.6 finished in 1.26s
Compiler run successful!
Script ran successfully.

== Return ==
0: contract FlashSwapV3 0xf812197DbdbcD0f80cD003C20f695dc8d06bC3b0

## Setting up 1 EVM.


Chain 42161

Estimated gas price: 0.020000001 gwei

Estimated total gas used for script: 951147

Estimated amount required: 0.000019022940951147 ETH


##### arbitrum
βœ…  [Success]Hash: 0x5b90cfccca9b3333887acabe36b8158af16946c6320ddebdf46576d5475a9b22
Contract Address: 0xf812197DbdbcD0f80cD003C20f695dc8d06bC3b0
Block: 20166493
Paid: 0.000006401956463304 ETH (731652 gas * 0.008750002 gwei)

βœ… Sequence #1 on arbitrum | Total Paid: 0.000006401956463304 ETH (731652 gas * avg 0.008750002 gwei)

Run Foundry tests

forge test -vv --rpc-url
[β ’] Compiling...
No files changed, compilation skipped

Ran 2 tests for test/FlashSwapV3Test.t.sol:UniswapV3FlashTest
[PASS] test_flashSwap_WBTC() (gas: 244872)
  Usdt balance before test: 0
  Wbtc balance before test: 0
  Reverted with reason: profit = 0

[PASS] test_flashswap_USDT() (gas: 248728)
  Usdt balance before test: 0
  Wbtc balance before test: 0
  Reverted with reason: profit = 0

Suite result: ok. 2 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 14.58ms (7.34ms CPU time)

Hardhat testing πŸ‘·

Run the local node

You can go to if you want to get a more recent block number.

yarn hardhat node --fork FORK_URL --fork-block-number 20066221 --network hardhat

Split the terminal and deploy flashSwapV3.sol to the forked mainnet:

yarn hardhat ignition deploy ignition/modules/igniteFlashSwap.js --network localhost

IF YOU GET AN ERROR - delete the deployments folder for 31337 in the ignition folder, then run yarn hardhat clean. Then run the ignition command above again.

Unit tests - For all the dependincies for the dualArbScan script.

yarn hardhat test test/unit/arbBot.unit.test.js --network localhost

Integration test - for the dualArbScan script itself

yarn hardhat test test/integration/ --network localhost

To Run


Run this first to get the pools above the liquidity threshhold, which you can change in the query itself.

 * @dev This function gets the pools from the Uniswap V3 subgraph
 * @returns {object} jsonDict
async function getPools() {
    // The query to get the pools from the Uniswap V3 subgraph

    const query = `
        where: {
          token0_in: ["0x82af49447d8a07e3bd95bd0d56f35241523fbab1",           "0x2f2a2543b76a4166549f7aab2e75bef0aefc5b0f", "0xfd086bc7cd5c481dcc9c85ebe478a1c0b69fcbb9", "0x912ce59144191c1204e64559fe8253a0e49e6548"],
          token1_in: ["0x82af49447d8a07e3bd95bd0d56f35241523fbab1", "0x2f2a2543b76a4166549f7aab2e75bef0aefc5b0f", "0xfd086bc7cd5c481dcc9c85ebe478a1c0b69fcbb9", "0x912ce59144191c1204e64559fe8253a0e49e6548"],
          volumeUSD_gte: 500000,
          totalValueLockedUSD_gt: 1000000,
          id_not: "0x14af1804dbbf7d621ecc2901eef292a24a0260ea"
        orderBy: totalValueLockedUSD,
        orderDirection: desc

Currently it will get any pools that include the tokens WETH, WBTC, ARB and USDT, with an amount locked in USD greater than 1,000,000 USD

As it is right now, outputs 9 pools.

yarn hardhat run src/utils/getPools.js

poolInformation returns the tokenInfo object that includes tokenAmountsIn, profitThreshhold and the token price in usd.

  Token Info:  {
  WBTC: {
    amountIn: 166903n,
    profitThreshold: 1669n,
    priceInUsd: 59914.82248207332
  WETH: {
    amountIn: 30460466625198356n,
    profitThreshold: 304604666251983n,
    priceInUsd: 3282.943798282959
  USDT: {
    amountIn: 100107620n,
    profitThreshold: 1001076n,
    priceInUsd: 0.9989249520599842
  ARB: {
    amountIn: 134395064363054137344n,
    profitThreshold: 1343950643630541373n,
    priceInUsd: 0.7440749440757773

Scan for Arbitrage

dualArbScan.js function takes a json object as defined inside uniswapPools.json.

Calculates all possible routes and runs quoteExactInput() on all of them.

This is done in batches, to save on compute units for API calls. you can toggle how big batches are and how often a batch of quotes is executed, near the top of dualArbScan.js by changing the following two variables:

// Set the batch size and interval to give control over the number of promises executed per second.
const BATCH_SIZE = 5 // Number of promises to execute in each batch
// Interval between batches in milliseconds
const BATCH_INTERVAL = 8000 // Interval between batches in milliseconds

Then calculates wether there is an arbitrage opportunity

IMPORTANT TO NOTE - at current configuration, it is very possible the user could lose money, if flashswap is called. This is because the gas fee would be about 0.02$. with a 10$ input the profit threshhold is 0.10$ making the gasfee 20% of the profit threshhold. If you are going to try to run this I would highly recomend going into utilities.js and using the conversion functions to account for this in the profit calculation.

 if (profit > profitThresholdToken)

This loop repeats every 88 seconds with the current configuration.

NOTE: The abi is currently imported from the ignition deployments folder, so you have to deploy it to local chain to output it. Follow the steps below, if you have not already.

yarn hardhat node --fork FORK_URL --fork-block-number 20066221 --network hardhat
yarn hardhat ignition deploy ignition/modules/igniteFlashSwap.js --network localhost

yarn hardhat run src/utils/dualArbScan.js --network arbitrum

Found 9 pools
List of pools to scan

WBTC/WETH - Fee tier(500)
WBTC/WETH - Amount locked in USD: 49372582.82 $ - Address: 0x2f5e87c9312fa29aed5c179e456625d79015299c

WETH/USDT - Fee tier(500)
WETH/USDT - Amount locked in USD: 26470899.27 $ - Address: 0x641c00a822e8b671738d32a431a4fb6074e5c79d

WETH/ARB - Fee tier(500)
WETH/ARB - Amount locked in USD: 15298051.98 $ - Address: 0xc6f780497a95e246eb9449f5e4770916dcd6396a

WBTC/WETH - Fee tier(3000)
WBTC/WETH - Amount locked in USD: 10719887.95 $ - Address: 0x149e36e72726e0bcea5c59d40df2c43f60f5a22d

WETH/ARB - Fee tier(3000)
WETH/ARB - Amount locked in USD: 9213728.99 $ - Address: 0x92c63d0e701caae670c9415d91c474f686298f00

WBTC/USDT - Fee tier(500)
WBTC/USDT - Amount locked in USD: 3560736.68 $ - Address: 0x5969efdde3cf5c0d9a88ae51e47d721096a97203

WETH/USDT - Fee tier(3000)
WETH/USDT - Amount locked in USD: 2603095.00 $ - Address: 0xc82819f72a9e77e2c0c3a69b3196478f44303cf4

WETH/ARB - Fee tier(10000)
WETH/ARB - Amount locked in USD: 2459193.76 $ - Address: 0x92fd143a8fa0c84e016c2765648b9733b0aa519e

WBTC/USDT - Fee tier(3000)
WBTC/USDT - Amount locked in USD: 1198369.45 $ - Address: 0x53c6ca2597711ca7a73b6921faf4031eedf71339
  WBTC: {
    address: '0x2f2a2543b76a4166549f7aab2e75bef0aefc5b0f',
    decimals: '8'
  WETH: {
    address: '0x82af49447d8a07e3bd95bd0d56f35241523fbab1',
    decimals: '18'
  USDT: {
    address: '0xfd086bc7cd5c481dcc9c85ebe478a1c0b69fcbb9',
    decimals: '6'
  ARB: {
    address: '0x912ce59144191c1204e64559fe8253a0e49e6548',
    decimals: '18'
Token Info:  {
  WBTC: {
    amountIn: 16719n,
    profitThreshold: 167n,
    priceInUsd: 59811.84378093867
  WETH: {
    amountIn: 3050381186871911n,
    profitThreshold: 30503811868719n,
    priceInUsd: 3278.278807592157
  USDT: {
    amountIn: 10009675n,
    profitThreshold: 100096n,
    priceInUsd: 0.9990334034040314
  ARB: {
    amountIn: 13478363823712176128n,
    profitThreshold: 134783638237121761n,
    priceInUsd: 0.7419298166152207

Scanning 52 routes for arbitrage opportunities
 every 88 seconds

Scan run number:  1
Batch number:  1


An arbitrage bot that scans Uniswap V3 pools between a set group of tokens for price discrepencies between pairs of different fee tiers between them. The bot scans for profitable price discrepencies between different Uniswap pools and fee tiers and execute the flashswap trades if there is a profit. You only need enough ETH for gas fees to run this.







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