Introduction The Electricity Billing System is a simple command-line application written in C. It allows users to calculate electricity bills based on different rate categories and record the billing details. This system is useful for individuals or small businesses who want to manage their electricity usage and expenses efficiently.
- Calculate electricity bills based on various rate categories:
- Upto 20 Units
- 21 To 30 Units
- 31 To 50 Units
- 51 To 150 Units
- 151 To 250 Units
- 251 To 400 Units
- 400+ Units
- Save billing details to a text file for future reference.
- View previous billing records.
Installation To use the Electricity Billing System, follow these steps:
- Clone this repository to your local machine using
git clone
- Compile the source code using a C compiler (e.g., GCC).
- Run the compiled executable file.
- Run the executable file of the Electricity Billing System.
- Select the desired option from the menu:
- Calculate Bill: Choose the appropriate unit range and enter the consumed units to calculate the bill.
- Show Previous Records: View previous billing records stored in the system.
- Exit: Terminate the program.
- Follow the prompts to input necessary information and view the calculated bill.