- addrole - Add a role to a user.
- announce - Announce a message to all servers the bot is in.
- announceset - Change how announcements are sent in this guild.
- editrole - Edit role settings.
- removerole - Remove a role from a user.
- selfrole - Add or remove a selfrole from yourself.
- selfroleset - Manage selfroles.
- serverlock - Lock a bot to its current servers only.
- alias - Manage command aliases.
- assistant - Setup the assistant
- chat - Chat with SickGamingBot!
- clearconvo - Reset your conversation with the bot
- convostats - Check the token and message count of yourself or ano...
- customfunctions - Add custom function calls for Assistant to use
- embeddings - Manage embeddings for training
- query - Fetch related embeddings according to the current setting...
- showconvo - View the current transcript of a conversation
- audioset - Music configuration options.
- audiostats - Audio stats.
- autoplay - Starts auto play.
- bump - Bump a track number to the top of the queue.
- bumpplay - Force play a URL or search for a track.
- disconnect - Disconnect from the voice channel.
- eq - Equalizer management.
- genre - Pick a Spotify playlist from a list of categories to star...
- llset - Dangerous commands Manage Lavalink node configuration s...
- local - Local playback commands.
- now - Now playing.
- pause - Pause or resume a playing track.
- percent - Queue percentage.
- play - Play the specified track or search for a close match.
- playlist - Playlist configuration options.
- prev - Skip to the start of the previously played track.
- queue - List the songs in the queue.
- remove - Remove a specific track number from the queue.
- repeat - Toggle repeat.
- search - Pick a track with a search.
- seek - Seek ahead or behind on a track by seconds or to a specifi...
- shuffle - Toggle shuffle.
- sing - Make Red sing one of her songs.
- skip - Skip to the next track, or to a given track number.
- stop - Stop playback and clear the queue.
- summon - Summon the bot to a voice channel.
- volume - Set the volume, 1% - 150%.
- avatar - Returns user avatar URL.
- cleanup - Base command for deleting messages.
- cleanupset - Manage the settings for the cleanup command.
- cleverbot - Talk with cleverbot
- cleverbotset - Settings for cleverbot
- addpath - Add a path to the list of available cog paths.
- cogs - Lists all loaded and available cogs.
- installpath - Returns the current install path or sets it if one...
- paths - Lists current cog paths in order of priority.
- removepath - Removes one or more paths from the available cog pat...
- reorderpath - Reorders paths internally to allow discovery of dif...
- allowlist - Commands to manage the allowlist.
- autoimmune - Commands to manage server settings for immunity from...
- bankset - Base command for bank settings.
- blocklist - Commands to manage the blocklist.
- command - Commands to enable and disable commands and cogs.
- contact - Sends a message to the owner.
- diagnoseissues - Diagnose issues with the command checks with ease!
- dm - Sends a DM to a user.
- embedset - Commands for toggling embeds on or off.
- helpset - Commands to manage settings for the help command.
- ignore - Commands to add servers or channels to the ignore list.
- info - Shows info about SickGamingBot.
- invite - Shows SickGamingBot's invite url.
- inviteset - Commands to setup SickGamingBot's invite settings.
- leave - Leaves servers.
- licenseinfo - Get info about Red's licenses.
- load - Loads cog packages from the local paths and installed cogs.
- localallowlist - Commands to manage the server specific allowlist.
- localblocklist - Commands to manage the server specific blocklist.
- modlogset - Manage modlog settings.
- mydata - Commands which interact with the data SickGamingBot has...
- reload - Reloads cog packages.
- restart - Attempts to restart SickGamingBot.
- servers - Lists the servers SickGamingBot is currently in.
- set - Commands for changing SickGamingBot's settings.
- shutdown - Shuts down the bot.
- slash - Base command for managing what application commands are a...
- traceback - Sends to the owner the last command exception that ha...
- unignore - Commands to remove servers or channels from the ignore...
- unload - Unloads previously loaded cog packages.
- uptime - Shows SickGamingBot's uptime.
- antonym - Displays antonyms for a given word.
- define - Displays definitions of a given word.
- synonym - Displays synonyms for a given word.
- cog - Base command for cog installation management commands.
- findcog - Find which cog a command comes from.
- pipinstall - Install a group of dependencies using pip.
- repo - Base command for repository management.
- bank - Base command to manage the bank.
- economyset - Base command to manage Economy settings.
- leaderboard - Print the leaderboard.
- payday - Get some free currency.
- payouts - Show the payouts for the slot machine.
- slot - Use the slot machine.
- filter - Base command to add or remove words from the server filt...
- filterset - Base command to manage filter settings.
- 8 - Ask 8 ball a question.
- choose - Choose between multiple options.
- flip - Flip a coin... or a user.
- lmgtfy - Create a lmgtfy link.
- roll - Roll a random number.
- rps - Play Rock Paper Scissors.
- serverinfo - Show server information.
- stopwatch - Start or stop the stopwatch.
- urban - Search the Urban Dictionary.
- giveaway - Manage the giveaway system
- gif - Retrieve the first search result from Giphy.
- gifr - Retrieve a random GIF from a Giphy search.
- giphycreds - Explains how to set GIPHY API tokens.
- imgur - Retrieve pictures from Imgur.
- imgurcreds - Explain how to set imgur API tokens.
- getmemes - List memes with names that can be used
- imgflipset - Command for setting required access information for...
- meme - Create custom memes from imgflip
- lastweekly - View the last weekly embed
- lvlset - Access LevelUp setting commands
- lvltop - View the Leaderboard
- myprofile - Customize your profile colors
- pf - View your profile
- prestige - Prestige your rank!
- stars - Reward a good noodle
- startop - View the star leaderboard
- weekly - View the weekly leaderboard
- weeklyset - Access the weekly settings for levelUp
- ban - Ban a user from this server and optionally delete days of m...
- kick - Kick a user.
- massban - Mass bans user(s) from the server.
- modset - Manage server administration settings.
- names - Show previous usernames, global display names, and server...
- rename - Change a member's server nickname.
- slowmode - Changes thread's or text channel's slowmode setting.
- softban - Kick a user and delete 1 day's worth of their messages.
- tempban - Temporarily ban a user from this server.
- unban - Unban a user from this server.
- userinfo - Show information about a member.
- voiceban - Ban a user from speaking and listening in the server's...
- voicekick - Kick a member from a voice channel.
- voiceunban - Unban a user from speaking and listening in the serv...
- case - Show the specified case.
- casesfor - Display cases for the specified member.
- listcases - List cases for the specified member.
- reason - Specify a reason for a modlog case.
- activemutes - Displays active mutes on this server.
- mute - Mute users.
- mutechannel - Mute a user in the current text channel (or in the...
- muteset - Mute settings.
- unmute - Unmute users.
- unmutechannel - Unmute a user in this channel (or in the parent o...
- voicemute - Mute a user in their current voice channel.
- voiceunmute - Unmute a user in their current voice channel.
- nsfwset - Settings for the Nsfw cog.
- nsfwversion - Get the version of the installed Nsfw cog.
- rlconnect - Connect game profile with your Discord account.
- rldisconnect - Disconnect the game profile associated with
- rlset - RLStats configuration options.
- rlsports - Show Rocket League stats in extra modes playlists for...
- rlstats - Show Rocket League stats in competitive playlists for y...
- rss - RSS feed stuff.
- roletools - Commands for creating custom role settings
- runescape - Search for a user account or profile
- picarto - Check if a Picarto channel is live.
- streamalert - Manage automated stream alerts.
- streamset - Manage stream alert settings.
- twitchstream - Check if a Twitch channel is live.
- youtubestream - Check if a YouTube channel is live.
- trivia - Start trivia session on the specified category.
- triviaset - Manage Trivia settings.
- actionlist - List all configured automated actions for Warnings.
- mywarnings - List warnings for yourself.
- reasonlist - List all configured reasons for Warnings.
- unwarn - Remove a warning from a user.
- warn - Warn the user for the specified reason.
- warnaction - Manage automated actions for Warnings.
- warnings - List the warnings for the specified user.
- warningset - Manage settings for Warnings.
- warnreason - Manage warning reasons.
- welcomeset - Sets welcome module settings
- setwolframapi - Set the api-key. The key is the AppID of your app...
- wolfram - Ask Wolfram Alpha any question.
- wolframimage - Ask Wolfram Alpha any question. Returns an image.
- wolframsolve - Ask Wolfram Alpha any math question. Returns step...