- This is a Java library that can let user scan jpeg/jpg exif, report all tags, and change or remove geotag.
- This project offers App.java which can process all images in assets and a command line tool. For the instruction, please see the content below.
- Project that use this library: https://github.com/tahaafzal5/AugieGeoTag
- This library offers Jpeg which can parse jpeg/jpg and find exif raw data.
- This library offers JpegExif can scan the exif data and report to users.
- This library offers JpegOutputSet which can let user customize geotag (remove or update).
git clone https://github.com/SichengYang/Java-JPEG-Exif-GeoTag-Editor.git
javac -d bin -cp .:./lib/hamcrest-core-1.3.jar:./lib/junit-4.13.2.jar --module-path <your javafx library path> --add-modules javafx.controls */*.java */*/*.java
- Run App
java -cp bin App
- Run Tool
java -cp bin Tool <command>
- Run JUnit Test
java -cp .:bin:./lib/hamcrest-core-1.3.jar:./lib/junit-4.13.2.jar tests.<a test runner>
- Run JavaFX Progrma Editor
java -cp bin --module-path <your javafx library path> --add-modules javafx.controls Editor
command type:
-m remove for remove geotag, update for update geotag, verify for verify whether file is a jpeg, and print to print geotag (required)
-i name of input file or folder in assets folder. It could also be "." means process all images under assets (required)
-la latitude as a String (required when you select to update geotag)
-lo longitude as a String (required when you select to update geotag)
-help print help menu
Note: flag order does not matter
- remove geotag command sample:
-m remove -i <file path under assets>
- update geotag command sample:
-m update -i <file path under assets> -la <latitude> -lo <longitude>
- print geotag command sample:
-m print -i <file path under assets>
- verify jpeg command sample:
-m verify -i <file path under assets>
- print all tag command sample:
-m tag -i <file path under assets>
- print help menu:
- 100 30 20.99 N
- 100 40.99 S
- 100.88 W
- 100 30 20.99 (you can type in positive or negative to represent the direction)
- -100 -30 -20.99
- 100 40.99
- -100 -40.99
- 100.88
- -100.88
- It is licensed to Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal.
- import jpeg.*;
- Pease go to folder tests under src