Rookie training exercises for 5414 Pearadox Rookies wanting to do some programming.
- Git
- A suitable IDE/Text Editor (Visual Studio Code, IntelliJ, or your preferred)
- Java 11 JDK
- Fork this repository using GitHub.
- Clone the forked repository using Git.
- Find the exercise you want to work on, and complete it.
- To test, run
./gradlew test
to run tests on all exercises. Run./gradlew test --tests '<exercisepackage>*'
to test one specific project. To test only Java-only or Java+WPILib exercises, run./gradlew test --tests '<javaonly|robot>*'
- You can review results in the terminal, or from the generated HTML report.
- Printing: Exercise to print to a console output.
- AutoAim: Exercise to implement a simple P+arbFF loop.
- FizzBuzzConditional: Implement only the conditional for FizzBuzz.
- ConvertGameData: Implement a method that converts 2020 INFINITE RECHARGE game data into a color string.
- DriveForward: Exercise to drive a TimedRobot forward based on a Joystick button input.
- JoystickDrive: Exercise to drive a Command-based robot using the arcadeDrive control scheme.
- DriveAuton: Exercise to drive a Command-based robot off the initiation line in autonomous.
- FlywheelStates: Exercise to implement a state machine (flywheel) with WPILib and command-based.