- Estimate total annual Osoyoos Lake Sockeye returns to the mouth of the Columbia River and combine with adult age composition (c/o Jeff Fryer (Fisheries Scientist at CRITFC) to generate annual recruitment by smolt outmigration year. Combine the latter with juvenile production (based on in-lake pre-smolt abundance index) for annual index of smolt-to-adult survival (Osoyoos Sox Recruit & Survival.Rmd).
- A by-product of this process is the derivation of annual returns estimates of Skaha Lake Sockeye, a viable sub-stock in the Okanagan River system, translocated from the Osoyoos Lake population.
Contact - Howard.Stiff@dfo-mpo.gc.ca
Some of the data for this analysis falls under a sharing agreement and so is not stored publically on Github. Contact Howard Stiff if you require access.
See: Hyatt, K.D. and Stockwell, M.M. 2019. Chasing an Illusion? Successful Restoration of Okanagan River Sockeye Salmon in a Sea of Uncertainty. Pages 65-100 in C. C. Krueger, W. W. Taylor, and S. Youn, editors. From Catastrophe To Recovery: Stories Of Fishery Management Success. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Md.