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CholtiBank is a cutting-edge digital banking platform, revolutionizing the financial landscape in Bangladesh. Built with React, Next.js, and Redux, it offers a seamless and secure banking experience, providing a wide range of services from account management to secure transactions.

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CholtiBank - Digital Banking Platform

CholtiBank is the first digital bank in Bangladesh, revolutionizing the banking experience by providing a range of online services that were traditionally confined to physical branches. This project aims to digitize and streamline various banking processes, offering customers the convenience of accessing financial services from the comfort of their homes.


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Tech Stack πŸ› 

Tech Docs Description
ReactJS A JavaScript library for building user interfaces
Next.js A React framework for building server-rendered applications
Redux A state management library for JavaScript applications
Redux Toolkit The official, opinionated, batteries-included toolset for efficient Redux development
React ApexCharts A React wrapper for ApexCharts, a modern charting library
React Countup A lightweight React component wrapper around CountUp.js, a JavaScript library for smoothly transitioning numbers
React Hot Toast A flexible and customizable toast notification library for React applications
React Icons A collection of popular icons for React applications
React Fast Marquee A performant and customizable marquee component for React applications
Swiper A modern touch slider with hardware-accelerated transitions and native-like behavior
Tailwind CSS A utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom user interfaces
TypeScript A typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript
aos A library to animate elements as you scroll down, with smooth and beautiful animations
axios A promise-based HTTP client for the browser and Node.js
clsx A tiny utility for constructing className strings conditionally
framer-motion A production-ready motion library for React
friendly-challenge A user-friendly captcha service for your web applications
jwt-decode A library to decode JWTs (JSON Web Tokens)
next-themes A library for managing themes in Next.js applications


Role Credential
Admin phoneNumber: 01790456214 password: ********
User phoneNumber: 017904562140 password: 123456


  +-------------------+          +-------------------+
  |       User        |    1     |   PersonalInfo    |
  | id                |          | id                |
  | firstName         |          | dateOfBirth       |
  | lastName          |          | profilePicture    |
  | nationalId        |          | gender            |
  | phoneNumber       |          | nationality       |
  | password          |          | otherPhoneNumber  |
  | pin               |          | passportId        |
  | role              |          | email             |
  | isEmployee        |          | fatherName        |
  | lastLogin         |          | motherName        |
  | passwordChangedAt |          | currentAddress    |
  | pinChangeAt       |          | permanentAddress  |
  | accountStatus     |          | maritalStatus     |
  | createdAt         |          | occupation        |
  | updatedAt         |          | userId            |
  +-------------------+          +-------------------+
            |                                |
            |                                |
            |                                |
            |                                |
            |                                |
            |                                |
            |                                |
            |                                |
            |                                |
            |                                |
            v                                v
  +-------------------+          +-------------------+
  | UserFinancialInfo |          |    DeviceInfo     |
  +-------------------+          +-------------------+
  | id                |          | id                |
  | accountNumber     |          | devicesId         |
  | accountBalance    |          | devicesModel      |
  | totalDeposit      |          | devicesType       |
  | totalWithdraw     |          | devicesVendor     |
  | totalTransfer     |          | browserName       |
  | totalRecharge     |          | browserVersion    |
  | accountType       |          | engineName        |
  | currency          |          | engineVersion     |
  | interestRate      |          | osName            |
  | creditLimit       |          | osVersion         |
  | overdraftLimit    |          | cpuArchitecture   |
  | withdrawalLimit   |          | agentClient       |
  | investmentPortfolio |         | updatedAt         |
  | creditScore       |          | userId            |
  | accountOpeningDate |         +-------------------+
  | lastUpdatedDate   |
  | updatedAt         |
  |    Transaction    |
  | id                |
  | transactionId     |
  | transactionType   |
  | reference         |
  | createdAt         |
  | userId            |
  | depositId         |
  | withdrawalId      |
  | transferId        |
  | mobileRechargeId  |
  |     Transaction   |
  |       Types       |
  |   Deposit         |
  |   Withdrawal      |
  |   Transfer        |
  |   MobileRecharge |


  • πŸ”’ Highly Secure
  • 🎨 Customizable Themes
  • πŸ“± Fully Responsive
  • ✨ Beautiful Animations
  • πŸ’¬ Interactive Messages
  • πŸ“’ Real-time Notifications
  • πŸ”„ Dynamic Slides
  • πŸ“ˆ Performance Optimized
  • πŸš€ Fast Loading Times
  • πŸ“± Responsive Images
  • 🎨 Customizable Themes
  • 🌐 SEO Friendly
  • πŸ›‘οΈ CSRF Protection
  • πŸ“œ Detailed Documentation
  • πŸ”„ Version Control (Git)
  • πŸ“¦ Easy Installation🚫
  • 🚦 Error Handling

Services/Major Functionalities

  1. Open Bank Account:

    • Types: Checking, Savings accounts, Money market, non-resident account.
  2. Deposit Money:

    • From any bank
    • From Visa/Master Card
    • ATM
    • From Agent
  3. Withdraw Money:

    • From ATM
    • From Agent/Cholti Agent Account
  4. Money Transfer:

    • Cholti to Cholti
    • Cash by code
    • BKash
    • Nagad
    • Prepaid Card
    • Binimoy
  5. Mobile Recharge:

    • Grameenphone, Robi, Airtel, Banglalink, Teletalk
  6. Statements

Color Reference

Color Hex Code Preview
Primary #ff9100 Primary Color
Secondary #04185C Secondary Color
  1. Access the Live Application.

    Explore the live version of Choltibank here.


CholtiBank is a cutting-edge digital banking platform, revolutionizing the financial landscape in Bangladesh. Built with React, Next.js, and Redux, it offers a seamless and secure banking experience, providing a wide range of services from account management to secure transactions.







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