h move left
j move down
k move up
l move right
w jump by start of words (punctuation considered words)
W jump by words (spaces separate words)
e jump to end of words (punctuation considered words)
E jump to end of words (no punctuation)
b jump backward by words (punctuation considered words)
B jump backward by words (no punctuation)
0 jump to start of line (zero)
^ jump to first non-blank character of line
$ jump to end of line
- move line upwards, on the first non blank character
+ move line downwards, on the first non blank character
<enter> move line downwards, on the first non blank character
gg go to first line
G go to last line
nG go to line n
:n go to line n
10% move to 10% of the file
15| move to the 15th column
) move the cursor forward to the next sentence.
( move the cursor backward by a sentence.
{ move the cursor a paragraph backwards
} move the cursor a paragraph forwards
]] move the cursor a section forwards or to the next {
[[ move the cursor a section backwards or the previous {
CTRL-f move the cursor forward by a screen of text
CTRL-b move the cursor backward by a screen of text
CTRL-u move the cursor up by half a screen
CTRL-d move the cursor down by half a screen
H move the cursor to the top of the screen.
M move the cursor to the middle of the screen.
L move the cursor to the bottom of the screen.
fx search line forward for 'x'
Fx search line backward for 'x'
tx search line forward before 'x'
Tx search line backward before 'x'
; go to next f/t search result
, go to previous f/t search result
:marks list all the current marks
ma make a bookmark named a at the current cursor position
`a go to position of bookmark a
'a go to the line with bookmark a
`. go to the line that you last edited
[' jump to previous bookmark
]' jump to the next bookmark
'< jump to the beginning of the last visible mode selection area
'> jump to the end of the last visible mode selection area
i enter insert mode at cursor
I enter insert mode at the beginning of the line
a enter insert mode after the cursor
A enter insert mode at the end of the line
o insert a new line below current line and enter insert mode
O insert a new line above current line and enter insert mode
gi enter inset mode at last insert.
<ESC> / CTRL-[ exit insert mode
CTRL-W delete words backwards
CTRL-O temporarily exits insert mode, executes a single command and returns to insert mode
CTRL-\ CTRL-O Temporarily exits insert mode (cursor hold), executes a single command and returns to insert mode
CTRL-R 0 inserts the contents of the register (internal 0 clipboard), and can be followed by the register name after CTRL-R
CTRL-R " Insert anonymous register contents, equivalent to p-paste in insert mode
CTRL-R = insert expression evaluates result, equal sign followed by expression
CTRL-R : Insert last command line command
CTRL-R / insert the keyword of the last search
CTRL-F auto indent
CTRL-U deletes all characters in the current line
CTRL-V {char} inserts a non-numeric literal
CTRL-V {number} inserts ascii/unicode characters represented by three numbers
CTRL-V 065 inserts decimal ascii characters (two numbers) 065 ie A characters
CTRL-V x41 insert hexadecimal ascii character (three digits) x41 ie A character
CTRL-V o101 Insert octal ascii character (three digits) o101 ie A character
CTRL-V u1234 insert hexadecimal unicode characters (four digits)
CTRL-V U12345678 Insert hexadecimal unicode characters (eight digits)
CTRL-K {ch1} {ch2} Insert digraph (see: h digraph), quickly input Japanese or symbols, etc.
r replace a single character (does not use insert mode)
R enter Insert mode, replacing characters rather than inserting
J join line below to the current one
cc change (replace) an entire line
cw change (replace) to the end of word
c$ change (replace) to the end of line
s delete character at cursor and substitute text
S delete line at cursor and substitute text (same as cc)
xp transpose two letters (delete and paste, technically)
u undo
CTRL-r redo
. repeat last command
~ switch case
g~iw switch case of current word
gUiw make current word uppercase
guiw make current word lowercase
gU$ make uppercase until end of line
gu$ make lowercase until end of line
>> indent line one column to right
<< indent line one column to left
== auto-indent current line
ddp swap current line with next
ddkp swap current line with previous
:%retab fix spaces / tabs issues in whole file
:r [name] insert the file [name] below the cursor.
:r !{cmd} execute {cmd} and insert its standard output below the cursor.
CTRL-a increment number
CTRL-x decrement number
x delete current character
X delete previous character
dw delete the current word
dd delete (cut) a line
D delete from cursor to end of line
:[range]d delete [range] lines
yiw yank word
yy yank (copy) a line
2yy yank 2 lines
y$ yank to end of line
p put (paste) the clipboard after cursor/current line
P put (paste) before cursor/current line
v0 select from cursor to beginning of line
v$ select from cursor to beginning of line
viw select word
gv reselect last selection
:set paste avoid unexpected effects in pasting
:registers display the contents of all registers
"xyw yank word into register x
"xyy yank line into register x
:[range]y x yank [range] lines into register x
"xp put the text from register x after the cursor
"xP put the text from register x before the cursor
"xgp just like "p", but leave the cursor just after the new text
"xgP just like "P", but leave the cursor just after the new text
:[line]put x put the text from register x after [line]
qa start recording macro 'a'
q end recording macro
@a replay macro 'a'
@: replay last command
@@ replay last macro
v start visual mode, mark lines, then do command (such as y-yank)
V start linewise visual mode
o move to other end of marked area
U upper case of marked area
CTRL-v start visual block mode
O move to other corner of block
aw mark a word
ab a () block (with braces)
ab a {} block (with brackets)
ib inner () block
ib inner {} block
Esc exit visual mode
> increase indentation
< decrease indentation
c change (replace) marked text
y yank (copy) marked text
d delete marked text
x delete marked text
~ switch case
o jump to the other end of highlighted text
O jump to the other end of highlighted line(s)
u highlighted area converted to lowercase
U highlighted area converted to uppercase
g CTRL-g display statistics of highlighted area
:set spell enable spellchecking
:set nospell disable spellchecking
]s next misspelled word
[s previous misspelled word
zg add word to wordlist
zug undo last add word
z= suggest word
:q quit Vim. This fails when changes have been made.
:q! quit without writing.
:cq quit always, without writing.
:wq write the current file and exit.
:wq! write the current file and exit always.
:wq {file} write to {file}. Exit if not editing the last
:wq! {file} write to {file} and exit always.
:[range]wq[!] same as above, but only write the lines in [range].
ZZ write current file, if modified, and exit.
ZQ quit current file and exit (same as ":q!").
/pattern search for pattern
?pattern search backward for pattern
n repeat search in same direction
N repeat search in opposite direction
* Search forward, word under cursor
# Search backward, word under cursor
:s/old/new/g replace all old with new on current line
:%s/old/new/g replace all old with new throughout file
:%s/old/new/gc replace all old with new throughout file with confirmations
:10,20s/old/new/g replace all old with new in lines 10 to 20
:e filename edit a file in a new buffer
:tabe filename edit a file in a new tab (Vim7, gVim)
:ls list all buffers
:bn go to next buffer
:bp go to previous buffer
:bd delete a buffer (close a file)
:b1 show buffer 1
:b vimrc show buffer whose filename begins with "vimrc"
:sp <filename> split open <filename>
:vsp <filename> vsplit open <filename>
CTRL-w s horizontally split windows
CTRL-w v vertically split windows
CTRL-w w jump to next window
CTRL-w W jump to previous window
CTRL-w p jump to last visited window
CTRL-w q quit a window
CTRL-w x swap windows
CTRL-w h left window
CTRL-w j down window
CTRL-w k up window
CTRL-w l right window
CTRL-w + increase lineheight of current window
CTRL-w - reduce lineheight of current window
CTRL-w > increase column width of current window
CTRL-w < reduce column width of current window
CTRL-w = make all windows the same width and height
CTRL-w o close other windows
CTRL-w c close current window
CTRL-w H moves the current window to the far left
CTRL-w J moves the current window to the bottom
CTRL-w K moves the current window to the top
CTRL-w L moves the current window to the far right
CTRL-w x swap window
CTRL-w f opens a file named file name under the cursor in a new window
CTRL-w gf opens a file named file name under the cursor in a new tab
CTRL-w R rotate window
CTRL-w T move the current window to a new tab
CTRL-w P jumps to the preview window
CTRL-w z closes the preview window
CTRL-w _ maximize current window horizontally
CTRL-w | maximize current window vertically
% show matching brace, bracket, or parenthese
gf edit the file whose name is under or after the cursor
gd when the cursor is on a local variable or function, jump to its declaration
'' return to the line where the cursor was before the latest jump
gi return to insert mode where you inserted text the last time
CTRL-o move to previous position you were at
CTRL-i move to more recent position you were at
:!ls runs the external command ls and waits for a return
:r !ls captures the output of the external command ls and inserts it into the cursor
:w !sudo tee % sudo save the current file later
:call system('ls') calls the ls command, but does not display the returned content
:!start notepad start notepad under Windows, you can add silent at the front
:sil !start cmd open cmd in current directory under Windows
:%!prog run text filter, such as json format: %!python -m json.tool
:set ignorecase sets whether the search ignores case
:set spell enable spell check
:set nospell disable spell check
:set hlsearch enable search highlighting
:syntax on enable syntax highlighting
:syntax off disable syntax highlighting
:set nowrap disable linewrapping
:set number enable line numbering
:set relativenumber enable relative line numbering
:set all list all options
:set nohl clear search highlighting
CTRL-X CTRL-F file path completion in insert mode
CTRL-X CTRL-O inserts under Omnifunc completion
CTRL-X CTRL-N keyword completion in insert mode
CTRL-X CTRL-E scrolls up in insert mode
CTRL-X CTRL-Y scroll down in insert mode
CTRL-E scrolls up
CTRL-Y scrolls down
CTRL-G shows the name of the file being edited, as well as the size and location information
g CTRL-G shows the size of the file: size, number of characters, number of words and number of lines, also available in visual mode
Zz adjust the line of the cursor to the center of the screen
Zt adjust the line where the cursor is located to the top of the screen
Zb adjust the line where the cursor is to the bottom of the screen
Ga displays the ascii code or unicode code of the character under the cursor
G8 shows the UTF-8 encoded endian of the character under the cursor
Gi back to the last place to insert and switch to insert mode
K query the help of the word under the cursor
ZZ save the file (if any) and close window
ZQ does not save the file and close window
:.!date insert time and date in the current window
]c next difference
[c previous difference
do diff obtain
dp diff put
zo open folded text
zc close folded text
:diffupdate re-scan the files for differences