Minor Changes
Support Remix Hot Module Replacement (HMR) and Hot Data Revalidation (HDR). (#1187) by @frandiox
Start using it with the following changes to your project:
Upgrade to the latest Hydrogen version and Remix 1.19.1.
Enable the v2 dev server in
// ... future: { + v2_dev: true, v2_meta: true, v2_headers: true, // ... }
- Add Remix'
<LiveReload />
component if you don't have it to yourroot.jsx
import { Outlet, Scripts, + LiveReload, ScrollRestoration, } from '@remix-run/react'; // ... export default function App() { // ... return ( <html> <head> {/* ... */} </head> <body> <Outlet /> <ScrollRestoration /> <Scripts /> + <LiveReload /> </body> </html> ); } export function ErrorBoundary() { // ... return ( <html> <head> {/* ... */} </head> <body> Error! <Scripts /> + <LiveReload /> </body> </html> ); }
Patch Changes
Avoid development server crash on unhandled promise rejection. (#1244) by @frandiox
Fix build command when
directory is missing. (#1224) by @frandiox -
Use nonce from CSP header in MiniOxygen's auto-reload script. (#1251) by @frandiox
Add default exported route to enable the error to be caught in the root.tsx ErrorBoundary (#1215) by @josh-sanger
Improve error handling when failing to get remote environment variables. (#1225) by @frandiox
Fix GraphQL Codegen throwing error related to Git on Windows. (#1253) by @frandiox
Add shouldRevalidate export to limit root loaders revalidation on mutations only (#1237) by @juanpprieto
Removed quantityAvailable field from skeleton PDP graphql query so that it works with default Storefront API permissions. (#1236) by @abecciu
Updated dependencies [
]:- @shopify/hydrogen-react@2023.7.2