Welcome to my personal portfolio! This repository showcases my projects, skills, and accomplishments as a Computer Scientist and Entrepreneur.
Greetings and "Hello World!" I'm Michael, a passionate developer, designer, and entrepreneur with a focus on webapp and app development, UI/UX design and data analysis. My goal is to create impactful and solutions through technology and design. Here, you'll find a collection of my work and experiences that reflect my journey.
- Description: A prototype designed to automate Purchase Order Workflows for FortisBC, enhancing operational efficiency and reducing manual processing.
- Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, PostgreSQL, Spring Boot, Render.
- Highlights:
- Collaborated with the development team as Scrum Master to lead requirements engineering and gathering.
- Designed, developed, and configured the prototype.
- Integrated a seamless workflow automation system to streamline purchase order management.
- Hosted the application on Render for accessible deployment and testing.
- GitHub Repository
- Description: A web application for managing student information, including functionalities to store, update, and delete records.
- Technologies: Docker, Spring Boot, PostgreSQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, Render.
- Highlights:
- Developed and designed the system to ensure robust data management.
- Deployed the application using Docker for containerization and Render for hosting.
- Leveraged PostgreSQL for efficient database handling and streamlined CRUD operations.
- Focused on user-friendly front-end design for seamless interaction.
You can explore more projects in my repository list. Each project includes detailed documentation, setup instructions, and a showcase of its features.
Here are some of the skills I've honed over time:
Programming Languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, C, C++
- Frameworks/Libraries: Spring Boot, Figma
- Tools: Git, Docker, Render, Version Control, LeetCode
- Databases: PostgreSQL
- Other: Data Structures, Algorithms, Frontend Development, Backend Development, Agile Development, Scrum, High Proficiency in English and Farsi
I'm always open to new opportunities and collaborations! Feel free to reach out:
- SFU Email: mmeraj@sfu.ca
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shokrollahmichaelmeraj/