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828 lines (672 loc) · 33 KB

File metadata and controls

828 lines (672 loc) · 33 KB


Developer log, scratch pad and todo list for shinstrap.


  • Proof

    • Fix documentation for "container" paths.
    • I should probably clean up my language between "display [item]", "listing" and "entry".
    • ? add new lines to <code> samples to lessen need for scrollbars?
  • Fix or rollback notes as <details>

  • Fix the default color issue from docstrap in the lumen theme

  • I'm really feeling the need for a manifest to deal with various link up issues with github :(.

  • Again I have an issue with being able to link an image for reference both in github and in the docs. For the moment I'm going to cheat, but this ought to be solvable. The problem is I can't use <base> because of shims. Apparently I can't do direct links either, at least for images, again because of shims. I could do some sort of processing, of course, on the docs/ to fix/alter its links.

    So one possible alternate solution is to try moving my file into my docs/ directory. Supposedly github will read and present it from there.

  • Review docstrap's toc building code

  • Add an svg badge builder? And some mechanism to tie its use into the template's custom output facilities.

  • I'm torn, because jsdoc generation to docs/ and serving them via github pages seems to work well enough, but there is also wicked which writes straight to github wiki "format". I haven't played with github wikis yet, because they weren't necessary, but when I do, I may find having this sort of functionality in shinstrap (or shinzen) would be good and wise :).

Issues/Futures, the Dev Edition

  • [Meta]: The link to in the is broken because I haven't figured out how to reconcile its url with the url it will present when served via github pages on the site. I had hoped to use a base tag, but unfortunately, github inserts extra junk into relpaths on github rendered markdown. Which is sad.

  • template-helpers. Never bothered to finish implementing them. Would be useful for documenting itemMarshalling in (Now Removed) I removed @templateHelper a while ago, but effectively this is a group aggregator tag. Easy enough to implement at its core.

  • Add some gists for popular tag scenarios like grunt tasks, express routes/web api/REST routes...

  • extend @honors to have a "valid if" or "requires" column. E.g. titleWrapperAttributes are only valid (well, only used) if titleWrapper exists and suppressTitle is not true. Could also define a precedence column of sorts.

  • [shinzen]: I didn't do this for shinstrap but possibly for shinzen I think I will simplify the tag descriptors by using an interpolated wrapper, rather than wrapper, wrapperAttributes, outerWrapper, outermostWrapper, wrapperBusterBusterBuster... etc.

      `<h5 class="jsdoc-notes-title">Notes</h5><div class="jsdoc-notes">${data}</div>`

    So I'll end up with find, validate, render, defer, usePartial, usePerItemPartial, perItemMapPartial... Might want to separate the data out to allow for specific marshalling I guess. Could still have alternateHandler just wouldn't need it for KV. The marshaller would be able to handle usePartialOnField cases. 'course it would only work on ES2015+. Item Marshaller will have to be some sort of eval mess too. if usePartial/usePerItemPartial could be evalled, I could dump perItemMapPartial. Sounds nice.

  • Transitions for collapsible. Just a throw out example, anyway, but it ought to have a transition. Something like.. fieldset.jsdoc-redirect { transition: 5s height ease-in-out; overflow: hidden; } fieldset.jsdoc-redirect[data-hide="true"] { height: 0; } fieldset.jsdoc-redirect[data-hide="false"] { height: 100%; } Alternatively, I could follow bootstrap's pattern for collaspible, which is probably the correct answer for shinstrap being.. uh.. bootstrap based... right?

  • the default template coloring that I'm using is a bit fubar.

    • related, I should probably look at fixing docstrap's themer
  • types handling kinda sucks. Specifically I mean the shoe horned testing of data.types.names. If this wasn't literally the only place I'd seen this, I'd be more certain that it should be resolved in a more generalized fashion. It is not quite appropriate for a recursive resolution. This is indicative of a larger issue of the shoe-horned, overly specific nature of just about every aspect of this template, built as it was to conform/allow the options present, rather than architected to allow the widest variety of options possible. This is probably a shinzen target issue.


  • Added supplementalFonts support... this is getting a bit rediculous. Perhaps I should have a manifest section that lists all static files to bring over, rather than this ever growing colloection of piecemeal include lists...



#{ Reference

  • Bootstrap



In publish() they set opts.private = true for -p. Otherwise it's opts.access = "protected" for -a protected (for instance).

The access rules as written are a bit strange to me. I ought to verify them, but I'm a bit busy. As written the rule is...

-a public : Only display doclets tagged as "public" (but not protected, private or undefined)

-a protected : Only display doclets tagged as "protected" (but not private, public or undefined... weird, right?)

-a private : Only display doclets tagged as "private" (but not public, protected or undefined)

-a undefined : Only display doclets which are not tagged.

-p or -a all : Render everything.


When setting up I tried to simply set template to "./template", but ran into an odd require bug with not being able to get jsdoc/fs. I didn't work out exactly why, but rather circumvented the issue by symlinking node_modules/@shizen/shinzen to the project root and setting opts.template to "node_modules/@shizen/shinzen/template".


"customizeOutput": {
  "container" : {
    "article" : {
      "overview": {		// Module with modules, Class or every other case...
        "all" : [ "description", "notes", "design", "*" ],
        "tags" : {
          "notes": {
            "titleWrapper": "h5",
            "titleWrapperAttributes": "class='jsdoc-notes-title subsection-title'",
            "wrapper": "div",
            "wrapperAttributes" : "class=jsdoc-notes-body"
          "design": {
            "titleWrapper": "h5",
            "titleWrapperAttributes": "class='jsdoc-design-title subsection-title'",
            "wrapper": "div",
            "wrapperAttributes" : "class=jsdoc-design-body"
  "method": {
    "all": [ "description", "remarks", "*", "futures" ],
    "tags": {
      "remarks": {
        "titleWrapper": "h5",
        "titleWrapperAttributes": "class='jsdoc-remarks-title capitalize-title'",
        "wrapper": "div",
        "wrapperAttributes" : "class=jsdoc-remarks-body"
      "futures": {
        "titleWrapper": "dt",
        "titleCaption": "Futures:",
        "titleWrapperAttributes": "class='jsdoc-futures-title capitalize-title'",
        "alternateHandler": "asDefinition.tmpl"
  "details": {
    "all": [ "*" ]

Old static code

Mostly stripped, but can be seen in v0.0.1-alpha.7.

<?js if (data && data.changelog) { ?>
<h5>Change Log</h5>
<div class="changelog">
    <?js= data.changelog ?>
<?js } ?>

scratch pad for sanity & time saving vis a vis git ;)


{ "test1": { "title": "Tutorial One", "children": [ "child1", "child2" ] }, "test2": { "title": "Tutorial Two" } }



(?:[\w.]+)\s*=\sarrangement.tags.(\w+)\s|| (\s)(?!["])(\w+)(?!["'\w\s.=-]) '(\w+)'


                <?js } else if (doc.kind === 'class') { ?>
                    <?js // This is basically a root level defer. I *could* put in something for this at the "renderDoclet" level, but it feels unnecessary. ?>
                    <?js= self.partial('method.tmpl', doc) ?>


                    <?js if (doc.description) { ?>
                        <div class="description"><?js= doc.description ?></div>
                    <?js } ?>

                    <?js doc.modules.forEach(function(module) { ?>
                        <?js= self.partial('method.tmpl', module) ?>
                    <?js }) ?>


                        // Add in `tmpl` specific defaults 
                        arrangement.tags.description = arrangement.tags.description || {
                            suppressTitle: true,
                            wrapper: "div",
                            wrapperAttributes: "class=description"

                        arrangement.tags.details = arrangement.tags.details || {
                            defer: "details.tmpl",

                        arrangement.tags.examples = arrangement.tags.examples || {
                            titleWrapper: "h3",
                            titleContextPluralize: { singular: "Example", plural: "Examples" },
                            usePartial: "examples.tmpl"


					// Add in `tmpl` specific defaults
                    arrangement.tags.augments = arrangement.tags.augments || {
                        titleWrapper: "h3",
                        titleCaption: "Extends",
                        titleWrapperAttributes: "class=subsection-title",
                        outerWrapper: "ul",
                        wrapper: "li",
                        itemMarshalling: [ [ "linkto", "", "" ] ]
                    arrangement.tags.requires = arrangement.tags.requires || {
                        titleWrapper: "h3",
                        titleWrapperAttributes: "class=subsection-title",
                        outerWrapper: "ul",
                        wrapper: "li",
                        itemMarshalling: [ [ "linkto", "", "" ] ]
                    arrangement.tags.classes = arrangement.tags.classes || {
                        find: { 
                            kind: 'class', 
                            memberof: "_doclet.longname"                                
                        validate: "_doclet.kind !== 'globalobj'",
                        titleWrapper: "h3",
                        titleWrapperAttributes: "class=subsection-title",
                        usePartial: "partial.linkedSummary.tmpl"
                    arrangement.tags.mixins = arrangement.tags.mixins || {
                        find: {     
                            kind: 'mixin', 
                            memberof: "_doclet.longname"    
                        validate: "_doclet.kind !== 'globalobj'",
                        titleWrapper: "h3",
                        titleWrapperAttributes: "class=subsection-title",
                        usePartial: "partial.linkedSummary.tmpl"
                    arrangement.tags.namespaces = arrangement.tags.namespaces || {
                        find: {     
                            kind: 'namespace', 
                            memberof: "_doclet.longname"    
                        validate: "_doclet.kind !== 'globalobj'",
                        titleWrapper: "h3",
                        titleWrapperAttributes: "class=subsection-title",
                        usePartial: "partial.namespaceLinkedSummary.tmpl",
                    arrangement.tags.members = arrangement.tags.members || {
                        find: {     
                            kind: 'member', 
                            memberof: "_doclet.contents && _doclet.contents.title === 'Global' ? {isUndefined: true} : _doclet.longname"    
                        titleWrapper: "h3",
                        titleWrapperAttributes: "class=subsection-title",
                        usePerItemPartial: "members.tmpl",
                    arrangement.tags.methods = arrangement.tags.methods || {
                        find: {  
                            kind: 'function', 
                            memberof: "_doclet.contents && _doclet.contents.title === 'Global' ? {isUndefined: true} : _doclet.longname"    
                        titleWrapper: "h3",
                        titleWrapperAttributes: "class=subsection-title",
                        usePerItemPartial: "method.tmpl"
                    arrangement.tags.typedefs = arrangement.tags.typedefs || {
                        find: {     
                            kind: 'typedef', 
                            memberof: "_doclet.contents && _doclet.contents.title === 'Global' ? {isUndefined: true} : _doclet.longname"    
                        titleWrapper: "h3",
                        titleCaption: "Type Definitions",
                        titleWrapperAttributes: "class=subsection-title",
                        perItemMapPartial: {
                            "i.signature" : "method.tmpl",        // This is a bit ugly
                            "default": "members.tmpl"
           = || {
                        find: {     
                            kind: 'event', 
                            memberof: "_doclet.contents && _doclet.contents.title === 'Global' ? {isUndefined: true} : _doclet.longname"    
                        titleWrapper: "h3",
                        titleWrapperAttributes: "class=subsection-title",
                        usePerItemPartial: "method.tmpl",

                <?js= helpers.handleScaffolding(self, doc, arrangement, "augments", title) ?>
                <?js= helpers.handleScaffolding(self, doc, arrangement, "requires", title) ?>
                <?js= helpers.handleScaffolding(self, doc, arrangement, "classes", title) ?>
                <?js= helpers.handleScaffolding(self, doc, arrangement, "mixins", title) ?>
                <?js= helpers.handleScaffolding(self, doc, arrangement, "namespaces", title) ?>
                <?js= helpers.handleScaffolding(self, doc, arrangement, "tasks", title) ?>
                <?js= helpers.handleScaffolding(self, doc, arrangement, "members", title) ?>
                <?js= helpers.handleScaffolding(self, doc, arrangement, "methods", title) ?>
                <?js= helpers.handleScaffolding(self, doc, arrangement, "typedefs", title) ?>
                <?js= helpers.handleScaffolding(self, doc, arrangement, "events", title) ?>


                    var classes = self.find({kind: 'class', memberof: doc.longname});
                    if (doc.kind !== 'globalobj' && classes && classes.length) {
                    <?js if(doc.longname) {
                        console.log("classes! " + doc.longname); // Kind, contents (title, link, members) 
                    } ?>
                <?js } ?>


                    var mixins = self.find({kind: 'mixin', memberof: doc.longname});
                    if (doc.kind !== 'globalobj' && mixins && mixins.length) {
                    <h3 class="subsection-title">Mixins</h3>

                    <dl><?js mixins.forEach(function(m) { ?>
                        <dt><?js= self.linkto(m.longname, ?></dt>
                        <dd><?js if (m.summary) { ?><?js= m.summary ?><?js } ?></dd>
                    <?js }); ?></dl>
                    <?js if(doc.longname) {
                        console.log("mixins! " + doc.longname);
                    } ?>

                <?js } ?>


                    var namespaces = self.find({kind: 'namespace', memberof: doc.longname});
                    if (doc.kind !== 'globalobj' && namespaces && namespaces.length) {
                    <h3 class="subsection-title">Namespaces</h3>

                    <dl><?js namespaces.forEach(function(n) { ?>
                        <dt><a href="namespaces.html#<?js= n.longname ?>"><?js= self.linkto(n.longname, ?></a></dt>
                        <dd><?js if (n.summary) { ?><?js= n.summary ?><?js } ?></dd>
                    <?js }); ?></dl>

                    <?js if(doc.longname) {
                        console.log("namespaces! " + doc.longname);
                    } ?>
                <?js } ?>


                    var tasks = self.find({kind: 'task', memberof: title === 'Global' ? {isUndefined: true} : doc.longname});
                    if(tasks & tasks.length && doc.longname) {
                        console.log("tasks! " + doc.longname);

                    if (tasks && tasks.length && tasks.forEach) {
                    <h3 class="subsection-title">Tasks</h3>

                    <dl><?js tasks.forEach(function(t) { ?>
                        <?js= self.partial('method.tmpl', t) ?>
                    <?js }); ?></dl>
                    <?js if(doc.longname) {
                        console.log("tasks! " + doc.longname);
                    } ?>
                <?js } ?>


                    var members = self.find({kind: 'member', memberof: title === 'Global' ? {isUndefined: true} : doc.longname});
                    if (members && members.length && members.forEach) {
                    <h3 class="subsection-title">Members</h3>

                    <dl><?js members.forEach(function(p) { ?>
                        <?js= self.partial('members.tmpl', p) ?>
                    <?js }); ?></dl>

                    <?js if(doc.longname) {
                        console.log("members! " + doc.longname);
                    } ?>
                <?js } ?>


                    var typedefs = self.find({kind: 'typedef', memberof: title === 'Global' ? {isUndefined: true} : doc.longname});
                    if (typedefs && typedefs.length && typedefs.forEach) {
                    <h3 class="subsection-title">Type Definitions</h3>

                    <dl><?js typedefs.forEach(function(e) {
                            if (e.signature) {
                        <p>shin says nowhere!!</p>
                            <?js= self.partial('method.tmpl', e) ?>
                            <?js if(doc.longname) {
                                console.log("method/typedef! " + doc.longname);
                            } ?>
                            else {
                        <p>shin says here!</p>
                            <?js= self.partial('members.tmpl', e) ?>
                            <?js if(doc.longname) {
                                console.log("members/typedef! " + doc.longname);
                            } ?>
                        }); ?></dl>
                <?js } ?>


                    var events = self.find({kind: 'event', memberof: title === 'Global' ? {isUndefined: true} : doc.longname});
                    if (events && events.length && events.forEach) {
                    <h3 class="subsection-title">Events</h3>

                    <dl><?js events.forEach(function(e) { ?>
                        <?js= self.partial('method.tmpl', e) ?>
                    <?js }); ?></dl>
                    <?js if(doc.longname) {
                        console.log("events! " + doc.longname);
                    } ?>
                <?js } ?>


<?js= self.handleScaffolding(self, data, arrangement, "description") ?>
<?js= self.handleScaffolding(self, data, arrangement, "augments") ?>
<?js= self.handleScaffolding(self, data, arrangement, "type", undefined, kind) ?>    
<?js= self.handleScaffolding(self, data, arrangement, "this") ?>    
<?js= self.handleScaffolding(self, data, arrangement, "params") ?>
<?js= self.handleScaffolding(self, data, arrangement, "details") ?>
<?js= self.handleScaffolding(self, data, arrangement, "requires") ?>
<?js= self.handleScaffolding(self, data, arrangement, "fires") ?>
<?js= self.handleScaffolding(self, data, arrangement, "listens") ?>
<?js= self.handleScaffolding(self, data, arrangement, "listeners") ?>
<?js= self.handleScaffolding(self, data, arrangement, "exceptions") ?>
<?js= self.handleScaffolding(self, data, arrangement, "returns") ?>
<?js= self.handleScaffolding(self, data, arrangement, "examples") ?>    



<?js if (data && data.description) { ?>
    <div class="description">
        <?js= data.description ?>

    <?js console.log("Description in " + data.longname); ?>
<?js } ?>

Extends (Untested)

I don't know when this case is ever tripped :(. I'm not sure what data.alias is used for, and I don't know when data.alias.indexOf("module:") will be 0 (i.e when an alias will start with "module:"). Mmm... yeah.

<?js if(data.augments) { console.log("augments in " + data.longname); } ?>
<?js if(data.alias) { console.log("aliases in " + data.longname + " = " + data.alias); } ?>
<?js if (data.augments && data.alias && data.alias.indexOf('module:') === 0) { ?>
    <?js= self.partial('linksList.tmpl', data.augments) ?>

    <?js console.log("extends in " + data.longname); ?>
<?js } ?>


<?js if (kind === 'event' && data && data.type && data.type.names) {?>
<p>Here is the type!!</p>
    <h5>Type: <?js= self.partial('type.tmpl', data.type.names) ?></h5>
    <?js console.log("type in " + data.longname); ?>
<?js } ?>


<?js if (data['this']) { ?>
    <ul><li><?js= this.linkto(data['this'], data['this']) ?></li></ul>

    <?js console.log("this in " + data.longname); ?>
<?js } ?>

Params (oops)


<?js= this.partial('details.tmpl', data) ?>


<?js if (data.kind !== 'module' && data.requires && data.requires.length) { ?>
    <ul><?js data.requires.forEach(function(r) { ?>
        <li><?js= self.linkto(r) ?></li>
    <?js }); ?></ul>
    <?js console.log("requires! in " + data.longname); ?>
<?js } ?>


<?js if (data.fires && fires.length) { ?>
    <ul><?js fires.forEach(function(f) { ?>
        <li><?js= self.linkto(f) ?></li>
    <?js }); ?></ul>
    <?js console.log("fires in " + data.longname); ?>
<?js } ?>


<?js if (data.listens && listens.length) { ?>
<h5>Listens to Events:</h5>
<ul><?js listens.forEach(function(f) { ?>
    <li><?js= self.linkto(f) ?></li>
<?js }); ?></ul>
    <?js console.log("listens in " + data.longname); ?>
<?js } ?>


<?js if (data.listeners && listeners.length) { ?>
    <h5>Listeners of This Event:</h5>
    <ul><?js listeners.forEach(function(f) { ?>
        <li><?js= self.linkto(f) ?></li>
    <?js }); ?></ul>
    <?js console.log("listeners in " + data.longname); ?>
<?js } ?>


Note the redundent if :/

<?js if (data.exceptions && exceptions.length) { ?>
    <?js if (exceptions.length > 1) { ?><ul><?js
        exceptions.forEach(function(r) { ?>
            <li><?js= self.partial('exceptions.tmpl', r) ?></li>
        <?js });
    ?></ul><?js } else {
        exceptions.forEach(function(r) { ?>
            <?js= self.partial('exceptions.tmpl', r) ?>
        <?js });
    } ?>
    <?js console.log("exceptions in " + data.longname); ?>
<?js } ?>


<?js if (data.returns && returns.length) { ?>
    <?js if (returns.length > 1) { ?><ul><?js
        returns.forEach(function(r) { ?>
            <li><?js= self.partial('returns.tmpl', r) ?></li>
        <?js });
    ?></ul><?js } else {
        returns.forEach(function(r) { ?>
            <?js= self.partial('returns.tmpl', r) ?>
        <?js });
    } ?>
    <?js console.log("returns in " + data.longname); ?>
<?js } ?>


<?js if (data.examples && examples.length) { ?>
    <h5>Example<?js= examples.length > 1? 's':'' ?></h5>
    <?js= this.partial('examples.tmpl', examples) ?>
    <?js console.log("method:examples! " + data.longname); ?>
<?js } ?>


<?js= self.handleScaffolding(self, data, arrangement, "properties") ?>
<?js= self.handleScaffolding(self, data, arrangement, "version") ?>
<?js= self.handleScaffolding(self, data, arrangement, "since") ?>
<?js= self.handleScaffolding(self, data, arrangement, "inherits") ?>
<?js= self.handleScaffolding(self, data, arrangement, "overrides") ?>
<?js= self.handleScaffolding(self, data, arrangement, "implementations") ?>
<?js= self.handleScaffolding(self, data, arrangement, "implements") ?>
<?js= self.handleScaffolding(self, data, arrangement, "mixes") ?>
<?js= self.handleScaffolding(self, data, arrangement, "deprecated") ?>
<?js= self.handleScaffolding(self, data, arrangement, "author") ?>
<?js= self.handleScaffolding(self, data, arrangement, "copyright") ?>
<?js= self.handleScaffolding(self, data, arrangement, "license") ?>
<?js= self.handleScaffolding(self, data, arrangement, "defaultvalue") ?>
<?js= self.handleScaffolding(self, data, arrangement, "meta") ?>
<?js= self.handleScaffolding(self, data, arrangement, "tutorials") ?>
<?js= self.handleScaffolding(self, data, arrangement, "see") ?>
<?js= self.handleScaffolding(self, data, arrangement, "todo") ?>


		var properties =;
		if (properties && properties.length && properties.forEach) {

	<h5 class="subsection-title">Properties:</h5>

	<dl><?js= this.partial('properties.tmpl', properties) ?></dl>
	<?js console.log("Properties! " + data.longname); ?>
<?js } ?>


<?js if (data.version) { ?>
	<dt class="tag-version method-doc-label method-doc-details-label">Version:</dt>
	<dd class="tag-version">
		<ul class="dummy">
			<li><?js= version ?></li>
<?js } ?>


<?js if (data.since) {?>
	<dt class="tag-since method-doc-label method-doc-details-label">Since:</dt>
	<dd class="tag-since">
		<ul class="dummy">
			<li><?js= since ?></li>
<?js } ?>


<?js if (data.inherited && data.inherits) { ?>
	<dt class="inherited-from method-doc-label method-doc-details-label">Inherited From:</dt>
	<dd class="inherited-from">
		<ul class="dummy">
				<?js= this.linkto(data.inherits, this.htmlsafe(data.inherits)) ?>

	<?js console.log("Inherits! " + data.longname); ?>
<?js } ?>


<?js if (data.overrides) { ?>
	<dt class="tag-overrides">Overrides':</dt>
	<dd class="tag-overrides"><ul class="dummy"><li>
		<?js= this.linkto(data.overrides, this.htmlsafe(data.overrides)) ?>
	<?js console.log("Overrides! " + data.longname); ?>
<?js } ?>

Implementations (Not tested because link not being generated properly)

<?js if (data.implementations && data.implementations.length) { ?>
	<dt class="implementations">Implementations:</dt>
	<dd class="implementations"><ul>
		<?js data.implementations.forEach(function(impl) { ?>
			<li><?js= self.linkto(impl, self.htmlsafe(impl)) ?></li>
		<?js }); ?>
	<?js console.log("Implementations! " + data.longname); // Broken in this template for reasons unclear--link up is failing. ?>
<?js } ?>


<?js if (data.implements && data.implements.length) { ?>
	<dt class="implements">Implements:</dt>
	<dd class="implements"><ul>
		<?js data.implements.forEach(function(impl) { ?>
			<li><?js= self.linkto(impl, self.htmlsafe(impl)) ?></li>
		<?js }); ?>
<?js } ?>


<?js if (data.mixes && data.mixes.length) { ?>
		<dt class="mixes">Mixes In:</dt>

		<dd class="mixes"><ul>
		<?js data.mixes.forEach(function(a) { ?>
				<li><?js= self.linkto(a, a) ?></li>
		<?js }); ?>
		<?js console.log("Mixes! " + data.longname); ?>
<?js } ?>


<?js if (data.deprecated) { ?>
	<dt class="important tag-deprecated method-doc-label method-doc-details-label">Deprecated:</dt>
	<?js if (data.deprecated === true) { ?>
		<dd class="yes-def tag-deprecated">
			<ul class="dummy">
	<?js } else { ?>
				<ul class="dummy">
						<li><?js= data.deprecated ?></li>
	<?js } ?>
	<?js console.log("Deprecated! " + data.longname); ?>
<?js } ?>


<?js if ( && author.length) {?>
	<dt class="tag-author method-doc-label method-doc-details-label">Author:</dt>
	<dd class="tag-author">
		<ul><?js author.forEach(function(a) { ?>
			<li><?js= self.resolveAuthorLinks(a) ?></li>
			<?js }); ?></ul>
	<?js console.log("Author! " + data.longname); ?>
<?js } ?>


<?js if (data.copyright) {?>
	<dt class="tag-copyright method-doc-label method-doc-details-label">Copyright:</dt>
	<dd class="tag-copyright">
		<ul class="dummy">
			<li><?js= copyright ?></li>
	<?js console.log("copyright! " + data.longname); ?>
<?js } ?>


<?js if (data.license) {?>
	<dt class="tag-license method-doc-label method-doc-details-label">License:</dt>
	<dd class="tag-license">
		<ul class="dummy">
			<li><?js= license ?></li>
	<?js console.log("License! " + data.longname); ?>
<?js } ?>


<?js if (data.defaultvalue) {?>
	<dt class="tag-default method-doc-label method-doc-details-label">Default Value:</dt>
	<dd class="tag-default">
		<ul class="dummy">
			<li><?js= data.defaultvalue ?></li>
<?js } ?>


<?js if (data.meta && this.navOptions.outputSourceFiles) {?>
	<dt class="tag-source method-doc-label method-doc-details-label">Source:</dt>
	<dd class="tag-source">
		<ul class="dummy">
				<?js= self.linkto(meta.shortpath) ?><?js if (this.navOptions.linenums) {?>,
				<?js= self.linkto(meta.shortpath, 'line ' + meta.lineno, null, 'sunlight-1-line-' + meta.lineno) ?><?js } ?>
<?js } else if (data.meta && this.navOptions.outputSourcePath) { ?>
	<dt class="tag-source method-doc-label method-doc-details-label">Source:</dt>
	<dd class="tag-source">
		<?js= meta.shortpath ?>
<?js } ?>


<?js if (data.tutorials && tutorials.length) {?>
	<dt class="tag-tutorial method-doc-label method-doc-details-label">Tutorials:</dt>
	<dd class="tag-tutorial">
		<ul><?js tutorials.forEach(function(t) { ?>
			<li><?js= self.tutoriallink(t) ?></li>
			<?js }); ?></ul>
	<?js console.log("Tutorials! " + data.longname); ?>
<?js } ?>


<?js if (data.see && see.length) {?>
	<dt class="tag-see method-doc-label method-doc-details-label">See:</dt>
	<dd class="tag-see">
		<ul><?js see.forEach(function(s) { ?>
			<li><?js= self.linkto(s) ?></li>
			<?js }); ?></ul>
	<?js console.log("data.see: %s", data.see); ?>
	<?js console.log("see: %s", see); ?>
<?js } ?>


<?js if (data.todo && todo.length) {?>
	<dt class="tag-todo method-doc-label method-doc-details-label">To Do:</dt>
	<dd class="tag-todo">
		<ul><?js todo.forEach(function(t) { ?>
			<li><?js= t ?></li>
			<?js }); ?></ul>
<?js } ?>