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Latex Themes for Telecom Nancy

Personnal beamer and exercise theme used at Telecom Nancy.

1) Beamer theme

How to include the Beamer theme of Telecom Nancy in my project ?

Two solutions :

  1. copy beamerthemeTelecomNancy.sty in your latex project folder
  2. copy beamerthemeTelecomNancy.sty in the latex packages folder of your hoem ($HOME/.texmf-var/tex/latex/)

How to use the Beamer theme of Telecom Nancy in my latex files ?

Minimal example


Full example



	\definecolor{color1}{RGB}{100, 100, 100}%
	\definecolor{color2}{RGB}{220, 0, 0}%

Beamer theme options

Option Default value Description
toccolumns Toc pages in two columns
tocnbsections 2 Number of sections in the first toc column
addsecspace Add space between section names and section content in toc page
onlysecinheadline Show only sections in headline (no subsections)
backgroundtitlepage Background image of the first page
logo Logo in bottom left of slides
firstcolor gray Primary color
secondcolor red Secondary color

2) Exercise class

How to include the exercise class of Telecom Nancy in my project ?

Two solutions :

  1. copy the TelecomNancy.cls file in your latex project folder
  2. copy the TelecomNancy.cls on your latex packages folder (~/.texmf-var/tex/latex/)

How to use the exercise class of Telecom Nancy in my latex files ?

The TelecomNancy class provides \globalinstructions and \exercise commands.

\globalinstructions[title]{instructions...}: the title is optionnal, it is ``Global instructions'' by default.

\nextExercise[title]{instructions}: The title is optionnal and the instructions part can be empty.

\nextQuestion{question}: New question for the current exercise.

\nextInstructions{instructions}: allow to add specific instructions in the middle of an exercise.

Warning: if questions appear before instructions, use \clearpage command before the concerned \nextExercise command.

Minimal example



		\coursetitle{Title of course}
		\courselevel{Course level}


			\nextQuestion{First question of the current exercise}
			\nextQuestion{Second question of the first exercise.}

				Some specific instructions for the next questions of the current exercise.

			\nextQuestion{Last question of the first exercise.}


Full example

				   % logo=myLogo.png,
				   % footband=myFootBand.png

	\definecolor{color1}{RGB}{100, 100, 100}
	\definecolor{color2}{RGB}{220, 0, 0}


		\coursetitle{Title of course}
		\courselevel{Course level}
		\globalinstructions[Optionnal title, ``Global Instructions'' by default]
			The global instructions.

		\nextExercise[This is the first exercise]{
			You can write here instructions of the first exercise... or nothing.

			\nextQuestion{First question of the current exercise}
			\nextQuestion{Second question of the first exercise.}

				If you need to add some specific instruction for the next questions of the current exercise.

			\nextQuestion{Last question of the first exercise.}


			\nextQuestion{First question of the current exercise}
			\nextQuestion{Second question of the second exercise.}
			\nextQuestion{Last question of the second exercise.}


Class options

Option Default value Description
headheight 4.5cm Height of headings. May be adapted according to margin.
margin 2cm Left and right margins.
titlewidth 0.6 Percentage of the title box width.
sansserif Add this option to use sans serif text.
firstcolor gray Primary color.
secondcolor red Secondary color.
logo Logo in bottom left of page.
footband Foot band image in right of the logo.


Personnal beamer theme used for Telecom Nancy slides.







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