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CineCup is an online platform to entertain people and to get their honest opinion about films.

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CineCup is an online platform to entertain people and to get their honest opinion about films. We conduct several contests to identify the deserving movies for awards. Do check out our platform live at

  • This Repository only contains the frontend for CineCup. Do check the Backend.

Home page


  • To entertain people
  • To ensure that only deserving movies win the awards
  • To provide correct information about films
  • To give people a platform to express their views

Main features

  • Authentication using Facebook, Google or signup using email.
  • Reset password and email verification using mails.
  • Search among millions of movies by default search page will be showing the trending films.
  • Share movie details through social media platforms like Whatsapp, Facebook and Twitter.
  • Movies can be nominated and removed from Nominations whenever a contest is live.
  • Not just one, the site can be used to hold multiple contests and store their rankings.
  • Watch trailers and teasers of millions of movies.
  • Rate and review movie.
  • Leaderboard has a search bar which can be used to search for a movie quickly.
  • The website is fully responsive
  • Dark and Light mode toggling.
  • Announcements on the home page, new announcements can be added by admin using his dashboard
  • Email notifications will be sent to users' registered emails whenever a contest is started or ended, or the user's nominated movie is blacklisted.
  • Blacklisting a movie, make other users admin just by one click (Only be done by admin on his dashboard).

Tech Stack

  • We have used React and Redux in the frontend.
  • Firebase for most of the Backend and User Authentication.
  • Cloud Firestore as our database.
  • Firebase Cloud Storage for storing user profile pictures.
  • Custom Rest API built using Node and Express Github Repository.
  • Firebase Authentication Token for authentication with the Custom API.
  • TMDB API for fetching the information about Films.

How to Setup

git clone
cd CineCup
npm install

Then you need to have your own file for keys for that follow the steps given below

  • In src folder create a key folder and create a file key.js in that folder
  • Go to /src/key/key.js and paste the code there
  • Generate a TMDB key from
  • Use any username and password but same must be used in backend
export const TMDB_API_KEY = 'YOUR_TMDB_API_KEY';
export const API = 'http://localhost:5000';
npm start
  • This will start the server on port 3000

To get admin access contact us at or

  • Without admin access you can't blacklist or start or stop any contest
  • Login with facebook will work only in the deployed version and not on localhost, as the app is in production mode


  • You can signup by providing your name, email id and password . You can also choose your own avtar, if you do not choose your avtar then we will provide you our common avtar.
  • You have to verify your email after signup by clicking on the link sent at your email, otherwise you won't be able to login.


  • You can login with your email id and password , or with your google or facebook accounts.
  • Authentication is implemented using firebase and thus it is highly secure.

Forget Password

  • If you forget your password then you can change your password by providing your email id and we will mail you a link. You can enter your new password by clicking on the link.


  • Search page lets you search among millions of movies.
  • Nominate them if there is any live contest or share the movie details with your friends using the social media icons ,the sharing feature is added using react-share package .

Search page


  • This is user's dashboard where he can find the nominated movies for any contest and also remove them from nominations.
  • There is a review section where all the reviews and rating of movies reviewed by user are listed , user can remove or edit those reviews using a popup.

Admin Dashboard

  • This section is only accessible by users having admin access.
  • An admin can make an Announcement , Blacklist a movie , give admin access to other users or start a new contest or stop it.

Admin Dashboard Admin Dashboard


  • Leaderboard has all the movies nominated for a contest ranked according to votes .
  • Movies having same number of votes gets the same ranks.


  • This section has all the contests that were held previously.
  • Each contest has a detail page where you can get the final standings along with some party popper and special card carousal for top three rank holders.

Contest Detail

Movie Detail

  • Here you can get the movie details including description,movie runtime and the cast along with a video carousal with trailers and teasers.
  • A review section to view all the reviews of particular movie and a review card to add review and rating for the movie.
  • On clicking on a user it takes to a profile page where you can see all the reviews done by a particular user.

Movie Detail

Movie Detail


More screenshots are available in screenshots folder.


CineCup is an online platform to entertain people and to get their honest opinion about films.







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