Loggerek is App for lazy geocachers 😄
Works with opencaching api: https://opencaching.pl/okapi/
- 100% Kotlin
- Retrofit2, Signpost (for OAuth) and OkHttp
- Realm
- RxJava2
- Koin (DI)
- Material Design patterns
- No libs hardly based on
reflectionlike EventBus! - Many Android stuff like Fragments, Setting Preferences, Recyclerviews, View Pagers...
- ...and more
- quick logging using predefined comments
- normal logging with rates, recommendations etc.
- saving password to cache's note automatically
- logging events
- saving unsent logs
- saving notes to cache
If you want build this app you have to add keys, you can generate it here: https://opencaching.pl/okapi/signup.html
- opencaching key in strings.xml file
<string name="consumer_key">set_your_key</string>
<string name="consumer_secret">set_your_key</string>
- google maps key also in strings.xml file.
<string name="google_maps_key">set_your_key</string>