Using Tensorflow and the HuggingFace transformer library along with Weights and Biases to classify entailment in text, for the Kaggle competition "Contradictory, My Dear Watson".
Inspired by Kaggle user rohanrao, I use sklearn's stratified k-fold cross validation to make sure the training samples are balanced over the languages, and I added TPU support to run on cloud instances. I also use the Google Translate library to optionally translate data for transformers that were trained exclusively on English.
The model reached 29th place with on Kaggle 92.7% accuracy on the test set when fine-tuned on an XLM RoBERTAa Large transformer model that was pretrained on the XNLI entailment dataset. It was trained in 55 minutes on a single TPU in a free Kaggle instance, using the command in scripts/train_xnli
, which call on the configuration at config/config_3