Homepage | Admin Dashboard | Invoice | Doctor List |
- [✔] Sign-up for an account
- [✔] Login with no approval required
- [✔] Register, view, approve, reject and delete a doctor from the hospital
- [✔] Approve doctor(s) who applied for employment in the hospital
- [✔] Admit, view, approve, reject and discharge patients (after a treatment has occurred)
- [✔] Generate and download invoices as pdf documents. Invoices are generated according to medicines' cost, room charge, doctor charge as well as other charges
- [✔] View, book and approve medical appointments that are requested by patients.
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- [✔] Apply for employment within the hospital
- [✔] Login with approval required by the hospital administrator. Doctors can only login
- [✔] View patients' details such as medical symptoms, name and mobile number. These patients are assigned to the doctor by the admin
- [✔] View a list of discharged patients once authorised by the admin
- [✔] View all patients' appointments that booked by the admin
- [✔] Delete patients' appointments after a doctor has attended to the appointments
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- [✔] Create an account in order to be admitted in hospital. Login after approval has been granted by the hospital admin
- [✔] View the details of the doctor whom he or she is assigned to such as the specialisation, mobile number and residential address of the doctor
- [✔] View the status of booked appointments like pending and confirmed. The status is reviewed by the admin.
- [✔] Book appointments which are approved by the admin
- [✔] View and download invoices as a pdf document only when the patient is discharged by the admin
- Install Python(3.8.10)...ensure that you tick 'add to path' when installing Python
- Open terminal then, execute the following commands :
pip install django==3.0.5
pip install django-widget-tweaks
pip install xhtml2pdf
- Clone GitHub project
- Navigate to project folder using the terminal then, run the following commands :
python3 manage.py makemigrations
python3 manage.py migrate
python3 manage.py runserver
If you do not have python3 installed, run the commands with py instead of python3 e.g. py manage.py makemigrations
View the website in the browser by entering the following URL:
- In settins.py file, You have to give your email and password
EMAIL_HOST_USER = 'youremail@gmail.com'
EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = 'your email password'
EMAIL_RECEIVING_USER = 'youremail@gmail.com'
- Login to gmail through host email id in your browser and open following link and turn it ON
- Any user can be an administrator because there is no approval required for an admin account.
- The admin sign-up process can be disabled then,a logic like creating superuser can be used.
- At least one doctor should be in the hospital before a patient can be admitted. Ensure that a doctor is added first.
- Update password first on the Update page of A doctor or patient
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.
- Design ideas were adopted from sumitkumar1503's Hospital Management project.