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A Python implementation of the PV_Forecast web API. See and

*Latest Version: 0.5

New! Updated 2022-08-01 to use PV_Forecast API v4. New! Updated 2022-12-12 to add support for proxy connections and add command line arguments.

About this repository

  • This Python library provides a convenient interface for the PV_Forecast web API to facilitate accessing PV_Forecast results in Python code.
  • Developed and tested with Python 3.10, should work with Python 3.7+. Support for Python 2.7+ has been discontinued as of 2021-02-23.

About the PV_Forecast service

Sheffield Solar's PV_Forecast is a commercial service providing forecasts of half-hourly aggregated solar PV outturns across GB. You can sign up for a free trial via, but for continued access you'll need a paid subscription, for which you can email

There are currently three tiers of Sheffield Solar's PV_Forecast service: Nationally-aggregated, Regionally-aggregated by DNO License Area (a.k.a PES or GSP Group) and Regionally-aggregated by Grid Supply Point (GSP).

The national forecast includes several updates per day whereas the regional forecasts are currently only updated once a day:

  • The nationally aggregated PV forecast gives half hourly outturn estimates with regular updates:
    • 01:00, 02:00, 03:00, 04:00, 05:00, 06:00, 10:00, 13:00, 16:00, 19:00, 22:00 each day
      • Out to 72 hours
    • 07:00 each day
      • Out to 120 hours
  • The regional forecast produces a half-hourly outturn estimate by GSP or by PES (a.k.a DNO License Area or GSP Group Region) with a single daily update (though we are looking to potentially add a second daily update):
    • 07:00 each day
      • Out to 72 hours

(N.B. Times above refer to the NWP releases from our weather forecast provider, DTN, the corresponding PV forecasts are available ~1 hour later once SS have trained and run the PV_Forecast model)

All of the operational and historical forecasts are accessible via a fully documented web API, for which this repository provides a Python interface. There is a separate API and Python package for accessing PV_Live modelled outturn estimates:

Subscribing to the higher spatial resolution forecasts will also give access to the lower resolution ones i.e. subscribing to the PES-level forecasts also gives access to the national forecasts while subscribing to the GSP-level forecasts would give access to all three.

The Terms & Conditions for the service are available here.

How do I get set up?

  • Make sure you have Git installed - Download Git
  • Run pip install git+
  • You will need a User ID and API Key for Sheffield Solar's PV_Forecast service - log in to the PV_Forecast API website and go to the User Area to find yours.


There are three methods for extracting raw data from the PV_Forecast API:

Method Description Docs Link
PVForecast.latest(entity_type="pes", entity_id=0, extra_fields="", dataframe=False) Get the latest PV forecast from the API. 🔗
PVForecast.get_forecast(forecast_base_gmt=None, entity_type="pes", entity_id=0, extra_fields="", dataframe=False) Get the PV forecast for a given forecast base from the API. 🔗
PVForecast.get_forecasts(start, end, forecast_base_times=[], entity_type="pes", entity_id=0, extra_fields="", dataframe=False) Get all PV forecasts during a given time interval from the API. 🔗

These methods include the following optional parameters:

Parameter Usage
entity_type Choose between "pes" or "gsp". If querying for national data, this parameter can be set to either value (or left to it's default value) since setting entity_id to 0 will always return national data.
entity_id Set entity_id=0 (the default value) to return nationally aggregated data. If entity_type="pes", specify a pes_id to retrieve data for, else if entity_id="gsp", specify a gsp_id. For a full list of GSP and PES IDs, refer to the lookup table hosted on National Grid ESO's data portal here.
extra_fields Use this to extract additional fields from the API such as installedcapacity_mwp. For a full list of available fields, see the PV_Forecast API Docs.
dataframe Set dataframe=True and the results will be returned as a Pandas DataFrame object which is generally much easier to work with. The columns of the DataFrame will be pes_id or gsp_id, forecast_base_gmt, datetime_gmt, generation_mw, plus any extra fields specified.

Code Examples

See for more example usage.

The examples below assume you have imported the PVForecast class and created a local instance called pvf:

from datetime import datetime
import pytz

from pvforecast_api import PVForecast

pvf = PVForecast(user_id="", api_key="") # Enter your user_id and api_key here!
Example Code Example Output
Get the latest nationally aggregated GB PV outturn forecast pvf.latest() [[0, '2021-02-23T10:00:00Z', '2021-02-23T10:30:00Z', 2600.0], ..., [0, '2021-02-23T10:00:00Z', '2021-02-26T10:00:00Z', 5230.0]]
Get the latest aggregated outturn forecast for PES region 23 (Yorkshire) as a DataFrame pvf.latest(entity_id=23, dataframe=True) Screenshot of output
Get the latest aggregated outturn forecast for GSP ID 152 (INDQ1 or "Indian Queens") pvf.latest(entity_type="gsp", entity_id=152, dataframe=True) Screenshot of output
Get the nationally aggregated GB PV outturn forecast with forecast base 2021-02-23T07:00:00Z as a DataFrame pvf.get_forecast(datetime(2021, 2, 23, 7, 0, tzinfo=pytz.utc), dataframe=True)) Screenshot of output
Get all 07:00 nationally aggregated GB PV outturn forecasts between 2021-02-23T01:00:00Z and 2021-02-23T07:00:00Z, as a DataFrame pvf.get_forecasts(datetime(2021, 2, 23, 1, 0, tzinfo=pytz.utc), datetime(2021, 2, 23, 7, 0, tzinfo=pytz.utc), forecast_base_times=["07:00"], dataframe=True)) Screenshot of output

Command Line Utilities


This utility can be used to download data to a CSV file:

usage: [-h] --user_id <user_id> [--api_key <api_key>]
                     [-s "<yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS>"] [-e "<yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS>"]
                     [--entity_type <entity_type>] [--entity_id <entity_id>]
                     [-q] [-o </path/to/output/file>] [-http <http_proxy>]
                     [-https <https_proxy>]

This is a command line interface (CLI) for the PVForecast API module

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --user_id <user_id>   PVForecast user id.
  --api_key <api_key>   Your PVForecast API key. If not path passed, will
                        check environment variables for `PVForecastAPIKey` and
                        finally a config file in same directory named
  -s "<yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS>", --start "<yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS>"
                        Specify a UTC start date in 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS'
                        format (inclusive), default behaviour is to retrieve
                        the latest outturn.
  -e "<yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS>", --end "<yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS>"
                        Specify a UTC end date in 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS' format
                        (inclusive), default behaviour is to retrieve the
                        latest outturn.
  --entity_type <entity_type>
                        Specify an entity type, either 'gsp' or 'pes'. Default
                        is 'gsp'.
  --entity_id <entity_id>
                        Specify an entity ID, default is 0 (i.e. national).
  -q, --quiet           Specify to not print anything to stdout.
  -o </path/to/output/file>, --outfile </path/to/output/file>
                        Specify a CSV file to write results to.
  -http <http_proxy>, -http-proxy <http_proxy>
                        HTTP Proxy address
  -https <https_proxy>, -https-proxy <https_proxy>
                        HTTPS Proxy address

Jamie Taylor & Ethan Jones, 2022-12-10


How do I upgrade?

Sheffield Solar will endeavour to update this library in sync with the PV_Forecast API, but cannot guarantee this. If you have signed up for an account on the PV_Forecast API platform then you will be notified by email in advance of any changes to the API.

To upgrade the code:

  • Run pip install --upgrade git+

Who do I talk to?



No license is defined yet - use at your own risk.


A Python implementation of the PV_Forecast web API.






No packages published
