A bot for creating monday session instagram posts by Joshua Rylance (Publicity Officer 2024-25)
ChromeDriver is required for this. Download - https://developer.chrome.com/docs/chromedriver/downloads Check which version of chrome you have - it is important You can use other browser drivers - replace the chromedriver code with the browser driver of your choice As far as I know you can put the chromedriver files anywhere on your system. However, I put them in the same folder as the program for simplicity.
Selenium is also required. Download - https://www.selenium.dev/downloads/ Pick the java installation. These files need to be at least next to the folder you place the program files. I'm not sure about if moving these files elsewhere is safe or not so consult the selenium guides.
sh ./runJar/run.sh
cd .\runJar\
Supply the prompts with the session title and location. The short description is used for the text post generation. Time is assumed to be 6pm. Date is the next monday and is calculated internally. The text generation file is called post.txt and is placed in the same place as where you are running the jar from.
./gradlew shadowJar
This command runs teh shadowJar Task. This is replace the current jar file with the updated one. Jar file is found at app/build/libs
Uses Selenium to drive the website. Creates a session post based off the template in canva. The template has to be unlocked, other the bot will not work. The template has to be at the top of the canva page.
Known Issues:
- Occasionally the design tab will open when running the bot. I am not sure why this happens every so often. Just re run the bot and it will work.
- Occasionally the cookies will not be clicked so the bot will stop. Re run the bot and it will work. I believe this is due to the speed of the bot. Future publicity officers - you can change this if you like, but i prefer sheer speed. I apologise for the lack of commits, I created this for personal use and then thought about oh I should put this on the github, and now here we are!
You can always send me a message on discord @CrowdedFire :)