by Sharp - 1st Year of Master's in Computer Security
- Linux Environment
- C Environment with gcc compiler
Open the .tar.gz archive in CLI :
tar -xzvf chat_c2s.tar.gz
Go on the directory where the program is via CLI :
cd {your_environment}/chat_c2s/src/
Don't forget to compile the files of this program before running !
3. C Compiler :
gcc server.c handle_client.c -o server -lpthread
Run the program and start playing! : On the server side :
On the client side : You can use one of this command
telnet localhost <port>
ornc -l -p <port>
[Optionnal] If the sockets are not connected, here is the command to see if sockets are already used :
netstat -an | grep <port>
[Optionnal] It is possible to test if the program has errors by running Valgrind with these commands :
gcc -g serverChat.c handle_clientChat.c -o serverChat
valgrind --leak-check=full --track-origins=yes ./serverChat