Inspired by Gaurav Sahani's tableau project youtube video.
EDA and Visualisations of the Pokemon Dataset from kaggle.
To explore this data set and practice some EDA and visualisation skills. I will explore the data and create a streamlit app to showcase my findings.
- Complete my EDA, exploring the following areas
- Most common primary and secondary types of pokemon - DONE
- Which pokemon has the best attack defence etc for each stat - DONE
- Is there any correlation between pokemon type and stats? - IN PROGRESS
- Is there any relationship between legendary status and stats? - NOT STARTED
- Evaluate which visualisations I want in the app - IN PROGRESS
- Create functions/classes for creating my desired visualisations for the app - NOT STARTED
- Write tests for these functions/ classes - NOT STARTED
- Create the streamlit app - NOT STARTED
- Dataset:
- Gaurav's video: