This API code allows for a connection to be made between two instances of our Driver. It allows to exchange data between these two in the following manner:
"s1": 0,
"s2": 1,
"s3": 2,
"s4": 3,
"s5": 4
Where each "s+number" refers to an especific data.
- POST /1/servo => To send data to the API using a JSON containing all sensor data JSON FILE: { "s1": 0, "s2": 0, "s3": 0, "s4": 0, "s5": 0 }
- GET /1/receiver => To receive the data sent to the API previously
- POST /1/custom => To alter the order of the data values JSON FILE: { "F1": "s1", "F2": "s2", "F3": "s3", "F4": "s4", "F5": "s5" }
To access swagger documentation, access the route /api-docs, where all routes and methods are explained with detail.
To setup this API, it depends on you hosting service, so i recommend checking with your host provider, in our case, if you use heroku and hook this repo, the server should deploy without issues.