- It helps you write applications that behave consistently, run in different environments (client, server, and native), and are easy to test.
- It lets your React Components read data from a Redux store, and dispatch actions to the store to update state.
⒈ { Redux Counter,
Redux Authentication } =
🏷️{ Managing App-Wide State with Redux }
⒉ Redux ShoppingCart =
🏷️{ Redux Deep Dive }
Redux is a "State Management System" for Cross-Component or App-Wide State.
- Local State: State belongs to a single component
- listening to a User-input via useState & useReducer
- Cross-component State: State affecting multiple components
- Open/Close Modal overlay via prop drilling or "React-Context" & "Redux"
- App-wide State: State affecting the entire App
- User Authentication via prop drilling or "React-Context" & "Redux"
- User Authentication via prop drilling or "React-Context" & "Redux"
Which Concepts in Have I Covered:
- React-Context has some potential disadvantages
Complex Setup & Management:
Can lead to deeply nested JSX Providers or fat "Context Provider" ComponentsPerformance:
It's not optimized for High-Frequency State Changes - Changes that happen more frequently
- Components set up "Subscriptions" to → "Central Store" - They subscribe to the Store
- Then, Components dispatch an → "Action"
- Redux forward that action to → "Reducer Function"
- Reducer Function updates the State in → "Central Data Store"
- Subscribing Components are notified that they can → "Update the UI"
- Redux is all about having one
Central Data(State) Store
in your Application. - Install:
npm install redux react-redux
- Creating a Redux Store for React with
- Using Redux Data in React Components via
- Dispatching Actions From Inside Components via useDispatch
- Redux with Class-Based Components
- Attaching Payloads to Actions
- Working with Multiple State Properties | Counter & showCounter
- Redux Challenges in bigger Apps:
- Clashing Identifiers Name
- Unmaintainable big Redux File
- Install:
npm install @reduxjs/toolkit
- Adding State Slices using Redux-Toolkit |
: Preparing Global State - Connecting Redux-Toolkit State to the Store |
: Merging Multiple Reducers into One Reducer - Migrating Everything To Redux Toolkit | Configure counterActions to Dispatching Actions
- Working with Multiple Slices | authenticationSlice & counterSlice
- Reading & Dispatching From A New Slice | authSlice
Give it a go in real-time and give me a Star
Redux Counter & Authentication
Which Concepts in Have I Covered:
- Install:
npm install react-redux
&npm install @reduxjs/toolkit
- Creating a Redux-Store and Managing UI-Slice & Cart-Slice
- Inside the Components via useEffect()
- Using useEffect with Redux to send HTTP Request (PUT)
- Handling HTTP States & Feedback with Redux
- Inside the Action Creators
- We can write our own Action Creators to create
:- A function that delays an action until later
- An action creator function that does not return the action itself but instead another function which eventually returns the action
- Creating & Using an Action Creator Thunk | sendCartData
- Creating another Thunk for Fetching Data
- We can write our own Action Creators to create
Give it a go in real-time and give me a Star
Redux ShoppingCart
In certain situations, it might be necessary to employ a VPN
due to the utilization of Firebase.