This project implements a simple pattern matching in parallel. It was developed for the module "Message-Passing-Programmierung" at the HTWK Leipzig.
The program should decide whether there is no, one or more then one "black" rectangle in a matrix off "black" and "white" fields. If there is exactly one "black" rectangle, it also returns the coordinates of this rectangle (with zero-based indexing).
The matrix to search in is defined by a configuration file. Such a file is then passed to the program as a parameter.
An example can be seen here:
10 20
0 0 0 9 19
1 3 5 7 14
The first line contains the number of rows and columns of the matrix. Afterwards is the number of rules defined. The rules consist of five values and describe a rectangle within the matrix. The first value denotes the "color": 0 for "white", 1 for "black" and 2 for toggle. Toggle switches a "white" field to a "black" field and vice versa. The other four values describe the rectangle: the first two denote the upper left angle and the last two the lower right angle. Both are inclusive. This file can now be passed to the program via a parameter.
Example output (mpirun -np 1 ./mustererkennung -f config.txt -v
10 20
0 0 0 9 19
1 3 5 7 14
Time elapsed: 0.060933 s
Final result:
1 3 5 7 14
One black rectangle!
3 5 7 14
At the beginning the program prints the read values. Afterwards is the resulting matrix shown. "White" fields are represented by dashes and "black" fields by hashes. Then it prints the time needed for the computation. Afterwards is the result given as five values. The first value is the "big" result: 0 for no "black" rectangle, 1 for exactly one "black" rectangle and 2 for more then one "black" rectangle. If the result is 1 then the four other values denote the location of the only "black" rectangle in the matrix exactly as it would be described in a configuration file. Finally the result is shown in a more human-readable form.
-f <path> configuration file location
-h print this help message
-v print more information
The program was benchmarked with different patterns of various sizes with different numbers of processors on a network of workstations (NOW) connected via Gigabit Ethernet.
It could be shown that the parallelization is inefficient. This is because of the low transfer rate over the network compared to the time needed for calculating the results. If the time for the initial transfer isn't considered, then the speedup depends on the actual pattern of the matrix. Running the program with one processor yields the benefit, that it can stop the search immediately, whereas with multiple processors one can't abort the execution of the others.
Also notable is, that it takes more time to compute the result of a complete "black" rectangle then of a complete "white" one. This is because of the implementation of the search function. From the time when the first black rectangle is found, it has to check the boundary for every subsequent black rectangle. This isn't necessary for white fields.