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Releases: Servoy/bootstrapcomponents

Nighlty Build master

02 Feb 11:49
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Nighlty Build master Pre-release

Nightly build. Branch: master Commit: f73dca1 Package Version: 2025.3.0

Nighlty Build 2024.12

20 Jan 09:10
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Nighlty Build 2024.12 Pre-release

Nightly build. Branch: 2024.12 Commit: dd06c31 Package Version: 2024.12.1


18 Dec 08:11
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Angular updated to 18.2.12 (and other 3rd party libs)

Removed the Size and Position properties for certain components because Servoy 2024.12 will not send those anymore (that should be all CSSPosition properties)

Case list of fixes

Case Description
SVY-19625 Bootstrap tabpanel issue with disabled tab
SVY-19194 Shortcut is triggered while typing and for combobox the event does not have the element name
SVY-19675 Difference between tab panel tabs display between NG1 and Titanium
SVY-19708 Find mode does not return null results for text fields that have value list assigned
SVY-19692 Disabled property of a tab is not taken into account
SVY-19662 servoy field combobox issues
SVY-19741 Invalid date issue
SVYX-979 Month selector of the inline calendar is disabled due to a 'wrong' format
SVY-19734 Calendar popup flicker the first time it appears
SVYX-982 Bootstrap combobox is displaying unwanted tooltip
SVY-19808 Search in date fields doesn't work for listForm component
SVY-19811 Dates not visible in calendar popup with dark theme


21 Oct 12:11
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Titanium NGClient cases:

Case Description
SVY-19055 Tab Sequences behave erratically in NG2


11 Sep 08:22
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Updated to angular 18.

Case Description
SVYX-945 Inline calendar time picker throws error
SVY-19457 Typeahead dropdown not visible from a Popup Form
SVY-19434 Splitpane shows generic "pane1" and "pane2" text always


26 Jul 12:16
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Generic NGClient cases:

Case Description
SVY-19188 Disabling combobox does not work when form is within a formContainer

Titanium NGClient cases:

Case Description
SVYX-848 Select should not be editable with controller.readOnly=true
SVYX-892 Bootstrap Tabpanel missing event in onChange
SVYX-899 Entering a date manually into the calendar, ignores the min/max set and doesnt call the onDataChange function to validate it
SVYX-926 Typehead issue when NULL has a displayValue
SVY-19319 Comboboxes using COMBOBOX_SHOW_POPUP_ON_FOCUS_GAIN don't tab right
SVY-19373 Error in console when using choice groups and collapses
SVY-19388 Regression: SVY-18673 breaks Calendar field behavior (don't allow keyboard updates)


21 May 12:52
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Generic NGClient cases:

Case Description
SVY-19188 Disabling combobox does not work when form is within a formContainer

Titanium NGClient cases:

Case Description
SVY-19163 when switching forms using contained form, we do not see any forms but a blank screen
SVY-19186 Tabbing through checkbox element has strange behaviour (also needs styling change from core theme of Servoy 2024.3.3)
SVY-19157 Value is showing realvalue a UUID in dialog instead of displayvalue, on first load
SVY-19226 Can't set button text when showAs is html
SVY-19242 Combobox "misbehaving" in combination with: application.putClientProperty(UICONSTANTS.COMBOBOX_SHOW_POPUP_ON_FOCUS_GAIN, 'true')


12 Apr 12:50
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For NG1 the moment dependency is updated to 2.30.1

Titanium NGClient cases:

Case Description
SVY-18975 Displaying a form in the Form Editor different in Servoy 202206 and 202312
SVY-18985 Selected item doesn't set on Native Select component
SVYX-848 Select should not be editable with controller.readOnly=true


29 Mar 14:10
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NG1 release for upgrading moment dependency to 2.30.1 (for Servoy 2023.3.6 release)


07 Mar 12:54
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Updated to Angular 17.2

Titanium NGClient cases:

Case Description
SVY-18790 Tab sequence not working correctly
SVYX-755 TabPanel Icons and Text have no spacing
SVY-18886 Deprecated the selectTabAt of Tabpanel and Accordion
SVY-19012 tabIndex is reverted if there is any other tab model change when showing the form with the tabpanel a second time (and tabindex is changed just before for that show)
SVY-18731 Accordion comp. has no UI when no tabs are configured (designer)
SVY-18883 Bootstrap Calendar is showing off screen (when scrolled)
SVYX-766 inline Calendar > fix the header title format to show full year (also introduced options property to be able to set any options the 3rd party calendar component has)
SVYX-781 Calendar: missing keybind shortcuts in component (t=today,y=yesterday, b=beginingofmonth,e=endofmonth and numbpad +/-)
SVYX-757 Date Input/Calendar does not accept shorthand dates (only day or day and month)
SVYX-796 Calendar doesn't show Month when the format is set as MMMM yyyy
SVYX-813 Typeahead shows wrong display value