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A library for angular which provides functionality around the frontend part of authentication and authorization.


Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


Repository files navigation


Provides functionality around authentication and authorization in angular. This includes:

  • A generic JwtAuthService that can easily be extended from
  • Multiple Guards and HttpInterceptors that work right out of the box
  • Ready to work with but highly customizable components for login, reset-password etc.

Table of Contents


This package relies on the angular material library to render its components.

It also uses fontawesome-icons in some components.


The JwtAuthService provides functionality for most of the auth requirements:

  • It handles syncing authentication data from and to localstorage
  • It provides methods for login, logout, resetting the password, but also more advanced things like refreshing the current token
  • Using generics you can change the type of the auth data and token data saved in local storage

It is also used in most of the other parts of the library.

In order to use it you need to extend your own service from it and register it in your app.module.ts provider array.


Define your AuthService

import { BaseAuthData, BaseToken, JwtAuthService } from 'ngx-material-auth';

@Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' })                  // ↓ Can be customized ↓
export class CustomAuthService extends JwtAuthService<BaseAuthData, CustomRoleValues, CustomRole<CustomRoleValues>, CustomToken> {
    readonly API_LOGIN_URL: string = `${environment.apiUrl}/login`;
    readonly API_LOGOUT_URL: string = `${environment.apiUrl}/logout`;
    readonly API_REFRESH_TOKEN_URL: string = `${environment.apiUrl}/refresh-token`;
    readonly API_REQUEST_RESET_PASSWORD_URL: string = `${environment.apiUrl}/request-reset-password`;
    readonly API_CONFIRM_RESET_PASSWORD_URL: string = `${environment.apiUrl}/confirm-reset-password`;
    readonly API_VERIFY_RESET_PASSWORD_TOKEN_URL: string = `${environment.apiUrl}/verify-password-reset-token`;

        private readonly httpClient: HttpClient,
        private readonly matSnackBar: MatSnackBar,
        private readonly ngZone: NgZone
    ) {
        super(httpClient, matSnackBar, ngZone);

As you can see, you only have to override a few urls that are used in the services login/reset-password etc. methods.

You can however also customize all other parts of the JwtAuthService.

Override the injection token

Everything else is already dealt with, all parts of NgxMaterialAuth already use that service. Now you need to provide it to them by overriding the injection token. Add the following to your app.module.ts:

import { NGX_AUTH_SERVICE } from 'ngx-material-auth';
providers: [
        provide: NGX_AUTH_SERVICE,
        useExisting: CustomAuthService

That's it! Now you are ready to use all the parts NgxMaterialAuth has to offer:



 * The base class for an authentication service.
export abstract class JwtAuthService<
    AuthDataType extends BaseAuthData<TokenType, RoleValue, Role>,
    RoleValue extends string,
    Role extends BaseRole<RoleValue>,
    TokenType extends BaseToken
> {
     * The subject of the currently stored authData.
    authDataSubject: BehaviorSubject<AuthDataType | undefined>;

     * The key for the authData saved in local storage.
    readonly AUTH_DATA_KEY = 'authData';

     * The duration of the access token in milliseconds.
     * @default 3600000 // 1 hour
    readonly ACCESS_TOKEN_DURATION_IN_MS: number = HOUR_IN_MS;

     * The duration of the refresh token in milliseconds.
     * @default 8640000000 // 100 days

     * The message to display inside a snackbar when the mail for resetting a password was sent successfully.
    readonly REQUEST_RESET_PASSWORD_SNACK_BAR_MESSAGE: string = 'A Mail for changing your password is on its way';

     * The message to display inside a snackbar when password was reset successfully.
    readonly CONFIRM_RESET_PASSWORD_SNACK_BAR_MESSAGE: string = 'Password changed successfully!';

     * The default url for login requests.
    abstract readonly API_LOGIN_URL: string;

     * The default url for logout requests.
    abstract readonly API_LOGOUT_URL: string;

     * The default url for refresh token requests.
    abstract readonly API_REFRESH_TOKEN_URL: string;

     * The default url for request reset password requests.
    abstract readonly API_REQUEST_RESET_PASSWORD_URL: string;

     * The default url for confirm reset password requests.
    abstract readonly API_CONFIRM_RESET_PASSWORD_URL: string;

     * The default url for verify password reset token requests.
    abstract readonly API_VERIFY_RESET_PASSWORD_TOKEN_URL: string;

    // eslint-disable-next-line jsdoc/require-returns
     * The currently stored authData value.
     * Contains at least the token.
    get authData(): AuthDataType | undefined {
        return this.authDataSubject.value;
    // eslint-disable-next-line jsdoc/require-jsdoc
    set authData(authData: AuthDataType | undefined) {
        authData = this.transformAuthDataBeforeSetting(authData);
        localStorage.setItem(this.AUTH_DATA_KEY, JSON.stringify(authData));
        if (!authData) {

        protected readonly http: HttpClient,
        protected readonly snackbar: MatSnackBar,
        protected readonly zone: NgZone
    ) {
        const stringData = localStorage.getItem(this.AUTH_DATA_KEY);
        const authData = stringData ? JSON.parse(stringData) as AuthDataType : undefined;
        this.authDataSubject = new BehaviorSubject(authData);

     * Gets called right before auth data is set.
     * Can be used to transform some of the data.
     * DEFAULT: When the api sends roles as a list of strings instead of Role objects,
     * they are transformed to role objects with displayName and value being the string send by the api.
     * @param authData - The auth data that should be set.
     * @returns The transformed auth data or undefined.
    protected transformAuthDataBeforeSetting(authData: AuthDataType | undefined): AuthDataType | undefined {
        if (!authData) {
            return undefined;
        if (typeof authData.roles[0] === 'string') {
            authData.roles = (authData.roles as unknown as RoleValue[]).map(r => {
                return { displayName: r, value: r };
            }) as unknown as Role[];
        return authData;

     * Login a user.
     * @param loginData - The data that is sent to the server to login the user.
     * @returns A promise of the received authData.
    async login(loginData: LoginData): Promise<AuthDataType> {
        this.authData = await firstValueFrom(<AuthDataType>(this.API_LOGIN_URL, loginData));
        return this.authData;

     * Logout the current user.
    async logout(): Promise<void> {
        if (!this.authData) {
        await firstValueFrom(<void>(this.API_LOGOUT_URL, { refreshToken: this.authData.refreshToken.value }));
        this.authData = undefined;

     * Refreshes the token.
     * No data is sent to the server as the jwt in the header already contains the necessary information.
    async refreshToken(): Promise<void> {
        if (!this.authData) {
        this.authData = await firstValueFrom(
  <AuthDataType>(this.API_REFRESH_TOKEN_URL, { refreshToken: this.authData.refreshToken })

     * Requests a new password from the server.
     * Should sent a reset-link to the given email with a one time short lived (~5 minutes) token.
     * @param email - The email of the user that wants to reset his password.
    async requestResetPassword(email: string): Promise<void> {
        await firstValueFrom(<void>(this.API_REQUEST_RESET_PASSWORD_URL, { email: email })); => {

     * Confirms the reset of the password.
     * @param newPassword - The new password.
     * @param resetToken - The token from the email. Needed to authorize the password reset.
    async confirmResetPassword(newPassword: string, resetToken: string): Promise<void> {
        const body = {
            password: newPassword,
            resetToken: resetToken
        await firstValueFrom(<void>(this.API_CONFIRM_RESET_PASSWORD_URL, body)); => {

     * Checks if the given reset token is valid.
     * @param resetToken - The token from the email. Needed to authorize the password reset.
     * @returns Whether or not the given token is valid.
    async isResetTokenValid(resetToken: string): Promise<boolean> {
        return await firstValueFrom(
  <boolean>(this.API_VERIFY_RESET_PASSWORD_TOKEN_URL, { value: resetToken })

     * Checks whether or not the currently logged in user has one of the provided roles.
     * @param allowedRolesValues - All roles that are allowed to do a certain thing.
     * @returns Whether or not the user has one of the provided allowed roles.
    hasRole(allowedRolesValues: RoleValue[]): boolean {
        if (!this.authData) {
            return false;
        if (allowedRolesValues.find(rv => this.authData? => r.value).includes(rv))) {
            return true;
        return false;


Can be used either directly or be extended from if your token has additional values.

 * The minimum values for a token.
export interface BaseToken {
     * The token itself.
    value: string,
     * The timestamp at which the token becomes invalid.
     * Is needed to determine if the token needs to be refreshed.
    expirationDate: Date


Can be used either directly or be extended from if your authData has additional values.

 * The minimum values for authData.
export interface BaseAuthData<Token extends BaseToken, RoleValue extends string, Role extends BaseRole<RoleValue>> {
     * The access token used for authenticating requests.
     * Consists of the string value and the expiration date.
    accessToken: Token,
     * The refresh token used for refreshing access tokens.
     * Consists of the string value and the expiration date.
    refreshToken: Token,
     * All roles of the currently logged in user.
     * Consists of an displayName and the actual string value.
    roles: Role[],
     * The id of the currently logged in user.
    userId: string


Can be used either directly or be extended from if your roles have additional values.

 * Provides base information about a user role.
export interface BaseRole<RoleValue extends string> {
     * The name of the role which can be used to display it in the ui.
     * This is NOT used to determine if the user can access certain thing.
    displayName: string,
     * The actual string value of the role.
     * This is used to determine whether or not the user can access certain things.
    value: RoleValue

Jwt Interceptor

This can be used straight out of the box if you have registered your authService.

This interceptor automatically adds the token from your AuthService to the authorization http header of every request (If a token exists). You can (and should) provide a list of allowed domains to prohibit accidentaly sending tokens to a third party api.

It also handles the refreshing of your token if it going to run out. By default starting at 6 hours before the token expirationDate.


Add this to your app.module.ts:

import { NGX_JWT_INTERCEPTOR_ALLOWED_DOMAINS } from 'ngx-material-auth';
providers: [
        provide: HTTP_INTERCEPTORS, useClass: JwtInterceptor, multi: true
        // This is optional but highly recommended.
        provide: NGX_JWT_INTERCEPTOR_ALLOWED_DOMAINS, useValue: ['localhost:3000', '']


 * Interceptor that sets the authorization header to the current token on every request.
 * Does nothing when the user isn't logged in.
@Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' })
export class JwtInterceptor<
    AuthDataType extends BaseAuthData<TokenType, RoleValue, Role>,
    TokenType extends BaseToken,
    RoleValue extends string,
    Role extends BaseRole<RoleValue>,
    AuthServiceType extends JwtAuthService<AuthDataType, RoleValue, Role, TokenType>
> implements HttpInterceptor {

        protected readonly authService: AuthServiceType,
        protected readonly allowedDomains?: string[]
    ) {
        this.allowedDomains = this.allowedDomains?.map(ad => this.getDomainFromUrl(ad));

     * The main method used by angular to intercept any http-requests and append the jwt.
     * @param request - The http-request that was intercepted.
     * @param next - The next http-handler in angular's chain.
     * @returns An Observable that is used by angular in the intercept chain.
    intercept(request: HttpRequest<unknown>, next: HttpHandler): Observable<HttpEvent<unknown>> {
        if (this.refreshTokenExpired()) {
            this.authService.authData = undefined;
        if (!this.authService.authData?.accessToken) {
            return next.handle(request);
        if (this.requestIsToDisallowedDomain(request)) {
            return next.handle(request);
        if (this.requestDoesNotRequireToken(request)) {
            return next.handle(request);
        if (this.tokenNeedsToBeRefreshed()) {
            return from(this.refreshAndHandle(request, next));
        request = request.clone({
            setHeaders: {
                authorization: `Bearer ${this.authService.authData.accessToken.value}`
        return next.handle(request);

     * Check if the intercepted request is one of the special cases where no token is required.
     * By default these are the refresh and the logout request.
     * @param request - The http-request that was intercepted.
     * @returns Whether or not the intercepted request is one of the special cases where no token is required.
    protected requestDoesNotRequireToken(request: HttpRequest<unknown>): boolean {
        return request.url === this.authService.API_REFRESH_TOKEN_URL
            || request.url === this.authService.API_LOGOUT_URL;

     * Refreshes the token synchronous and sends the request afterwards.
     * @param request - The http-request that was intercepted.
     * @param next - The next http-handler in angular's chain.
     * @returns A promise of an unknown HttpEvent. Inside the interceptor you need to call "return from(this.refreshAndHandle(...))".
    protected async refreshAndHandle(request: HttpRequest<unknown>, next: HttpHandler): Promise<HttpEvent<unknown>> {
        await this.authService.refreshToken();
        request = request.clone({
            setHeaders: {
                authorization: `Bearer ${this.authService.authData?.accessToken.value}`
        return await lastValueFrom(next.handle(request));

     * Checks whether or not the token needs to be refreshed.
     * @returns Whether or not the token needs to be refreshed.
    protected tokenNeedsToBeRefreshed(): boolean {
        const tokenExpirationDate: Date = new Date(this.authService.authData?.accessToken.expirationDate as Date);
        const expirationInMs: number = tokenExpirationDate.getTime();
        return expirationInMs <=;

     * Checks whether or not the refresh token is expired.
     * @returns Whether or not the refresh token is expired.
    protected refreshTokenExpired(): boolean {
        const tokenExpirationDate: Date = new Date(this.authService.authData?.refreshToken.expirationDate as Date);
        const expirationInMs: number = tokenExpirationDate.getTime();
        return expirationInMs <=;

     * Checks if the request is to an allowed domain.
     * @param request - The request to check.
     * @returns Whether the request is to an allowed domain or not. Defaults to true if no allowed host names were provided.
    protected requestIsToDisallowedDomain(request: HttpRequest<unknown>): boolean {
        if (!this.allowedDomains) {
            return false;
        const domain = this.getDomainFromUrl(request.url);
        if (this.allowedDomains.includes(domain)) {
            return false;
        return true;

     * Gets a normalized domain from an url.
     * Is used for comparing the request url with the allowed domains array.
     * @param url - The url to get the domain from.
     * @returns The domain of the url.
    protected getDomainFromUrl(url: string): string {
        if (url.startsWith('https://')) {
            url = url.split('https://')[1];
        if (url.startsWith('http://')) {
            url = url.split('http://')[1];
        if (url.startsWith('www.')) {
            url = url.split('www.')[1];
        url = url.split('/')[0];
        return url;

HTTP-Error Interceptor

This can be used straight out of the box if you have registered your authService.

This interceptor catches any error that comes from http and displays it inside of an dialog.

If the error has a specific status code (eg. 401 Unauthorized) the current user is logged out.


Add this to your app.module.ts:

providers: [
        provide: HTTP_INTERCEPTORS, useClass: HttpErrorInterceptor, multi: true


 * Interceptor that does error handling for http requests.
@Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' })
export class HttpErrorInterceptor<
    AuthDataType extends BaseAuthData<TokenType, RoleValue, Role>,
    TokenType extends BaseToken,
    RoleValue extends string,
    Role extends BaseRole<RoleValue>,
    AuthServiceType extends JwtAuthService<AuthDataType, RoleValue, Role, TokenType>
> implements HttpInterceptor {

     * The route to which the user gets redirected to after he triggers an error which should log him out (eg. 401 Unauthorized).
    protected readonly ROUTE_AFTER_LOGOUT = '/';

     * The message to display when the user has no internet connection.
    protected readonly NO_INTERNET_CONNECTION_ERROR_MESSAGE = 'No Internet Connection.<br>Please try again later.';

     * The message to display when an error with CORS occurs.
    protected readonly CORS_ERROR_MESSAGE = 'CORS Error<br>Check your console for more information.';

     * All error codes for which the user should be logged out.
    protected readonly logoutStatuses: number[] = [

     * Any api urls for which the user shouldn't be logged out.
     * Eg. The login page.
    protected readonly apiUrlsWithNoLogout: string[] = [];

        protected readonly router: Router,
        protected readonly authService: AuthServiceType,
        protected readonly dialog: MatDialog
    ) { }

     * The main method used by angular to intercept any http-requests with errors.
     * Displays an error message to the user and logs him out if requested.
     * @param request - The http-request that was intercepted.
     * @param next - The next http-handler in angular's chain.
     * @returns An Observable that is used by angular in the intercept chain.
    intercept(request: HttpRequest<unknown>, next: HttpHandler): Observable<HttpEvent<unknown>> {
        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-return
        return next.handle(request).pipe(
            catchError((error: HttpErrorResponse) => {
                if (this.userShouldBeLoggedOut(error, request)) {
                    void this.authService.logout().then(() => {
                        void this.router.navigate([this.ROUTE_AFTER_LOGOUT], {});
                if (this.errorDialogShouldBeDisplayed(error, request)) {
                    const errorData: ErrorData = { name: 'HTTP-Error', message: this.getErrorDataMessage(error) };
          , { data: errorData, autoFocus: false, restoreFocus: false });
                return throwError(() => error);

     * Checks if the user should be logged out after triggering the provided error.
     * @param error - The http-error that came from the api.
     * @param request - Data about the request that caused the error.
     * @returns Whether or not the current user should be logged out.
    protected userShouldBeLoggedOut(error: HttpErrorResponse, request: HttpRequest<unknown>): boolean {
        if (this.apiUrlsWithNoLogout.find(url => url === request.url)) {
            return false;
        return !!this.logoutStatuses.find(s => s === error.status);

     * Checks if an dialog for the given error should be displayed to the user.
     * @param error - The http-error that was thrown.
     * @param request - Data about the request that caused the error.
     * @returns Whether or not an dialog should be displayed for the error.
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
    protected errorDialogShouldBeDisplayed(error: HttpErrorResponse, request: HttpRequest<unknown>): boolean {
        return true;

     * Gets the message from the HttpError.
     * Prefers the most nested one.
     * @param error - The http-error that was thrown.
     * @returns The message of the http-error.
    protected getErrorDataMessage(error: HttpErrorResponse): string {
        if (error.error != null) {
            return this.getErrorDataMessage(error.error as HttpErrorResponse);

        if (typeof error === 'string') {
            return error as string;
        if (error.message) {
            return error.message;
        if (this.isCORSError(error)) {
            if (!window.navigator.onLine) {
                return this.NO_INTERNET_CONNECTION_ERROR_MESSAGE;
            return this.CORS_ERROR_MESSAGE;
        return JSON.stringify(error);

     * Checks if the provided error has something to do with CORS.
     * @param error - The error to check.
     * @returns Whether or not the provided error has something to do with CORS.
    protected isCORSError(error: HttpErrorResponse): boolean {
        const stringifiedError = JSON.stringify(error);
        return stringifiedError === JSON.stringify({ isTrusted: true })
            || stringifiedError === JSON.stringify({ isTrusted: false });

Two Factor Interceptor


This can be used straight out of the box if you have registered your authService.

A guard that simply checks if the user is logged in or not.


Just add the guard to any route that you want to protect:

canActivate: [JwtLoggedInGuard]


 * Contains the necessary base information for an angular logged in guard.
 * Checks if the user is currently logged in.
@Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' })
export class JwtLoggedInGuard<
    AuthDataType extends BaseAuthData<TokenType, RoleValue, Role>,
    TokenType extends BaseToken,
    RoleValue extends string,
    Role extends BaseRole<RoleValue>,
    AuthServiceType extends JwtAuthService<AuthDataType, RoleValue, Role, TokenType>
> implements CanActivate {

     * When the user tries to access a route for which he doesn't have the permission and is logged out
     * he gets redirected to this route afterwards.
    protected readonly ROUTE_AFTER_LOGOUT = '/login';

     * When the user tries to access a route for which he doesn't have the permission but is NOT logged out
     * he gets redirected to this route afterwards.
    protected readonly ROUTE_AFTER_REDIRECT = '/';

        protected readonly router: Router,
        protected readonly authService: AuthServiceType
    ) { }

     * The main method used by angular to determine if a user can access a certain route.
     * @param route - The route that the user tries to access.
     * @param state - State data of the route.
     * @returns Whether or not the user can access the provided route.
    canActivate(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot): boolean {
        if (this.authService.authData == null) {
            if (this.userShouldBeLoggedOut(route, state)) {
                void this.authService.logout().then(() => {
                    void this.router.navigate([this.ROUTE_AFTER_LOGOUT], {});
            else {
                void this.router.navigate([this.ROUTE_AFTER_REDIRECT], {});
            return false;
        return true;

     * Defines whether or not the user should be logged out based on the route he tried to access.
     * @param route - The route that the user failed to access.
     * @param state - The router state.
     * @returns Whether or not the user should be logged out.
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
    protected userShouldBeLoggedOut(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot): boolean {
        return true;


This can be used straight out of the box if you have registered your authService.

This is just the inverse of the JwtLoggedInGuard.


Just add the guard to any route that you want to protect:

canActivate: [JwtNotLoggedInGuard]


 * Checks if the user is currently NOT logged in.
 * This can be useful if you want to disable already logged in user to access the login page etc.
@Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' })
export class JwtNotLoggedInGuard<
    AuthDataType extends BaseAuthData<TokenType, RoleValue, Role>,
    RoleValue extends string,
    Role extends BaseRole<RoleValue>,
    TokenType extends BaseToken,
    AuthServiceType extends JwtAuthService<AuthDataType, RoleValue, Role, TokenType>
> implements CanActivate {

     * When the user tries to access a route for which he doesn't have the permission and is logged out
     * he gets redirected to this route afterwards.
    protected readonly ROUTE_AFTER_LOGOUT = '/login';

     * When the user tries to access a route for which he doesn't have the permission but is NOT logged out
     * he gets redirected to this route afterwards.
    protected readonly ROUTE_AFTER_REDIRECT = '/';

        protected readonly router: Router,
        protected readonly authService: AuthServiceType
    ) { }

     * The main method used by angular to determine if a user can access a certain route.
     * @param route - The route that the user tries to access.
     * @param state - State data of the route.
     * @returns Whether or not the user can access the provided route.
    canActivate(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot): boolean {
        if (this.authService.authData != null) {
            if (this.userShouldBeLoggedOut(route, state)) {
                void this.authService.logout().then(() => {
                    void this.router.navigate([this.ROUTE_AFTER_LOGOUT], {});
            else {
                void this.router.navigate([this.ROUTE_AFTER_REDIRECT], {});
            return false;
        return true;

     * Defines whether or not the user should be logged out based on the route he tried to access.
     * @param route - The route that the user failed to access.
     * @param state - The router state.
     * @returns Whether or not the user should be logged out.
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
    protected userShouldBeLoggedOut(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot): boolean {
        return true;


This can be used straight out of the box if you have registered your authService.

A guard that checks if the logged in user has one of the allowed roles.

Tries to get the allowed roles from the routes data object by default.


Just add the guard to any route that you want to protect:

canActivate: [JwtRoleGuard]


 * Contains the necessary base information for an angular role guard.
 * Checks if the currently logged in user has the role required for a specific route.
@Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' })
export class JwtRoleGuard<
    AuthDataType extends BaseAuthData<TokenType, RoleValue, Role>,
    TokenType extends BaseToken,
    RoleValue extends string,
    Role extends BaseRole<RoleValue>,
    AuthServiceType extends JwtAuthService<AuthDataType, RoleValue, Role, TokenType>
> implements CanActivate {

     * When the user tries to access a route for which he doesn't have the permission and is logged out
     * he gets redirected to this route afterwards.
    protected readonly ROUTE_AFTER_LOGOUT = '/login';

     * When the user tries to access a route for which he doesn't have the permission but is NOT logged out
     * he gets redirected to this route afterwards.
    protected readonly ROUTE_AFTER_REDIRECT = '/';

        protected readonly router: Router,
        protected readonly authService: AuthServiceType
    ) { }

     * The main method used by angular to determine if a user can access a certain route.
     * @param route - The route that the user tries to access.
     * @param state - State data of the route.
     * @returns Whether or not the user can access the provided route.
    canActivate(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot): boolean {
        const allowedRoles = this.getAllowedRoleValuesForRoute(route, state);
        if (!this.authService.hasRole(allowedRoles)) {
            if (this.userShouldBeLoggedOut(route, state)) {
                void this.authService.logout().then(() => {
                    void this.router.navigate([this.ROUTE_AFTER_LOGOUT], {});
            else {
                void this.router.navigate([this.ROUTE_AFTER_REDIRECT], {});
            return false;
        return true;

     * Gets all allowed roles for the provided route.
     * By default this method tries to get these from the routes data property.
     * @see
     * @param route - The route that the user tries to navigate to.
     * @param state - State data of the route.
     * @returns The allowed roles for the provided route as an array.
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
    protected getAllowedRoleValuesForRoute(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot): RoleValue[] {
        return['allowedRoles'] as RoleValue[] ?? [];

     * Defines whether or not the user should be logged out based on the route he tried to access.
     * @param route - The route that the user failed to access.
     * @param state - The router state.
     * @returns Whether or not the user should be logged out.
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
    protected userShouldBeLoggedOut(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot): boolean {
        return true;


Contains base functionality to check if a user is associated with the provided route.

Needs to be overriden.

If the accessed route already requests some data from the api which throws an Unauthorized/Forbidden Error this can also be handled by the http-error-interceptor.


Implement your BelongsToGuard

Here you only need to override the method that decides if a user belongs to a route or not.

import { JwtBelongsToGuard } from 'ngx-material-auth';

@Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' })
export class BelongsToUserGuard extends JwtBelongsToGuard<CustomAuthData, CustomToken, CustomRoleValue, CustomRole<CustomRoleValue>, CustomAuthService> {

        private readonly angularRouter: Router,
        private readonly customAuthService: CustomAuthService
    ) {
        super(angularRouter, customAuthService);

    protected getBelongsToForRoute(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot): boolean {
        // your custom logic here

Add it to your route

Just add the guard to any route that you want to protect:

canActivate: [BelongsToUserGuard]


 * Contains the necessary base information for an angular belongs to guard.
 * Checks if the user is in any way associated with the provided route.
 * This can be useful when eg. The user is allowed to display his own user-profile but not the user-profiles of others.
export abstract class JwtBelongsToGuard<
    AuthDataType extends BaseAuthData<TokenType, RoleValue, Role>,
    TokenType extends BaseToken,
    RoleValue extends string,
    Role extends BaseRole<RoleValue>,
    AuthServiceType extends JwtAuthService<AuthDataType, RoleValue, Role, TokenType>
> implements CanActivate {

     * When the user tries to access a route for which he doesn't have the permission and is logged out
     * he gets redirected to this route afterwards.
    protected readonly ROUTE_AFTER_LOGOUT = '/login';

     * When the user tries to access a route for which he doesn't have the permission but is NOT logged out
     * he gets redirected to this route afterwards.
    protected readonly ROUTE_AFTER_REDIRECT = '/';

        protected readonly router: Router,
        protected readonly authService: AuthServiceType
    ) { }

     * The main method used by angular to determine if a user can access a certain route.
     * @param route - The route that the user tries to access.
     * @param state - State data of the route.
     * @returns Whether or not the user can access the provided route.
    canActivate(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot): boolean {
        if (!this.getBelongsToForRoute(route, state)) {
            if (this.userShouldBeLoggedOut(route, state)) {
                void this.authService.logout().then(() => {
                    void this.router.navigate([this.ROUTE_AFTER_LOGOUT], {});
            else {
                void this.router.navigate([this.ROUTE_AFTER_REDIRECT], {});
            return false;
        return true;

     * Defines whether or not the user should be logged out based on the route he tried to access.
     * @param route - The route that the user failed to access.
     * @param state - The router state.
     * @returns Whether or not the user should be logged out.
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
    protected userShouldBeLoggedOut(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot): boolean {
        return true;

     * Gets all allowed roles for the provided route.
     * @param route - The route that the user tries to navigate to.
     * @param state - State data of the route.
    protected abstract getBelongsToForRoute(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot): boolean;


This can be used straight out of the box if you have registered your authService.

This component provides a simple login box which is highly customizable.

It uses the login method of your auth service.


  1. Import NgxMatAuthLoginModule
  2. Use in your html:
<!-- All configuration is optional -->
<ngx-mat-auth-login [loginTitle]="'Custom Login'"></ngx-mat-auth-login>


 * A simple login box.
    selector: 'ngx-mat-auth-login',
    templateUrl: './login.component.html',
    styleUrls: ['./login.component.scss']
export class NgxMatAuthLoginComponent<
    AuthDataType extends BaseAuthData<TokenType, RoleValue, Role>,
    TokenType extends BaseToken,
    RoleValue extends string,
    Role extends BaseRole<RoleValue>,
    AuthServiceType extends JwtAuthService<AuthDataType, RoleValue, Role, TokenType>
> implements OnInit {

     * (optional) A custom function to generate the error-message for invalid inputs.
    getValidationErrorMessage!: (model: NgModel) => string;

     * A custom title of the login box.
     * @default 'Login'
    loginTitle!: string;

     * A custom label for the email input.
     * @default 'Email'
    emailInputLabel!: string;

     * A custom label for the password input.
     * @default 'Password'
    passwordInputLabel!: string;

     * A custom label for the login button.
     * @default 'Login'
    loginButtonLabel!: string;

     * Data for the forgot password link.
     * @default {
     * displayName: 'Forgot your password?',
     * route: '/reset-password'
     * }
    forgotPasswordLinkData!: ForgotPasswordLinkData;

     * The route to which the user gets redirected after he logs in successful.
     * @default '/'
    routeAfterLogin!: string;

     * The password input by the user.
    password?: string;

     * The email input by the user.
    email?: string;

     * Whether or not the password input is hidden.
    hide: boolean = true;

        protected readonly authService: AuthServiceType,
        protected readonly defaultGetValidationErrorMessage: (model: NgModel) => string,
        protected readonly router: Router
    ) { }

    ngOnInit(): void {
        this.getValidationErrorMessage = this.getValidationErrorMessage ?? this.defaultGetValidationErrorMessage;
        this.loginTitle = this.loginTitle ?? 'Login';
        this.emailInputLabel = this.emailInputLabel ?? 'Email';
        this.passwordInputLabel = this.passwordInputLabel ?? 'Password';
        this.loginButtonLabel = this.loginButtonLabel ?? 'Login';
        // eslint-disable-next-line max-len
        this.forgotPasswordLinkData = this.forgotPasswordLinkData ?? { displayName: 'Forgot your password?', route: '/request-reset-password' };
        this.routeAfterLogin = this.routeAfterLogin ?? '/';

     * The method that gets called when the user tries to login.
    onSubmit(): void {
        if (! || !this.password) {
        this.authService.login({ email:, password: this.password })
            .then(() => {
       = undefined;
                this.password = undefined;
                void this.router.navigate([this.routeAfterLogin]);
            .catch(err => {
       = undefined;
                this.password = undefined;
                throw err;


This can be used straight out of the box if you have registered your authService.

This component provides a simple box for users to request the reset of their password.

It uses the requestResetPassword-method of your auth service.


  1. Import NgxMatAuthRequestResetPasswordModule
  2. Use in your html:
<!-- All configuration is optional -->
<ngx-mat-auth-request-reset-password [requestResetPasswordTitle]="'Custom'">


 * A simple request reset password box.
    selector: 'ngx-mat-auth-request-reset-password',
    templateUrl: './request-reset-password.component.html',
    styleUrls: ['./request-reset-password.component.scss']
export class NgxMatAuthRequestResetPasswordComponent<
    AuthDataType extends BaseAuthData<TokenType, RoleValue, Role>,
    TokenType extends BaseToken,
    RoleValue extends string,
    Role extends BaseRole<RoleValue>,
    AuthServiceType extends JwtAuthService<AuthDataType, RoleValue, Role, TokenType>
> implements OnInit {

     * (optional) A custom function to generate the error-message for invalid inputs.
    getValidationErrorMessage!: (model: NgModel) => string;

     * The title of the request reset password box.
     * @default 'Forgot Password'
    requestResetPasswordTitle!: string;

     * A custom label for the email input.
     * @default 'Email'
    emailInputLabel!: string;

     * A custom label for the send email button.
     * @default 'Send Email'
    sendEmailButtonLabel!: string;

     * A custom label for the cancel button.
     * @default 'Cancel'
    cancelButtonLabel!: string;

     * The route to navigate to after the user successfully requests the reset of his password.
     * @default '/login'
    routeAfterRequest!: string;

     * The email for the account which password should be reset.
    email?: string;

        protected readonly authService: AuthServiceType,
        protected readonly defaultGetValidationErrorMessage: (model: NgModel) => string,
        protected readonly router: Router
    ) { }

    ngOnInit(): void {
        this.requestResetPasswordTitle = this.requestResetPasswordTitle ?? 'Forgot Password';
        this.getValidationErrorMessage = this.getValidationErrorMessage ?? this.defaultGetValidationErrorMessage;
        this.emailInputLabel = this.emailInputLabel ?? 'Email';
        this.sendEmailButtonLabel = this.sendEmailButtonLabel ?? 'Send Email';
        this.cancelButtonLabel = this.cancelButtonLabel ?? 'Cancel';
        this.routeAfterRequest = this.routeAfterRequest ?? '/login';

     * Cancels the password reset.
    cancel(): void {
        void this.router.navigate([this.routeAfterRequest]);

     * Requests the reset of the password for the user with the given email.
    onSubmit(): void {
        if (! {
            .then(() => {
       = undefined;
                void this.router.navigate([this.routeAfterRequest]);
            .catch(err => {
       = undefined;
                throw err;


This can be used straight out of the box if you have registered your authService.

This component provides a simple box for users input their new password after it has been requested. This also checks if the provided reset token is correct. The reset token needs to be available from route.params['token'].

It uses the requestResetPassword-method of your auth service.


  1. Import NgxMatAuthConfirmResetPasswordModule
  2. Use in your html:
<!-- All configuration is optional -->
<ngx-mat-auth-confirm-reset-password [confirmResetPasswordTitle]="'Custom Title'">


 * The interface for the confirm reset password functionality.
 * !!!
 * Also checks if the provided reset token is valid.
 * This tries to get the reset token from theActivatedRoute.params['token'].
 * You have to make sure that your reset password link and the routing makes that possible.
 * !!!
    selector: 'ngx-mat-auth-confirm-reset-password',
    templateUrl: './confirm-reset-password.component.html',
    styleUrls: ['./confirm-reset-password.component.scss']
export class NgxMatAuthConfirmResetPasswordComponent<
    AuthDataType extends BaseAuthData<TokenType, RoleValue, Role>,
    TokenType extends BaseToken,
    RoleValue extends string,
    Role extends BaseRole<RoleValue>,
    AuthServiceType extends JwtAuthService<AuthDataType, RoleValue, Role, TokenType>
> implements OnInit {

     * (optional) A custom function to generate the error-message for invalid inputs.
    getValidationErrorMessage!: (model: NgModel) => string;

     * The title of the confirm reset password box.
     * @default 'New Password'
    confirmResetPasswordTitle!: string;

     * The label for the password input.
     * @default 'Password'
    passwordInputLabel!: string;

     * The label for the confirm password input.
     * @default 'Confirm Password'
    confirmPasswordInputLabel!: string;

     * The label for the change password button.
     * @default 'Change Password'
    changePasswordButtonLabel!: string;

     * A custom label for the cancel button.
     * @default 'Cancel'
    cancelButtonLabel!: string;

     * The route to which the user gets redirected when he clicks on the cancel button.
     * @default routeAfterReset
    routeForCancel!: string;

     * The route to which the user gets redirected after the password has been changed successfully.
     * @default '/login'
    routeAfterReset!: string;

     * The route to which the user gets redirected if the reset token is not correct.
     * @default '/'
    routeIfResetTokenInvalid!: string;

     * The error data to display in an dialog when the provided reset token doesn't exist or is invalid.
     * @default
     * name: 'Error',
     * message: '<p>The provided link is no longer active.</p><p>Please check if the url is correct or request a new link.</p>'
    invalidResetTokenErrorData!: ErrorData;

     * The password input by the user.
    password?: string;

     * The confirm password input by the user.
    confirmPassword?: string;

     * Whether or not the password input is hidden.
    hide: boolean = true;

     * Whether or not the confirm password input is hidden.
    hideConfirm: boolean = true;

    private resetToken?: string;

    private readonly defaultInvalidResetTokenErrorData: ErrorData = {
        name: 'Error',
        message: '<p>The provided link is no longer active.</p><p>Please check if the url is correct or request a new link.</p>'

        protected readonly authService: AuthServiceType,
        protected readonly defaultGetValidationErrorMessage: (model: NgModel) => string,
        protected readonly router: Router,
        protected readonly route: ActivatedRoute,
        protected readonly zone: NgZone,
        protected readonly dialog: MatDialog
    ) { }

    async ngOnInit(): Promise<void> {
        this.resetToken = (await firstValueFrom(this.route.params))['token'] as string | undefined;
        if (
            || !(await this.authService.isResetTokenValid(this.resetToken))
        ) {
            await this.router.navigate([this.routeIfResetTokenInvalid]);
   => {
                    { data: this.invalidResetTokenErrorData, autoFocus: false, restoreFocus: false }

    private initDefaultValues(): void {
        this.getValidationErrorMessage = this.getValidationErrorMessage ?? this.defaultGetValidationErrorMessage;
        this.confirmResetPasswordTitle = this.confirmResetPasswordTitle ?? 'New Password';
        this.passwordInputLabel = this.passwordInputLabel ?? 'Password';
        this.confirmPasswordInputLabel = this.confirmPasswordInputLabel ?? 'Confirm Password';
        this.changePasswordButtonLabel = this.changePasswordButtonLabel ?? 'Change Password';
        this.cancelButtonLabel = this.cancelButtonLabel ?? 'Cancel';
        this.routeAfterReset = this.routeAfterReset ?? '/login';
        this.routeIfResetTokenInvalid = this.routeIfResetTokenInvalid ?? '/';
        this.routeForCancel = this.routeForCancel ?? this.routeAfterReset;
        this.invalidResetTokenErrorData = this.invalidResetTokenErrorData ?? this.defaultInvalidResetTokenErrorData;

     * Checks if the user input is invalid.
     * @returns If the user input is invalid.
    inputInvalid(): boolean {
        if (!this.password) {
            return true;
        if (this.password !== this.confirmPassword) {
            return true;
        return false;

     * Cancels the password reset.
    cancel(): void {
        void this.router.navigate([this.routeForCancel]);

     * Changes the password.
    onSubmit(): void {
        if (!this.password) {
        if (this.password !== this.confirmPassword) {
        this.authService.confirmResetPassword(this.password, this.resetToken as string)
            .then(() => {
                void this.router.navigate([this.routeAfterReset]);
            .catch(() => {
                void this.router.navigate([this.routeAfterReset]);

    private resetInputFields(): void {
        this.password = '';
        this.confirmPassword = '';
        this.resetToken = '';


This can be used straight out of the box.

This component provides a generic dialog to display error messages. It is used internally by the framework eg. to display error messages from the http-error-interceptor.

Error Data

You need to provide an errorData-object to the dialog in order for it to work. This is a really simple model:

 * Data about an error.
 * Is used to display it inside a dialog.
export interface ErrorData {
     * The name of the error.
    name: string,
     * The message of the error.
     * This is treated as html.
     * CAUTION: Some things are removed by the angular sanitizer.
    message: string


Wherever you want to display the dialog:

import { NgxMatAuthErrorDialogComponent, ErrorData } from 'ngx-material-auth';
    private readonly dialog: MatDialog
) { }
..., { data: errorData });


 * A generic Error Dialog that displays ErrorData.
    selector: 'ngx-material-auth-error-dialog',
    templateUrl: './error-dialog.component.html',
    styleUrls: ['./error-dialog.component.scss'],
    standalone: true,
    imports: [
export class NgxMatAuthErrorDialogComponent {

        public dialogRef: MatDialogRef<NgxMatAuthErrorDialogComponent>,
        @Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public error: ErrorData,
    ) { }

     * Closes the dialog.
    close(): void {


A library for angular which provides functionality around the frontend part of authentication and authorization.








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