This software is a personnal project that displays different sort algorithms (Bubble, Insertion, Cocktail Shaker, Merge) in the Unix terminal.
I run this software with Ubuntu (Unix kernel), in the terminal. It contains system calls like system("clear")
. You need to modifiy these calls if you want to run it on a different operating system.
The software displays a graph that is 200 columns large and 55 lines high. If your screen is to small to display a graph that big, change thoses values in the source code, they are declared as constant.
The software also displays colors in the terminal with lines like this one printf("\033[7m \033[0m");
. If your terminal does not support this type of encoding, you can replace the colors with charaters by changing the value of the constant DISPLAY_COLOR
to 0 in the source code.
I added a little python script that does the same thing as the C programm, with pretty graphs and a benchmark at the end.
This software is a free software that is under the MIT license and is maintained by CHARLOT Servan. Any questions or suggestions send him an email: