WPSPinGenerator with GUI
sudo apt-get install python-tk python3-tk aircrack-ng reaver
git clone https://github.com/SergiObiols/WPSPinGenerator-GUI
cd WPSPinGenerator-GUI/
sudo python setup.py
This project is edited under the General Public License as defined by the Free software foundation. This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; It can be used and modified and shared but should be referenced to, it CANNOT be sold or be used for a commercial-economical purpose. The discovery of One algorithm used in WPSPIN have been made parallely and previously by zhaochunsheng in a C. script named computepinC83A35. We only changed the original script for function with GUI, but we not originals creators of the script. The original script is WPSPinGenerator
This packages use (no need to install):
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags in this repository.
Sergi Obiols Lleixà SergiObiols
Adam Alvarado Bertomeu deltcod
Jesús Franch Bertomeu xus93
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is edited under the General Public License as defined by the Free software foundation GPL-3.0.