The simulation software’s core contains representations of architecture and algorithm implemented atop of a mathematical model derived in a related Ph.D thesises. It is intended for simulation architecture and algorithm interactions and listing the results for optimization purposes. Besides, it includes a few benchmarks for comparison a real performance with simulation results for improving and testing purposes.
First - import the Gradle project. Then select the desired runnable class and run as a console Java application. benchmarks.matrixes.ManualBenchmarksRunner
The next runnable needs a JMH plugin and annotations processing on. benchmarks.matrixes.JMHBenchmarksRunner
gradle -jmh command runs the benchmarks.matrixes.JMHBenchmarksRunner without additional settings.
- Pomelov, S.V., Skopin, I.N. (2020). A Performance Prediction Method Showcase: Ant Colony Optimization Scaling for a Particular Computer System. Test Engineering and Management.
- Pomelov, S.V. (2019). ACO Execution Simulation. Control Systems and Informational Technologies.
- Pomelov, S.V. (2016). Simulation of the Algorithm Execution on a Given Architecture. Applied Informatics.
- Pomelov, S.V. (2015). Computer and algorithm interaction simulation software (CAISS). Patent No. 2015618314.