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Root: ui|v2.5|src|components|Movies|MovieDetails: MovieDetailsPanel.tsx

Serechops edited this page Apr 11, 2024 · 1 revision


This file contains the MovieDetailsPanel component and CompressedMovieDetailsPanel component, responsible for displaying detailed information about a movie. Here's an explanation of their structure and functionality:

MovieDetailsPanel Component

The MovieDetailsPanel component is a React functional component that displays detailed information about a movie. Here's an overview of its functionality:

  • Props:

    • movie: An object of type GQL.MovieDataFragment representing the movie data to be displayed.
    • fullWidth: A boolean indicating whether the panel should take up full width.
  • Rendering:

    • Renders various detail items such as duration, date, studio, director, and synopsis of the movie.
    • Utilizes DetailItem component for rendering each detail item.
    • Utilizes TextUtils utility for formatting duration and date.
    • Provides links to studios and directors if available.

CompressedMovieDetailsPanel Component

The CompressedMovieDetailsPanel component is a React functional component that displays compressed details about a movie. Here's an overview of its functionality:

  • Props:

    • movie: An object of type GQL.MovieDataFragment representing the movie data to be displayed.
  • Rendering:

    • Renders a compressed version of movie details including the movie name and studio.
    • Provides a link to the top of the page when the movie name is clicked.
import React from "react";
import { useIntl } from "react-intl";
import * as GQL from "src/core/generated-graphql";
import TextUtils from "src/utils/text";
import { DetailItem } from "src/components/Shared/DetailItem";
import { Link } from "react-router-dom";
import { DirectorLink } from "src/components/Shared/Link";

interface IMovieDetailsPanel {
  movie: GQL.MovieDataFragment;
  fullWidth?: boolean;

export const MovieDetailsPanel: React.FC<IMovieDetailsPanel> = ({
}) => {
  // Network state
  const intl = useIntl();

  return (
    <div className="detail-group">
          movie.duration ? TextUtils.secondsToTimestamp(movie.duration) : ""
        value={ ? TextUtils.formatDate(intl, : ""}
 ? (
            <Link to={`/studios/${}`}>
          ) : (

          movie.director ? (
            <DirectorLink director={movie.director} linkType="movie" />
          ) : (
      <DetailItem id="synopsis" value={movie.synopsis} fullWidth={fullWidth} />

export const CompressedMovieDetailsPanel: React.FC<IMovieDetailsPanel> = ({
}) => {
  // Function to scroll to the top of the page smoothly
  function scrollToTop() {
    window.scrollTo({ top: 0, behavior: "smooth" });

  return (
    <div className="sticky detail-header">
      <div className="sticky detail-header-group">
        {/* Clickable movie name */}
        <a className="movie-name" onClick={() => scrollToTop()}>
        {/* Display studio name */}
        {movie?.studio?.name ? (
            <span className="detail-divider">/</span>
            <span className="movie-studio">{movie?.studio?.name}</span>
        ) : (


The modification adds a scroll-to-top functionality when the movie name is clicked within the CompressedMovieDetailsPanel component.

scrollToTop: This function utilizes the window.scrollTo method with options { top: 0, behavior: "smooth" } to smoothly scroll the window to the top of the page.


Within the CompressedMovieDetailsPanel component, the movie name is rendered as a clickable anchor (). When clicked, it triggers the scrollToTop function, resulting in the page smoothly scrolling to the top.

This enhancement improves user experience by providing a convenient way to navigate back to the top of the page when viewing compressed movie details.

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