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Root: ui|v2.5|src|components|List|Filters: LabeledIdFilter.tsx

Serechops edited this page Apr 10, 2024 · 1 revision


The LabeledIdFilter component is a React functional component responsible for rendering a filter interface with labeled ID selections. It utilizes the FilterSelect component to allow users to select multiple items with labels.


The purpose of the LabeledIdFilter component is to provide a filter interface for selecting multiple items with labels. It receives a criterion object representing the filtering criteria and invokes a callback function when the selection changes.


  1. criterion: A Criterion<ILabeledId[]> object representing the filtering criterion.
  2. onValueChanged: A callback function invoked when the selection of labeled IDs changes. It receives the new selection as an array of ILabeledId objects.


  • Determines the type of input based on the inputType property of the criterionOption object.
  • Renders the FilterSelect component from the src/components/Shared/Select module, allowing users to select multiple items with labels.
  • Handles the selection changes by invoking the onValueChanged callback function with the updated selection array, where each item contains an ID and a label.
  • Utilizes a function getLabel to extract the label from each selected object, considering different input types such as galleries, performers, studios, etc.

Example Usage:

import { LabeledIdFilter } from "./LabeledIdFilter";

// Inside a React component


The LabeledIdFilter component provides a flexible and reusable interface for selecting multiple items with labels for filtering purposes.

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