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Root: ui|v2.5|src|components|Galleries|GalleryDetails: GalleryAddPanel.tsx

Serechops edited this page Apr 9, 2024 · 1 revision


The file GalleryAddPanel.tsx contains the GalleryAddPanel component, responsible for displaying a panel to add images to a gallery. Here's an explanation of its structure and functionality:

  1. Imports: The component imports necessary modules and components from various libraries such as React, react-intl, FontAwesome, and custom components related to galleries and images.

  2. Props:

    • active: Boolean indicating whether the panel is active.
    • gallery: Data of the gallery to which images are to be added.
  3. Functionality:

    • Provides a function filterHook to handle modification or addition of gallery criterion in the filter model.
    • Implements an addImages function to add selected images to the gallery.
    • Utilizes StashService function mutateAddGalleryImages for adding images and useToast hook for displaying toast messages.
    • Defines otherOperations array containing an operation to add selected images to the gallery.
  4. Rendering:

    • Utilizes the ImageList component to render the list of images and provide functionality to add images to the gallery.
    • Passes the filterHook, otherOperations, and active props to the ImageList component.

Example Modification:

Let's say you want to add a button to clear the selection of images. Here's how you can modify the component:

import React from "react";
// Import other necessary modules

interface IGalleryAddProps {
  // Existing props...

export const GalleryAddPanel: React.FC<IGalleryAddProps> = ({
}) => {
  // Existing component logic...

  const clearSelection = () => {
    // Logic to clear the selection
    // For example, reset the selectedIds set

  const otherOperations = [
    // Existing operations...
      text: intl.formatMessage({ id: "actions.clear_selection" }),
      onClick: clearSelection,
      isDisplayed: showWhenSelected,
      postRefetch: true,
      icon: faTimes, // FontAwesome icon for clearing selection

  // Remaining JSX...


Added Button:

  • Defined a new function clearSelection to handle clearing the selection of images.
  • Added a new operation in the otherOperations array to execute the clearSelection function.
  • Utilized FontAwesome icon faTimes for representing the clear action.
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