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Root: ui|v2.5|src|@types: videojs‐vr.d.ts

Serechops edited this page Apr 9, 2024 · 2 revisions


This TypeScript declaration file provides type definitions for the videojs-vr module, which is a plugin for Video.js that enables virtual reality (VR) playback of videos.

The module exports a function videojsVR and a class Plugin. It also extends the VideoJsPlayer interface from Video.js to include VR-related properties and methods.

Function videojsVR

  • Signature: videojsVR(options?: videojsVR.Options): videojsVR.Plugin
  • Description: Creates a new instance of the VR plugin with the specified options.
  • Parameters:
    • options (optional): An object containing configuration options for the VR plugin.
  • Returns: An instance of the Plugin class.

Class videojsVR.Plugin

  • Properties:

    • cameraVector: A vector representing the camera's orientation in the VR scene.
    • camera: An instance of the THREE.Camera class representing the camera used for rendering the VR scene.
    • scene: An instance of the THREE.Scene class representing the VR scene.
    • renderer: An instance of the THREE.Renderer class used for rendering the VR scene.
  • Methods:

    • setProjection(projection: videojsVR.ProjectionType): void: Sets the projection type for the VR video.
    • init(): void: Initializes the VR plugin.
    • reset(): void: Resets the VR plugin to its initial state.

Namespace videojsVR

  • Constants:

    • VERSION: A constant representing the version of Video.js used by the VR plugin.
  • Types:

    • ProjectionType: A union type representing different types of video projections supported by the VR plugin.
  • Interfaces:

    • Options: An interface defining configuration options for the VR plugin.
    • PlayerMediaInfo: An interface defining media information properties for a Video.js player.

Example Usage:

import videojs from "video.js";
import videojsVR from "videojs-vr";

// Create a Video.js player instance
const player = videojs("my-video");

// Initialize the VR plugin with custom options
const vrPlugin = videojsVR({
  projection: "360",
  motionControls: true,
  debug: false

// Add the VR plugin to the player
player.vr = vrPlugin;

// Set player media information with projection type
player.mediainfo = {
  projection: "360"

// Set up VR environment

// Play the video;


In this example, the videojsVR function is imported from the videojs-vr module, and a new instance of the VR plugin is created with custom options. The VR plugin is then added to a Video.js player instance, and the player media information is set with the projection type. Finally, the VR environment is initialized, and the video playback is started.

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