Version: 1.00
Author: Vassilis Serasidis Home: email:
This sketch uses the UIPEthernet library (ENC28J60 ethernet shield). You can use the W5100 ethernet shield just by changing the line:
#include <UIPEthernet.h>
#include <Ethernet.h>
Create your own data stream (
You can mark your data as public or private during the data stream creation.
Replace PUBLIC_KEY and PRIVATE_KEY with those sparkfun gave you
Replace the data names "humidity", "maxTemp" etc on sendToSparkfunDataServer() with those you set to sparkfun data stream creation.
You can view online or download your data as CSV or JSON file via + YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY
Send an example data stream with values 25.81, 26.94 and 14.48.
GET /input/WGGWNZLKGOFAzyLwLOzQ?private_key=XRRmzj9YR2iXzjnKn6zR&humidity=25.81&maxTemp=26.94&nowTemp=14.48
View the example data stream on web browser