diff --git a/MANIFEST.in b/MANIFEST.in
index 049d4498..b51a99d7 100644
--- a/MANIFEST.in
+++ b/MANIFEST.in
@@ -6,3 +6,5 @@ include bin/*.py
include versioneer.py
include sourcespec/_version.py
include sourcespec/configspec.conf
+include sourcespec/html_report_template/style.css
+include sourcespec/html_report_template/*.html
diff --git a/sourcespec/configspec.conf b/sourcespec/configspec.conf
index 4cbc6b34..faee1f5b 100644
--- a/sourcespec/configspec.conf
+++ b/sourcespec/configspec.conf
@@ -261,3 +261,9 @@ plot_station_text_size = float(default=8)
# based on the map size)
plot_map_tiles_zoom_level = integer(default=None)
+# HTML REPORT --------
+# Generate an HTML page summarizing the results of this run
+html_report = boolean(default=False)
+# -------- HTML REPORT
diff --git a/sourcespec/html_report_template/index.html b/sourcespec/html_report_template/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..add2405d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sourcespec/html_report_template/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+ SourceSpec: {EVENTID}
Event Summary
+ Event ID: |
+ Longitude: |
+ Latitude: |
+ Depth: |
+ {EVENT_DEPTH} km |
+ Origin Time: |
+ Moment Magnitude: |
Moment Magnitude
Corner Frequency
Average Source Parameters
+ Mw |
+ {MW} +/- {MW_ERR} |
+ Mw (weighted): |
+ Mo: |
+ {M0} /- {M0_ERR_MINUS} /+ {M0_ERR_PLUS} N.m |
+ Mo (weighted): |
+ fc: |
+ {FC} /- {FC_ERR_MINUS} /+ {FC_ERR_PLUS} Hz |
+ fc (weighted): |
+ t_star: |
+ {TSTAR} +/- {TSTAR_ERR} s |
+ t_star (weighted): |
+ Source Radius: |
+ Brune Stress Drop: |
+ Radiated Energy: |
+ {ER} /- {ER_ERR_MINUS} /+ {ER_ERR_PLUS} N.m |
Station Source Parameters
+ Station |
+ Type |
+ Mw |
+ Corner Frequency (Hz) |
+ t_star (s) |
+ Seismic Moment (N.m) |
+ Hypocentral Distance (km) |
+ Azimuth (°) |
+ Radiated Energy (N.m) |
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sourcespec/html_report_template/spectra_plot.html b/sourcespec/html_report_template/spectra_plot.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..68a9026a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sourcespec/html_report_template/spectra_plot.html
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ Spectra
diff --git a/sourcespec/html_report_template/station_table_row.html b/sourcespec/html_report_template/station_table_row.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cc3896a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sourcespec/html_report_template/station_table_row.html
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ {STATION_M0} |
diff --git a/sourcespec/html_report_template/style.css b/sourcespec/html_report_template/style.css
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ba598fb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sourcespec/html_report_template/style.css
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+@import "https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Poppins:300,400,500,600,700";
+body {
+ font-family: 'Poppins', sans-serif;
+ background: #fff;
+p {
+ font-family: 'Poppins', sans-serif;
+ font-size: 1.1em;
+ font-weight: 300;
+ line-height: 1.7em;
+ color: #999;
+a:focus {
+ color: inherit;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ transition: all 0.3s;
+table.stations {
+ font-size: 0.8em;
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+ padding: 15px 10px;
+ background: #fff;
+ border: none;
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+ul ul a {
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+ cursor: zoom-in;
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+ on small window widths */
+ /* #content.active {
+ width: calc(100% - 250px);
+ } */
+ #sidebarCollapse span {
+ display: none;
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+ .line {
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+ .page-break {
+ display: block;
+ page-break-before: always;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sourcespec/html_report_template/traces_plot.html b/sourcespec/html_report_template/traces_plot.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..06446a92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sourcespec/html_report_template/traces_plot.html
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ Traces
diff --git a/sourcespec/ssp_html_report.py b/sourcespec/ssp_html_report.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5b3257b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sourcespec/ssp_html_report.py
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Generate an HTML report for source_spec.
+ 2021 Claudio Satriano
+ CeCILL Free Software License Agreement, Version 2.1
+ (http://www.cecill.info/index.en.html)
+from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,
+ unicode_literals)
+import os
+import logging
+import shutil
+import re
+import numpy as np
+from glob import glob
+from sourcespec._version import get_versions
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__.split('.')[-1])
+def _multireplace(string, replacements, ignore_case=False):
+ """
+ Given a string and a replacement map, it returns the replaced string.
+ :param str string: string to execute replacements on
+ :param dict replacements: replacement dictionary
+ {value to find: value to replace}
+ :param bool ignore_case: whether the match should be case insensitive
+ :rtype: str
+ Source: https://gist.github.com/bgusach/a967e0587d6e01e889fd1d776c5f3729
+ """
+ if not replacements:
+ # Edge case that'd produce a funny regex and cause a KeyError
+ return string
+ # If case insensitive, we need to normalize the old string so that later a
+ # replacement can be found. For instance with {"HEY": "lol"} we should
+ # match and find a replacement for "hey",
+ # "HEY", "hEy", etc.
+ if ignore_case:
+ def normalize_old(s):
+ return s.lower()
+ re_mode = re.IGNORECASE
+ else:
+ def normalize_old(s):
+ return s
+ re_mode = 0
+ replacements = {
+ normalize_old(key): val for key, val in replacements.items()
+ }
+ # Place longer ones first to keep shorter substrings from matching where
+ # the longer ones should take place For instance given the replacements
+ # {'ab': 'AB', 'abc': 'ABC'} against the string 'hey abc', it should
+ # produce 'hey ABC' and not 'hey ABc'
+ rep_sorted = sorted(replacements, key=len, reverse=True)
+ rep_escaped = map(re.escape, rep_sorted)
+ # Create a big OR regex that matches any of the substrings to replace
+ pattern = re.compile("|".join(rep_escaped), re_mode)
+ # For each match, look up the new string in the replacements, being the key
+ # the normalized old string
+ return pattern.sub(
+ lambda match: replacements[normalize_old(match.group(0))], string)
+def _format_exponent(value, reference):
+ """Format `value` to a string having the same exponent than `reference`."""
+ # get the exponent of reference value
+ xp = np.int(np.floor(np.log10(np.abs(reference))))
+ # format value to print it with the same exponent of reference value
+ return '{:5.3f}e{:+03d}'.format(value/10**xp, xp)
+def html_report(config, sourcepar, sourcepar_err):
+ """Generate an HTML report."""
+ # Read template files
+ template_dir = os.path.join(
+ os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)),
+ 'html_report_template'
+ )
+ style_css = os.path.join(template_dir, 'style.css')
+ index_html = os.path.join(template_dir, 'index.html')
+ index_html_out = os.path.join(config.options.outdir, 'index.html')
+ traces_plot_html = os.path.join(template_dir, 'traces_plot.html')
+ spectra_plot_html = os.path.join(template_dir, 'spectra_plot.html')
+ station_table_row_html = os.path.join(
+ template_dir, 'station_table_row.html')
+ # Copy CSS to output dir
+ shutil.copy(style_css, config.options.outdir)
+ # Version and run completed
+ ssp_version = get_versions()['version']
+ run_completed = '{} {}'.format(
+ config.end_of_run.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),
+ config.end_of_run_tz
+ )
+ # Output files and maps
+ hypo = config.hypo
+ evid = hypo.evid
+ config_file = '{}.ssp.conf'.format(evid)
+ out_file = '{}.ssp.out'.format(evid)
+ log_file = '{}.ssp.log'.format(evid)
+ map_mag = '{}.map_mag.png'.format(evid)
+ map_fc = '{}.map_fc.png'.format(evid)
+ # Trace plot files
+ traces_plot = open(traces_plot_html).read()
+ traces_plot_files = glob(
+ os.path.join(config.options.outdir, '*.traces.png'))
+ traces_plot_files += glob(
+ os.path.join(config.options.outdir, '*.traces.??.png'))
+ traces_plots = ''
+ traces_plot_id = ''
+ for traces_plot_file in sorted(traces_plot_files):
+ traces_plot_file = os.path.basename(traces_plot_file)
+ traces_plots += traces_plot.replace(
+ '{TRACES_PLOT_ID}', traces_plot_id).replace(
+ '{TRACES_PLOT_FILE}', traces_plot_file)
+ traces_plot_id = ' id="print"'
+ # Spectral plot files
+ spectra_plot = open(spectra_plot_html).read()
+ spectra_plot_files = glob(
+ os.path.join(config.options.outdir, '*.ssp.png'))
+ spectra_plot_files += glob(
+ os.path.join(config.options.outdir, '*.ssp.??.png'))
+ spectra_plots = ''
+ spectra_plot_id = ''
+ for spectra_plot_file in sorted(spectra_plot_files):
+ spectra_plot_file = os.path.basename(spectra_plot_file)
+ spectra_plots += spectra_plot.replace(
+ '{SPECTRA_PLOT_ID}', spectra_plot_id).replace(
+ '{SPECTRA_PLOT_FILE}', spectra_plot_file)
+ spectra_plot_id = ' id="print"'
+ # Station table
+ station_table_row = open(station_table_row_html).read()
+ station_table_rows = ''
+ for statId in sorted(sourcepar.keys()):
+ if statId in ['means', 'errors', 'means_weight', 'errors_weight']:
+ continue
+ par = sourcepar[statId]
+ err = sourcepar_err[statId]
+ id, type = statId.split()
+ Mw = par['Mw']
+ Mw_err = err['Mw']
+ fc = par['fc']
+ fc_err = err['fc']
+ t_star = par['t_star']
+ t_star_err = err['t_star']
+ Mo = par['Mo']
+ hyp_dist = par['hyp_dist']
+ az = par['az']
+ Er = par['Er']
+ replacements = {
+ '{STATION_ID}': id,
+ '{STATION_TYPE}': type,
+ '{STATION_MW}': '{:.3f}'.format(Mw),
+ '{STATION_MW_ERR}': '{:.3f}'.format(Mw_err),
+ '{STATION_FC}': '{:.3f}'.format(fc),
+ '{STATION_FC_ERR}': '{:.3f}'.format(fc_err),
+ '{STATION_TSTAR}': '{:.3f}'.format(t_star),
+ '{STATION_TSTAR_ERR}': '{:.3f}'.format(t_star_err),
+ '{STATION_M0}': '{:.3e}'.format(Mo),
+ '{STATION_DIST}': '{:.3f}'.format(hyp_dist),
+ '{STATION_AZ}': '{:.3f}'.format(az),
+ '{STATION_ER}': '{:.3e}'.format(Er),
+ }
+ station_table_rows += _multireplace(station_table_row, replacements)
+ # Main HTML page
+ means = sourcepar['means']
+ errors = sourcepar['errors']
+ means_weight = sourcepar['means_weight']
+ errors_weight = sourcepar['errors_weight']
+ Mw_mean = means['Mw']
+ Mw_error = errors['Mw']
+ Mw_mean_weight = means_weight['Mw']
+ Mw_error_weight = errors_weight['Mw']
+ Mo_mean = means['Mo']
+ Mo_minus, Mo_plus = errors['Mo']
+ Mo_mean_weight = means_weight['Mo']
+ Mo_minus_weight, Mo_plus_weight = errors_weight['Mo']
+ fc_mean = means['fc']
+ fc_minus, fc_plus = errors['fc']
+ fc_mean_weight = means_weight['fc']
+ fc_minus_weight, fc_plus_weight = errors_weight['fc']
+ t_star_mean = means['t_star']
+ t_star_error = errors['t_star']
+ t_star_mean_weight = means_weight['t_star']
+ t_star_error_weight = errors_weight['t_star']
+ ra_mean = means['ra']
+ ra_minus, ra_plus = errors['ra']
+ bsd_mean = means['bsd']
+ bsd_minus, bsd_plus = errors['bsd']
+ Er_mean = means['Er']
+ Er_minus, Er_plus = errors['Er']
+ replacements = {
+ '{VERSION}': ssp_version,
+ '{RUN_COMPLETED}': run_completed,
+ '{EVENTID}': evid,
+ '{EVENT_LONGITUDE}': '{:8.3f}'.format(hypo.longitude),
+ '{EVENT_LATITUDE}': '{:7.3f}'.format(hypo.latitude),
+ '{EVENT_DEPTH}': '{:5.1f}'.format(hypo.depth),
+ '{ORIGIN_TIME}': '{}'.format(hypo.origin_time),
+ '{MW}': '{:.2f}'.format(Mw_mean),
+ '{MW_ERR}': '{:.2f}'.format(Mw_error),
+ '{MW_WEIGHT}': '{:.2f}'.format(Mw_mean_weight),
+ '{MW_WEIGHT_ERR}': '{:.2f}'.format(Mw_error_weight),
+ '{M0}': '{:.3e}'.format(Mo_mean),
+ '{M0_ERR_MINUS}': '{}'.format(_format_exponent(Mo_minus, Mo_mean)),
+ '{M0_ERR_PLUS}': '{}'.format(_format_exponent(Mo_plus, Mo_mean)),
+ '{M0_WEIGHT}': '{:.3e}'.format(Mo_mean_weight),
+ '{M0_WEIGHT_ERR_MINUS}': '{}'.format(
+ _format_exponent(Mo_minus_weight, Mo_mean_weight)),
+ '{M0_WEIGHT_ERR_PLUS}': '{}'.format(
+ _format_exponent(Mo_plus_weight, Mo_mean_weight)),
+ '{FC}': '{:.3f}'.format(fc_mean),
+ '{FC_ERR_MINUS}': '{:.3f}'.format(fc_minus),
+ '{FC_ERR_PLUS}': '{:.3f}'.format(fc_plus),
+ '{FC_WEIGHT}': '{:.3f}'.format(fc_mean_weight),
+ '{FC_WEIGHT_ERR_MINUS}': '{:.3f}'.format(fc_minus_weight),
+ '{FC_WEIGHT_ERR_PLUS}': '{:.3f}'.format(fc_plus_weight),
+ '{TSTAR}': '{:.3f}'.format(t_star_mean),
+ '{TSTAR_ERR}': '{:.3f}'.format(t_star_error),
+ '{TSTAR_WEIGHT}': '{:.3f}'.format(t_star_mean_weight),
+ '{TSTAR_WEIGHT_ERR}': '{:.3f}'.format(t_star_error_weight),
+ '{RADIUS}': '{:.3f}'.format(ra_mean),
+ '{RADIUS_ERR_MINUS}': '{:.3f}'.format(ra_minus),
+ '{RADIUS_ERR_PLUS}': '{:.3f}'.format(ra_plus),
+ '{BSD}': '{:.3e}'.format(bsd_mean),
+ '{BSD_ERR_MINUS}': '{}'.format(_format_exponent(bsd_minus, bsd_mean)),
+ '{BSD_ERR_PLUS}': '{}'.format(_format_exponent(bsd_plus, bsd_mean)),
+ '{ER}': '{:.3e}'.format(Er_mean),
+ '{ER_ERR_MINUS}': '{}'.format(_format_exponent(Er_minus, Er_mean)),
+ '{ER_ERR_PLUS}': '{}'.format(_format_exponent(Er_plus, Er_mean)),
+ '{CONF_FILE_BNAME}': config_file,
+ '{CONF_FILE}': config_file,
+ '{OUT_FILE_BNAME}': out_file,
+ '{OUT_FILE}': out_file,
+ '{LOG_FILE_BNAME}': log_file,
+ '{LOG_FILE}': log_file,
+ '{MAP_MAG}': map_mag,
+ '{MAP_FC}': map_fc,
+ '{TRACES_PLOTS}': traces_plots,
+ '{SPECTRA_PLOTS}': spectra_plots,
+ '{STATION_TABLE_ROWS}': station_table_rows,
+ }
+ index = open(index_html).read()
+ index = _multireplace(index, replacements)
+ with open(index_html_out, 'w') as fp:
+ fp.write(index)
+ logger.info('HTML report written to file: ' + index_html_out)
diff --git a/sourcespec/ssp_output.py b/sourcespec/ssp_output.py
index 44674a1d..5c09dd60 100644
--- a/sourcespec/ssp_output.py
+++ b/sourcespec/ssp_output.py
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
from pytz import reference
from sourcespec.ssp_setup import ssp_exit
from sourcespec.ssp_util import mag_to_moment
+from sourcespec.ssp_html_report import html_report
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__.split('.')[-1])
@@ -377,6 +378,10 @@ def write_output(config, sourcepar, sourcepar_err):
# Write to hypo file, if requested
_write_hypo(config, sourcepar)
+ # Write html_report, if requested
+ if config.html_report:
+ html_report(config, sourcepar, sourcepar_err)
params_name = ('Mw', 'fc', 't_star')
sourcepar_mean = dict(
zip(params_name, [means['Mw'], means['fc'], means['t_star']]))
diff --git a/sourcespec/ssp_setup.py b/sourcespec/ssp_setup.py
index 53a7a944..ea6d5d4c 100644
--- a/sourcespec/ssp_setup.py
+++ b/sourcespec/ssp_setup.py
@@ -595,6 +595,18 @@ def setup_logging(config, basename=None, progname='source_spec'):
def init_plotting(config):
+ if config.html_report:
+ if not config.PLOT_SAVE:
+ logger.warning(
+ 'The html_report option is selected but PLOT_SAVE is False. '
+ 'Setting PLOT_SAVE to True.')
+ config.PLOT_SAVE = True
+ if config.PLOT_SAVE_FORMAT != 'png':
+ logger.warning(
+ 'The html_report option is selected but PLOT_SAVE_FORMAT is '
+ 'not png. Setting PLOT_SAVE_FORMAT to png.')
+ config.PLOT_SAVE_FORMAT = 'png'
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
if not config.PLOT_SHOW: