This is an ongoing project investigating the efficacy of generative adversarial networks in removing noise from medical scans, and the degree to which these networks' methods of constructing realistic high-quality xrays from noisy input undermines necessary objectivity in processing raw medical image data.
- Medical Image Denoising Using Convolutional Denoising Autoencoders [paper] [code]
- Learning Deep Representations Using Convolutional Auto-Encoders with Symmetric Skip Connections [paper] [code]
- Hyperspectral X-Ray Denoising: Model-Based and Data-Driven Solutions [paper]
- Low Dose CT Image Denoising Using a Generative Adversarial Network with Wasserstein Distance and Perceptual Loss [paper] [code]
- Digital Radiography Image Denoising Using a Generative Adversarial Network [paper]
- A Technique for Simulating the Effect of Dose Reduction on Image Quality in Digital Chest Radiography [paper]