This Script is not longer maintained. Feel free to adapt it as you need it.
Creator: Michael Seidl aka Techguy
CreationDate: 05.08.2021
LastModified: 05.11.2021
Version: 2.1
PSVersion tested: 5
PowerShell Self Service Web Portal at
Copies the Bakupdirs to the Destination You can configure more than one Backupdirs, every Dir wil be copied to the Destination. Only Change Variables in Variables Section Change LoggingLevel to 3 an get more output in Powershell Windows
FIX: Root Files are now inlcuded in Backup
Published v2 Verion
FIX: Github: Symbolic Links are now supported
FIX: Github: Sibling Folders
FIX: Github: Backup Duration
NEW: Rewrite Loggign Function
DIF: Some Code write ups
NEW: 7ZIP Support
FIX: Ordering at old Backup deletion
FIX: Exclude Dir is now working
NEW: Staging folder for ZIP
NEW: Send Mail Function
NEW: Backup Destination will be zipped
NEW: Exclude Dir
FIX: Logging Level
FIX: Delete old Folder by CreationTime
FIX: Delete last Backup dirs, changed to support older PS Version
FIX: Fixed the Count in the Statusbar
FIX: Fixed Location Count in Statusbar
CHANGE: Enhanced the Logging to a Textfile and write output, copy Log file to Backupdir
FIX: Renamed some Variables an have done some cosmetic changes
CHANGE: Define the Log Name in Variables