Question and answer service with social media interactions.
Whole USOF application with frontend and backend as a single app.
- Backend: NodeJS, Express
- Database: Postgresql
- Frontend: React, Redux>, SASS, MUI
- Bundler: Vite
- Server-API: REST and JSON-API specifications, MVC pattern
- Database-API: builder pattern
- Styles: BEM specification
- Authentication: Access and refresh tokens model with JWT
- Authorization, registering, reseting password
- User pages
- All CRUD operations with posts and comments
- Sorting, filtering, pagination
- Likes, dislikes, user rating
- Interactions with images
- Admin panel
- Mobile friendly and responsive layout
- Smooth and convinient UI/UX
- Incredible loaders, slow down your network just to face this beauty
start postgresql server and create empty data base #docker container probably the most convinient way
- PORT= #port
- HOST= #host
- JWT_TOKEN= #token key
- JWT_ACCESS_TOKEN_LIFESPAN= #minutes exp: '60 minutes'
- JWT_REFRESH_TOKEN_LIFESPAN= #hours (not less than 1, not greater than 6) exp: '2 hours'
- DB_URL= #postgres connection string exp: "postgresql://user:password@localhost:8889/db_name?sslmode=disable"
- MAILGUN_API_KEY= #your api key for mailgun service
- MAILGUN_DOMEN= #your mailgun domen
- DISABLE_MAILGUN = # 1 in case you want to disable it or 0 if not
yarn install
yarn migrate
yarn dev #for developing mode
yarn build:client && yarn build:server #for production