diff --git a/Random Item Giver 1.21/data/randomitemgiver/function/main.mcfunction b/Random Item Giver 1.21/data/randomitemgiver/function/main.mcfunction index 7c291b9..61ebd28 100644 --- a/Random Item Giver 1.21/data/randomitemgiver/function/main.mcfunction +++ b/Random Item Giver 1.21/data/randomitemgiver/function/main.mcfunction @@ -207,9 +207,9 @@ execute if score RandomItemGiver rig_GiveItemNow matches 1 if score RandomItemGi execute as @a if score RandomItemGiver rig_GiveItemNow matches 1 if score RandomItemGiver rig_ItemGiveAmount matches 8 if score RandomItemGiver rig_ItemGiveType matches 2 if score RandomItemGiver rig_GiveItems matches 2 run execute as @a run scoreboard players operation @s rig_RandomItemsReceived += @s ItemsReceivedTemp #Give random amount of same item between 1 and 64 -execute if score RandomItemGiver rig_GiveItemNow matches 1 if score RandomItemGiver rig_ItemGiveAmount matches 8 if score RandomItemGiver rig_ItemGiveType matches 1 if score RandomItemGiver rig_GiveItems matches 2 store result score RandomItemGiver RandomAmountSameItemsNumber run random value 1..64 +execute if score RandomItemGiver rig_GiveItemNow matches 1 if score RandomItemGiver rig_ItemGiveAmount matches 8 if score RandomItemGiver rig_ItemGiveType matches 1 if score RandomItemGiver rig_GiveItems matches 2 store result score RandomItemGiver rig_RandomAmountSameItemsNumber run random value 1..64 execute if score RandomItemGiver rig_GiveItemNow matches 1 if score RandomItemGiver rig_ItemGiveAmount matches 8 if score RandomItemGiver rig_ItemGiveType matches 1 if score RandomItemGiver rig_GiveItems matches 2 run function randomitemgiver:give_items/randomsameitems -execute as @a if score RandomItemGiver rig_GiveItemNow matches 1 if score RandomItemGiver rig_ItemGiveAmount matches 8 if score RandomItemGiver rig_ItemGiveType matches 1 if score RandomItemGiver rig_GiveItems matches 2 run execute as @a run scoreboard players operation @s rig_RandomItemsReceived += RandomItemGiver RandomAmountSameItemsNumber +execute as @a if score RandomItemGiver rig_GiveItemNow matches 1 if score RandomItemGiver rig_ItemGiveAmount matches 8 if score RandomItemGiver rig_ItemGiveType matches 1 if score RandomItemGiver rig_GiveItems matches 2 run execute as @a run scoreboard players operation @s rig_RandomItemsReceived += RandomItemGiver rig_RandomAmountSameItemsNumber #Post that you got an item (if enabled) execute as @a if score RandomItemGiver rig_GiveItemNow matches 1 if score RandomItemGiver rig_ItemGiveAmount matches 1 if score RandomItemGiver rig_GiveItems matches 2 if score RandomItemGiver rig_ShowItemMessage matches 2 run execute if score @s rig_CanGetItems matches 2 run tellraw @s ["",{"text":"(","color":"gray"},{"text":"\u2738","color":"aqua"},{"text":") ","color":"gray"},{"text":"You received a new item!","color":"aqua"}]