Because the CYD is a common platform, it makes it really useful for sharing projects. This page will be a list of projects that are available on the CYD.
Projects appearing on here is not necessarily a seal of approval from me, I will not be test each project that gets added, so please install these projects at your own risk!
Name | Description | Author | Additional Hardware? | Project Page | WebFlash |
Spotify DIY Thing | A device for displaying your currently playing Spotify track | Brian Lough | Github | WebFlash | |
F1 Notifier | Displays and notifies you of the F1 session times(in your local timezone) | Brian Lough | Github | WebFlash | |
Tetris with Nunchuck | A version of Tetris using a Nintendo wii Nunchuck | Brian Lough | A nunchuck and an adaptor for connecting it | Code | |
Galagino | An emulator for some classic arcade games (Galaga, Donkey Kong, Pacman, Digdug and Frogger) | Till Harbaum | A nunchuck and an adaptor for connecting it. Speaker if you want sound | Github | |
ESP32-fluid-simulation | A small fluid simulation with touch input | Kenny Peng | Github | ||
ESP32-TV | Play Video Files on the ESP32 | atomic14 | Speaker if you want sound and possibly an IR receiver | Github | |
xtouch | "The xtouch screen is a revolutionary addition to your BambuLab Printer" | xperiments-in (#) | Github | Webflash | |
CYD-Klipper | An implementation of a wireless Klipper status display on an ESP32 + screen | Sims | Github | Webflash |
(#) = Project not added by original author
If you have a project that you would like to add, please feel free to add it to the list!
New projects should be added to bottom of the list.
Some rules:
- Project must be open source
- Project must be functional - It's ok for it to not be finished, but it should do what it says!