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A markdown centric, fast and local personal knowledge platform


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A simple personal knowledge platform with a focus on clean markdown files, simple queries and a journal.

Table of Contents


I have always been a fan of Logseq, but there were a few things that bothered me, such as the many control characters in the markdown files, the query language that is difficult to learn and limited in its capability, or the general performance. When the database version announced the move away from Markdown as the leading data storage format, I tried to write my own client: Looksyk (name may need to be changed).

Current status

Technical concept

With Looksyk I want to create a local platform to collect information.

Currently, the backend renders all content in Markdown, which is displayed with Marked in the frontend. This makes Looksyk relatively close to the Markdown standard. Code highlighting is done with highlightjs and emojis with openmoji. The application is wrapped in an electron app (with electron forge).

Even if the project is currently a pure web project, I would not deploy it publicly because the project in its current state has not paid much attention to security (for example Injection-Attacks or Path-Traversal-Attacks).

Currently, the backend is very fast, my Logseq graph (~900 pages and 900kb text) is scanned and indexed in under a second (~200ms). That's why Looksyk doesn't have a database, reading new data into RAM is fast enough.

The frontend still has some challenges. Performance and design can be improved and sometimes scrolling on the journal page has issues.

Project work and future

The project is a little hobby of mine, and I program a few lines sometimes when I feel like it and have the time.

I am happy about every contribution, but I cannot guarantee that I will implement every feature request.

If you have any changes or suggestions, please send me a pull request. For feature requests and bugs, you can submit an issue (or a pull request if you can).

Implemented Features

  • Pages
  • Journal
  • Todos
  • Content assist
    • Creating links, inserting queries, tags and media
  • View (and link) media
    • Images
    • PDFs
    • HTML Files (e.g. SingleFile saved pages from SingleFile Firefox or SingleFile Chrome)
    • Video (html5 video player)
    • Audio (html5 audio player)
    • Code (with highlighting)
    • Text files
  • Queries (placeholders for dynamic content)
    • Query todos
    • Page hierarchy
    • References
    • Render video, audio, images, text files and code files (with highlighting)
  • Search across all pages and journals
  • Delete and rename pages (and update references across all pages and journals)
  • Favourites
  • History: Show, drop, navigate to previous and next page. Keyboard shortcurts available.

Out of scope

  • Non-Markdown content (e.g. flashcards, whiteboards)
  • PDF annotation
  • Dynamic backend plugins
  • Server version / multi user / rcs
  • i18n
  • Sync with other devices. Please use other tools like Nextcloud, git or OneDrive to sync your graph

Run Looksyk

Production Build / Installation

  1. Run the script bash (this will build the frontend and backend, and requires npm and cargo)
  2. The application is now in the target folder
  3. (Optional) Create a shortcut icon sh
  4. Start the application. Use the created shortcut or run ./application-wrapper/looksyk in the target folder. You can instrument the application with the arguments --port and --graph-location to change the port and the graph location, and with --title to change the title. With the argument --devtools true the electron devtools are opened as default.
  5. The application is now available at http://localhost:8989 (or the configured port)

Running different looksyk graphs at the same time (with different ports)

You can use the script to create a shortcut with a different port and graph location. Or you can run the application with the arguments --port, --graph-location and --title manually.

Development Build

Build backend and frontend

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Install frontend dependencies and run cd frontend/looksyk, npm install, ng serve
  3. Install backend dependencies and run cd backend and cargo run
  4. The application is now available at http://localhost:4200 (frontend) and http://localhost:8989 (backend)

Build electron app

  1. Change into the application-wrapper directory cd application-wrapper
  2. Install electron dependencies npm install
  3. Build the electron app npm run package
  4. The application is now in the out folder e.g. out/looksyk-linux-x64/looksyk

Migrate your existing Logseq graph to Looksyk

  1. Start the application to create an empty graph
  2. Copy your journals into the journal folder (~/graph/journals)
  3. Copy your pages into the pages folder (~/graph/pages)
  4. Copy your assets into the assets folder (~/graph/assets)
  5. Start / Restart the backend
  6. (Optional): Replace all asset references (some name)[../assets/assetName] with (some name)[/assets/assetName] in your pages so 'on click' navigates to the media preview page and does not download the file.
  7. (Optional): Replace all labels #myTag with [[myTag]] in your pages so the tags are recognized by the backend.
  8. (Optional): Replace your queries with the Looksyk query syntax
  9. (Optional): Replace your todos with the markdown checkbox / todo syntax. '[x]' for done, '[ ]' for todo.


The configuration is done in the config.json file in the directory ~/.local/share/looksyk. This path can be changed with the environment variable LOOKSYK_CONFIG_PATH.

The default graph location is in ~/graph (or the configured location in the config.json).

The application port and the graph location can be provided by arguments ( --port and --graph-location).

The application title can be modified with the argument --title.


Markdown Syntax and Features

  • [[a link]] creates a link to a page, typing [[ opens the content assist in "insert link mode"
  • Ctrl+Enter creates a new block
  • Insert emojis with :emoji: (all emojis from openmoji available)
  • Ctrl+Space opens the content assist
    • With open markdown block -> "insert mode"
    • With no open markdown block -> "navigation mode"
  • Alt+Left Navigate to the previous page
  • Alt+Right Navigate to the next page
  • Ctrl+R Refresh the current page
  • Lists inside of blocks are supported.
    • Unordered lists are supported with * (and not with -, because - starts a new block)
    • Ordered lists are supported with 1., 2. ...


  • Ctrl+Shift+F opens the content assist in "search mode" (case sensitive search across all pages and journals)

Page names and hierarchy

  • Every tag [[myTag]] links to a page with the name myTag
  • To create a hierarchy, use the / character in the page name. [[myTag / mySubTag]] creates a page myTag / mySubTag in the and the parent tag myTag
  • You can navigate to the parent page by clicking on the parent tag in the page header
  • You can query the page hierarchy with the query page-hierarchy (see page hierarchy)


  • You can mark a page as favorite by clicking on the star next to the page title
  • Favorites are displayed in the sidebar
  • You can reorder the favorites by dragging them


  • Code block start with three backticks and the language name (e.g. ```rust)
  • Code blocks are highlighted with highlightjs. For proper highlighting, the language name must be provided
  • Code blocks can be inserted with the query insert-file-content (see render assets)


  • Todo-blocks are blocks with a leading [ ] for todo or [x] for done. The rendered block has a checkbox that can be toggled
  • You can query todos with the query todos (see todos)
  • A todo block can be associated with a tags.
    • The todo is always tagged with the tag of the page it is on. If the todo is on a page with the tag myTag, the todo is also tagged with myTag.
    • Furthermore, the todo can be tagged with a custom tag. All tags that are in the todo block are associated with the todo.
    • All tags in previous blocks that have a lower indentation will also be associated with the todo.


Queries are placeholders for dynamic content in Markdown. The result of the query is calculated and displayed dynamically at runtime, whereby only the query syntax and not the result is stored in the Markdown file on disk.

Queries are particularly suitable for three problems:

  • Content that changes continuously over time and where the references should be dynamically adapted across all pages. For example, "Which todos for the tag "myTag" are not yet completed?" or "which subpages does the page myTag have?".
  • Content that is not stored in the Markdown file, but should be displayed in the Markdown file. For example, "Insert the content of the file myFile.asdf as a code block" or "Insert the content of the file myFile.mp4 as a video".
  • Content that is not supported by the Markdown standard, but should be displayed in the Markdown file. For example, "Insert a video" or "Insert an audio file".

Currently,all queries must be inserted exactly as described. Parameters cannot yet be swapped or omitted.

Query Page Hierarchy

 Show a list of links
 {query: page-hierarchy root:"myRootTag" display:"inplace-list" }
 Show the count
 {query: page-hierarchy root:"myRootTag" display:"count" }

Query Todos

 Show a list of todos with a checkbox and a link to the source file. The list is appended to the end of the current block
 {query: todos tag:"myTag" state:"todo" display:"referenced-list" }
 Show a list of todos (not modifiable, but renders in place)
 {query: todos tag:"myTag" state:"todo" display:"inplace-list"} 
 Show the count of todos
 {query: todos tag:"myTag" state:"todo" display:"count" }
 Show done todos
 {query: todos tag:"myTag" state:"done" display:"referenced-list" }

Query Backlinks

 Show a list of backlinks
 {query: references-to tag:"myTag" display:"referenced-list" }
 Show the count
 {query: references-to tag:"myTag" display:"count" }

Query Render Assets ("insert-content-from-file")

 Insert the content of a file as text block
 {query: insert-file-content target-file:"myFile.asdf" display:"inline-text" }
 Insert the content of a file as code block, and highlight the code
 {query: insert-file-content target-file:"myFile.asdf" display:"code-block" }
 Insert a video
 {query: insert-file-content target-file:"myFile.mp4" display:"video" }
 Insert an audio file
 {query: insert-file-content target-file:"myFile.ogg" display:"audio" }

Contribution Guidelines

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch (git checkout -b feature-branch).
  3. Make your changes.
  4. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add new feature').
  5. Push to the branch (git push origin feature-branch).
  6. Create a new Pull Request.


This project is licensed under the AGPL3 License - see the LICENSE file for details.