A bot that mines tweets of specific topics.
It is a simple way to download streaming tweets by just specifying the words you want to track. The program will download and write tweets (as they are being published live) into files for future postprocessing of the data. It is dockerized so that you don't have to worry about dependencies or complex ways to execute the code.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine.
Install Docker in your computer (if you already don't have it). Once installed, try to get your docker version on the command line
docker --version
It's been tested on Docker version 19.03.5
but upper versions may work as well.
Make sure to create a file in this folder named .env
with your personal credentials in Twitter Development:
In the file config.ini
there are variables to indicate the program where to store the retrieved tweets and the tracklist file (the file that contains all the hashtags to follow and retrive).
In the main folder run
make build-run
This will create the image and run the container. By default image name is tweetminer and container name tweets. The program will create a folder ./data where the tweets will be stored in files.
If you just want to stop the running container type
make stop
To restart the container run
make start
but if you want to get rid of everything in this project (images and containers), i.e. remove them, then type
make remove
You may find your results in a newly created folder data