Releases: SeasX/SeasLog
Releases · SeasX/SeasLog
SeasLog-1.6.2 Fixed PHP5.* Cached Block
Fixed issue #97 PHP5.* Cached Block.
Fixed issue #98 SeasLog::analyzerDetail(NULL).
SeasLog-1.6.0 Support TCP UDP Appender
Fixed issue #90 #92 Date format.
Fixed issue #96 Clear memory leaks.
Fixed issue #91 Support TCP UDP appender.
Support appender with config, switch File TCP UDP; config the remote_host and remote_port.
SeasLog-1.5.6 Memory Usage Stable
Fixed issue #76 #80 #86 Fixed segment fault with PHP7.
Make memory usage more stable, and clear memory leaks with PHP5.* and PHP7.*
Fixed zval_ptr_dtor bug with PHP7
Fixed #68
Fixed #73
Support Datetime Format Config
Support PHP 7.
Fixed issue #63 Fixed trace_exception and trace_error recovery;
Fixed issue #60 Fixed use_buffer and buffer_size in config error;
Fixed issue #61 Fixed trace_exception where exception code get error.
Fixed issue #52 update README fixed SEASLOG_ERRO and company list from.
Fixed issue #53 Add function flushBuffer,support independent refresh by manual.
Fixed issue #57 and #58 Update analyzerDetail by desc and fixed limit value.
Fixed issue #50 Fix error and exception hook dead loop.
Fixed support windows with new version.
Fixed trace_error default enable and trace_exception default disable.
Fixed issue #42 support error and exception automatic logging.
Optimization performance, update is_dir with access.
Fixed issue #47 support trace_error and trace_exception switch.
Fixed issue #48 Ignore notice or warning, but error automatic logging.
Fixed issue #44 Seaslog::analyzerDetail([with out 'all'])
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