I'm Software Lead Developer at Michelin & Freelance full-stack web developer passionate about building innovative solutions to enhance the web experience for everyone. I enjoy coding open-source projects on my free time, which mainly revolves around my hobbies: share my love for crafts beers 🍺 discuss sustainable gardening 🌱 improve daily comfort with home automation 🏠
- Design : UX/UI
- Backend : Node.js, Python
- Frontend : Svelte, Vue/VueX, Astro
- CI/CD : Docker, Github Actions, GitlabCI
- Database : MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Firebase
- Tooling: Vite, Rollup, Esbuild, PNPM, Monorepo
Want to discuss your next project that I can help you with?
Contact me on Malt or at wolzaurelien@protonmail.com