- hook in guilds page to support guild wars (https://github.com/slawkens/myaac/commit/f875f3cd2059fac5c23a08ce73dd8621a66613e0)
- TwigTypeCastingExtension (https://github.com/slawkens/myaac/commit/7181b988e9518320d57486670ca4e2d3b2fe1cfa)
- fix XSS in creatures.php (https://github.com/slawkens/myaac/commit/02eea950e4fd756e8d5c32e56181986d51f5ac70, @gesior)
- don't allow redirect to external website (https://github.com/slawkens/myaac/commit/ef62b53cec5a479cc85aa15940ad9ebbcefde876)
- change_info if account_country is disabled (https://github.com/slawkens/myaac/commit/62d3c198d567541a90900fe2d7ede070e7b1ff68)
- use word-break: break-all in guilds description + character comment (https://github.com/slawkens/myaac/commit/191ad25eb2d4c1cec6f6668da7a345fec0ad2a7f)
- set default status_ip to, most server are hosted locally anyway (https://github.com/slawkens/myaac/commit/2793c41655b47f7db295143a298ccda70f11462b)
- broken installation
- database and finish step warnings/errors (slawkens#245, @danilopucci)
- silently ignore if the hook does not exist
More security fixes, especially in bugtracker.
Security fixes.
- XSS vulnerability in bugtracker (https://github.com/slawkens/myaac/commit/83a91ec540072d319dd338abff45f8d5ebf48190)
- XSS vulnerability in forum (https://github.com/slawkens/myaac/commit/d1bc63d07ad88a143358cacd2c417891eea74dcc + https://github.com/slawkens/myaac/commit/55dbade8d5280c5baed45e5f7ebc3613b8e9b9e8)
- Session Fixation (https://github.com/slawkens/myaac/commit/483155cf4c1e3068aaee0d44541dfa61f6223379)
- displaying ban info on account page (https://github.com/slawkens/myaac/commit/764db0c203d1826ffce3a5a78f83a97e56bd0685)
- Clear some additional cache keys - like database cache (https://github.com/slawkens/myaac/commit/4327b66f915d06dce504211692173606b9ef3b4e)
- latest client versions to config (https://github.com/slawkens/myaac/commit/765886f0c782807400c429577cde5e45bd7c308f)
- patching from develop - twig context for hooks (https://github.com/slawkens/myaac/commit/f1670f4012cc7595433fe0b1937c1f9b15a60b07)
- fixed XSS vulnerability in some pages (https://github.com/slawkens/myaac/commit/5c3b01aca4f3cfe8abc86b8ce48194b2da87b808)
Nothing more or less!
I've moved the repository back to my personal account. (Just so you know!)
I will also try to add git commits pointed to each change, lets see if you like it or not - you can comment in discussion, that will be created just after releasing this version :)
- forum: better error messages (Suggested by @anyeor) (https://github.com/slawkens/myaac/commit/34725e0257684fe5fa43875cc3a8f587ba04642e)
- more support for GesiorAAC classes, so some of them will work with MyAAC (https://github.com/slawkens/myaac/commit/a8172a518ff8939c4402349b16c064fcaf855d31)
- word-break on forum thread & reply (Suggested by @anyeor) (https://github.com/slawkens/myaac/commit/ce4aed0f1719d2aadc749e5238e883e3c10e2686)
- not working pages/links from database, introduced in 0.8.10 (Thanks to OtLand user - https://otland.net/members/0lo.99657/ for report) (https://github.com/slawkens/myaac/commit/1e874c7027769bd09e772a1cdac75d7e37991256)
- it was possible to create topic in board that was closed, ommiting the error check (Thanks to @anyeor for report) (https://github.com/slawkens/myaac/commit/0d52978d9fb99869500d35e7676f454ca5eaba14)
- PHP 8.2 compatibility - removed deprecated functions utf8_encode & utf8_decode (https://github.com/slawkens/myaac/commit/a338fd967cdbcc89e86be4e6b66b2cad2ff23251)
- guild description not being correctly shown (Reported by @anyeor) (https://github.com/slawkens/myaac/commit/f2a3ec1185df64ad9084d4ff55790ae4a5b3e5fd, https://github.com/slawkens/myaac/commit/df321154f63d458a4bc7d83bac5e3447b67317a4)
- Some old code for verifying messages length (Reported by @anyeor) (https://github.com/slawkens/myaac/commit/df48363ea4ced4350fd90ffddf57d464ba5afa8b)
- some info about config failed to load, was never working (https://github.com/slawkens/myaac/commit/7a546e5a41036b0e9e926d337c6f2e3c41c591d2)
- new function from 0.9 - Cache::remember($key, $ttl, $callback)
- new characters page hooks
- line number & file to exception handler, to easier localize exceptions
- rename to .htaccess.dist, causes some problems on default setup
- removing unneccessary PHP closing tags to prevent potential issues (by @SRNT-GG)
- display warning if hook file does not exist
- important: Not allow create char if limit is exceeded (by @anyeor) could have been used to spam database
- deleted chars: cannot change comment, name, gender, cannot create guild, cannot be invited, cannot accept invite, cannot be passed leadership to
- forum: quote and edit post buttons not being shown
- twig exception thrown when player does not exist, on character change comment (thanks @anyeor)
- BASE_DIR when accessing /tools
- do not display warning if HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE is not set
- PHP 7.2.5 is now required, cause of Twig 2.x
- allow pages to be placed in templates folder, under pages/ subfolder
- Twig error with global variable on create account
- links/redirects from facebook, etc. like ?fbclid=x
- do not allow to continue install when there is no server database imported
- cannot go forward when config.local.php cannot be saved
- when server uses another items serializer
- small bug on install - please fill all input
- You can now disable server status checking for testing purposes, useful for local testing when there is no server running
- with this, the page won't need 2 seconds to load
- set status_enabled to false in config.php
- new buttons code for tibiacom template, can create button with any text
- patched some small changes from develop branch
- add .git to denied folders in nginx-sample.conf
- plugins folder is now accessible from outside
- add plugins folder to twig search paths
- player save on tfs 1.5 with new ipv6
- more php 8.x compatibility
- rel path for exception message, causing message to be not in red background
- mail confirmed reward
- support for latest group changes in TFS
- new function: escapeHtml
- TinyMCE to v4.9.1 (latest release in 4.x series)
- Twig to v2.15.4
- you can now place custom pages in your template directory under pages/ folder
- HOOK_LOGOUT parameters, now only account_id is passed
- ipv6 introduced in latest TFS
- config.account_premium_days for TFS 1.4+
- better compatibility with GesiorAAC
- PHP 8.1 compatibility
- myaac_ db table detection failure
- reload creatures error, when items cache has been cleared
- accounts.blocked column, which is not used by AAC
- login.php for client 12.x is now part of official repo
- browsehappy code
- config use character sample skill (#201, @gpedro)
- custom words blocked (#190, @gpedro)
- save php sessions in myaac dir
- don't count deleted players when creating new character
- patch vulnerability in change_rank.php (#194, @gesior, @thatmichaelguy)
- fix guild invite page (#196, @worthdavi)
- players not showing on highscores page (#195)
- highscores page bug with high pages
- $player->getStorage() does not work at all (#169, @gesior)
- copying sample character when it have items with quotes (#200, @gpedro)
- IPv6 issue when env is set to dev (#171)
- admin page changed feet to match body colour (#174, @silic0nalph4)
- exception being thrown when creating duplicated character name (#191)
- rules page formatting (#177, @silic0nalph4)
- account character create if auto_login is enabled
- undefined variable notice on database_log enabled
- removed VERSION file
This update contains very important security fix.
Please update your MyAAC instances to this version.
- bcmath module is not required anymore
- Gratis premium account fixes (#156, by @czbadaro)
- Update 404 response (#163, by @anyeor)
- compatibility with PHP 7.0 and lower
- deleting ranks in guilds (#158, by @Misztrz)
- guild back buttons (change logo & motd)
- forum table style (boards & thread view)
- guild list description new lines
being ignored (Thanks @anyeor for reporting)
- support for accounts.premium_ends_at (Latest TFS 1.x)
- more clients to clients.conf.php
- minimum PHP 5.6 is now required
- password can now contain any characters
- add SSL on external image requests of items and outfits (@fernandomatos)
- Use local storage for saving menu items (tibiacom template) - fixes bug with some websites like wykop.pl (browser freeze)
- increase size of myaac_visitors.page column to 2048 (Thanks to OtLand user kaleuui)
- compatibility with PHP 8.0 (latest XAMPP)
- displaying PHP errors on env = "prod"
- the Guildnick not showing in the guild pages (@leesneaks)
- you cannot delete character more than twice (Thanks Okke)
- ignore arrays in config.lua (fixes experienceStages loading)
- parsing empty strings in config.lua (with comments)
- headling.php cannot find font
- pdo_mysql as required extension
- some notice about Email validation in create account
- Move register DATABASE_VERSION into schema.sql
- Caused migrations being fired when user manually imported database
- creating very uncommon (bugged) account names
- XSS in character search
- Admin menu news editing warning when leaving page without touching the inputs
- Guild Invite not working on otservbr-global
- two boxes being show on email_change_cancel
- when adding poll = template tibiacom broken
- houses: Unknown column 'guild' in 'where clause (slawkens#131)
- account create when account_mail_verify is enabled
- CloudFlare IP detection
- network_twitter link in tibiacom template
- Log query time in database_log (can be used for benchmarking)
- new PHP constant: IS_CLI
- $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] to database.log
- outfit to highscores box in tibiacom template
- system/data to .gitignore
- error_reporting in admin panel (when in dev mode), so it shows php notices and warnings
- example quests in config.php
- account_login input type from password to text
- Guild Invite not working on otservbr-global (#123)
- news not updating after adding in admin panel
- wrong mana of character samples (#125)
- missing rules page on clean install
- double space character name creation (@Lee, #121)
- creatures page: Max count and chance not shown on hovered items
- exception being thrown when characters.frags enabled on TFS 1.x
- TFS 0.4 guilds creation (Where guilds.checkdata and motd doesn't have default value)
- ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS browser error on template change
- updating template menus on template change
- Account change info when config.account_country is disabled
- cancel change email request
- config.character_name_min/max_length being ignored in change_name.php
- some rare bugs when database is no up-to-date and someone enters admin panel
- extra line that is added when using a newer version than official release (@Lee)
- admin links in featured article
- some PHP Notice when HTTP_HOST is not set (Can happen on some old versions of HTTP protocol)
- Show character indicator in check_name.js
- Houses list View button was wrong (was from bootstrap)
- OTS_House __construct - not loading by houseid parameter
- message() function when executed in CLI
- unused myaac_commands table from schema
- MyISAM engine from migration scripts (#128)
- Support for Nostalrius OTS
- Move TODO to wiki
- .tooltip css class to .item_image (bootstrap conflict)
- Reloading of creatures/monsters throwing an exception
- Loading custom pages with old Gesior variables #108
- Some weird behaviour with installation of plugins
- CHANGELOG.md loading in Admin Panel
- spells displaying when level = 0
- Some PHP warnings and notices
- new Awesome Bootstrap Admin Panel by Lee (@Leesneaks)
- using Bootstrap 3
- all existing pages were adjusted
- new editor: Accounts
- improved editor: Players
- new Reports View page
- Modules directory, which can be added using Plugins (@Leesneaks, @whiteblXK)
- move News Management here (@whiteblXK)
- interactive player outfit chooser (@tobi132)
- added Highscores by balance
- possibility to define colors and "Open in New Tab" on Template Menus (needs to be supported by Template)
- support for database persistent and socket connections (performance boost)
- Team page - display outfits of the players (configurable)
- added clear_cache.php, send_email.php bin commands (@slawkens, @tobi132)
- added locale pt_br (@ivenspontes)
- added load time into items & weapons loading admin page
- new, beautiful exception handler
- added travisci to prevent mistype (@gpedro, #89)
- added showing database name into installation script (@tobi132)
- compatibility with old z_ gesior table (@tobi132, #46)
- added nginx-sample.conf, .editorconfig, VERSION
- database towns table support for TFS 1.3 (@tobi132)
- added enable_tinymce option to Pages editor
- account login redirect with special chars (like '&' and '?')
- black skull info at serverInfo (@tornadia)
- set correct limit at lastkills page from config (anyeor from OtLand)
- myaac_monsters table column loot problem (#79)
- players column deleted install description (@gpedro, #91)
- experience table being to wide and buggy on some templates (@tobi132, #90)
- fix errors with .htaccess files
- added index.html to prevent indexing the folder by mod_index
- Environment is now configurable by env setting (Significantly better load times with 'prod')
- replace spells, monsters tables with JavaScript Sortable Tables - DataTables (@Leesneaks)
- change default MySQL Storage Engine to InnoDB and Default Character Set to utf8
- updated OTS_House class to support latest TFS 1.x (new columns)
- updated monster images to the original ones from tibia.com
- increased the minimum length (3 -> 4) and decreased the maximum length (25 -> 21) of the New Character Name (by @vankk)
- use $db->exec instead of $db->query optimisation
- move items from database to Cache_PHP (Much more faster load time)
- allow simultaneous loading of config.ini and config.php in templates
- updated copyright year and SSL link (@EPuncker, #88)
- move commands, rules and downloads pages into database (@tobi132)
- better view of guilds (new buttons, table look and feel) (@tobi132)
- remove stupid alerts on account create
- remove .dist extension from .htaccess
- env (Environment)
- account_create_auto_login (Auto Login after Create Account - Registration)
- account_create_character_create (Create Character directly on Create Account page) (@tobi132)
- footer_show_load_time (display load time of the page in the footer)
- database_socket (Connection via Unix Socket)
- database_persistent (Database Persistent Connection)
- database_log (Logging of Database Queries)
- admin_panel_modules (Modules displayed in Admin Panel Dashboard)
- status_timeout, status_interval
- smtp_debug (More info about SMTP errors in error.log)
- team_display_outfit (Display outfit of the team members on teams page)
- highscores_balance (Display highscores by balance)
- character_name_min/max_length (Minimum and maximum length of character name)
- characters.deleted (display deleted characters on characters page)
- show image in full screen on click
- show user avatar (outfit) in posts
- replaced forum actions links (move, remove, edit, quote) with images
- redirect directly to the thread on user login (on new reply)
- AJAX loader for the important stuff
- create admin account: ask for e-mail + character name
- load items & weapons
- check user IP on install to prevent install by random user
- remember status of the installation
- remember language on first step (welcome)
- ask user for timezone
- auto detected browser language in select language
- sandbox for plugins, don't install when requirements are not satisfied
- allow comments inside plugin json file (php style)
- new require options for plugins: (look into example.json)
- require database version, table or column of the MyAAC schema
- require php-extension
- require semantic-version (like in composer.json)
- php 7.x APCu cache support (faster cache engine)
- new cache engine: plain PHP (is good with pure php 7.0+ and opcache)
- cache lastkills.php, $db->hasTable, $db->hasColumn, hooks and template menus
- stop using global $cache variable, use Singleton pattern instead
- move pages to Twig templates: team, lastkills, serverinfo, houses, guilds.list, guild.view, admin.logs, admin.reports (@whiteblXK, @tobi132)
- replace "$twig->render()" with "$this->display"
- move Twig functions to separate file
- move tibiacom boxes to Twig templates
- allow Pages to be loaded as Twig template (this allows using Twig variables in Pages) (@tobi132)
- allow string to be passed to hook twig function
- config($key), configLua($key)
- clearCache()
- OTS_Account:
- getCountry()
- setLastLogin($lastlogin) (@Leesneaks)
- setWebFlags(webflags) (@Leesneaks)
- OTS_Player:
- getAccountId()
- countBlessings() (@Leesneaks)
- checkBlessings($count) (@Leesneaks)
- is_sub_dir (in system/libs/plugins.php)
- Twig:
- getPlayerLink($name, $generate = true)
- removed SQLquote and SQLquery from OTS_Base_DB
- Add optional $params param into log_append (will log arrays) (@tobi132)
- moved clients list to the new file (clients.conf.php)
- changed tableExist and fieldExist to $db->hasTable(table) + $db->hasColumn(table, column)
- changed deprecated $ots->createObject() functions with their OTS_ equivalents
- add global helper config($key) function + twig binding
- use config() instead of global $config
- remove unnecessary parentheses in include/require PHP functions
- use DIR instead of dirname(FILE) - since PHP 5.3.0
- change intval() function to (int) casting (up to 6x faster)
- add release.sh script (for GitHub releases)
- use curl as alternative option for reporting install
- updated Twig to version v1.35.0
- updated TinyMCE to version v4.7.4
- change deprecated HTML tag to
- replace deprecated HTML tag with
- support for some old servers, where arrays are used in config.lua
- an additional text to the install page informing that user can reinstall MyAAC by deleting config.local.php
- XSS in forum show_thread
- guilds - "Add new rank" function
- multiple mail recipients when using admin mailer function
- Admin Panel - MyAAC logs not shown if servers logs directory doesn't exist (#47)
- missing prefix for cache get() and delete() functions
- add fatal error message when myaac tables in database do not exist
- the mystical defect where "Create Account" button was not highlighted (on the account/manage page)
- bug where server_config table does not exist (OTHire as an example)
- database_name in Usage_Statistics
- forgot to open in install template
- do not display software version
- new configurable: smtp_secure
- robots.txt
- editing an existing page that had php enabled
- chrome bug on save (when editing page) ERR_BLOCKED_BY_XSS_AUDITOR
- showing IP and Port in admin panel (#44, by miqueiaspenha)
- deleting plugin showing "You don't have rights to delete"
- some bug with PHPMailer not finding its language file
- default accounts.vote value
- saving some really high long ip addresses
- update config.highscores_ids_hidden on install when there are samples already in database
- auto add z_polls table on install
- changed mb_strtolower functions to strtolower()
- added new function: $hooks->exist($type)
* removed 6mb of trash (some useless things)
* (fix) TFS 1.x not showing promoted vocations in highscores
* otserv 0.6.x: fixed some warning (on the characters page) and fatal mysql error (on the mango signature)
* fixed default stamina on otserv 0.6.x engine (and some others perhaps)
* install: change permission check to is_writable
* changed highscores_groups_hidden to 3 (for TFS 1.x)
* updated background-artwork (tibiacom template) to the latest version, removed other ones
* fixed installation error " call to undefined method OTS_DB_MySQL::hasColumn()"
* updated tinymce to the latest (4.7.4) version
* enabled emoticons plugin in tinymce :)
* some security fixes
* important fix for servers with promotion column (caused player.vocation to be resetted when saving player, for example: on change name, accept invite to guild, leave guild)
* immediately reload config.lua when there's change in config.server_path detected
* added new forum option: "Enable HTML" (only for moderators)
* fixed othire default column value (#26)
* fixed saving custom vocations in admin panel (#36)
* fixed warning in highscores when vocation doesn't exist
* fixed characters page - config.characters.frags "Notice: Use of undefined constant"
* fixed getBoolean function when boolean is passed
* fixed empty success message on leave guild
* fixed displaying premium account days
* function OTS_Account:getPremDays will now return -1 if there's freePremium configurable enabled on the server
* fixed tr bgcolor in characters view (Frags) (#38)
* fixed some warning in guild show
* fixed PHP warning about country not existing on online and characters pages
* fixed forum bbcode parsing
* don't add extra <br/> to the TinyMCE news forum posts
* (internal) using $player->getVocationName() where possible instead of older method
* fixed othire account creating/installation
* fixed table name players -> players_online
* fixed unexpected error logging about email fail
* added max_execution_time to the install finish step
* some small fix regarding highscores vocation box
* fixed bug on othire with config.account_premium_days
* fixed bug on TFS 1.x when online_afk is enabled
* warning about leaving news page with changes
* added player status to tibiacom top 5 highscores box
* save detected country on create account in session
* fixed getPremDays and isPremium functions (newest 11.x engines are bugged when it comes to PACC, its not fault of MyAAC)
* fix when there are no changelogs or highscores yet
* small fix regarding getTopPlayers function which was ignoring $limit variable
* fixed news adding when type != ARTICLE
* fixed template path finding
* fixed displaying article_text when it was empty saved
* fixed mysql fatal error on tibiacom template - top 5 box
* fixed displaying of level percent bar on tibian signature
* inform user about Twig cache failure on installation, instead of http 500 error
* when dir system/cache is not writable by the webserver, then show some nice notice to the user about it instead of http 500 error
* remember client version select and usage stats checkbox in session on install
* automatically update highscores_ids_hidden for users who installed myaac before (migration)
* auto generate myaac cache & session prefix on install to be unique across installations
* fixed hiding shop system menu on tibiacom template when disabled in config
* prevent adding duplicated newses with installation
* some changes to sample characters: chanced town_id to 1, posx: 1000, posy: 1000, posz: 1000 and default group_id to 1 so you can change in-game outfits and they will be used
* added version 772 constant to install client choose (OTHire)
* better solution for hidding samples (configurable) - highscores_ids_hidden
* fixed account.login redirect not working on tibiacom template
* installation: warn about wrong admin account name/id and password
* fixed last menu closing in tibiacom template
* updated polish locale (translation) on install
* (internal) removed some duplicated code on install finish
* (internal) renamed installation step files to be in correct order
* added TODO file
* added changelog menu item to kathrine template
* fixed some php short tag in changelogs page
* fixed guild change description back button
* removed duplicated "Support List" menu item from tibiacom template
* changed some notice when version check is failed
* (internal) moved changelog to twig
* moved template menus to database, they're now dynamically loaded
* added anonymous usage statistics reporting (only if user agrees, first usage report will be send after 7 days)
* you can edit them in Admin Panel under 'Menus' option
* you can also add custom links, like http://google.pl
* added networks (facebook and twitter) and highscores (top 5) boxes to tibiacom template, configurable in templates/tibiacom/config.php
* added news ticker for kathrine template
* added featured article to tibiacom template (you can add them with add news button)
* added tinymce editor to 'Pages' in admin panel
* added links to edit/delete/hide custom page directly from page
* update forum post after editing news (when forum post has been created)
* enabled code plugin for tinymce which enabled raw html code editing
* removed videos pages, as it can be easily added using custom Menus and Pages with insert Media
* removed bug_report configurable, its now enabled by default
* log some error info when mail cannot be send on account create
* twig getLink function will now return with full url (BASE_URL included)
* verify install post values directly on config page and display error
* updated tinymce to version 4.7.2 (from 4.7.0)
* updated phpmailer to version 5.2.26 (from 5.2.23)
* (#30) (fix) recovering account on servers that doesn't support salts
* (fix) account email confirm function
* (fix) showing changelog with urls in Admin Panel
* (fix) uninstalling plugin
* (fix) polls box in tibiacom template
* (fix) remove hooks from db on plugin deinstall
* (fix) some weird include possibilities with forum and account actions (verify action name)
* (fix) loading hooks from plugin installed from command line
* (fix) some changelog PHP Notice warning
* (internal) moved uninstall logic to Plugins class
* (internal) moved tibiacom boxes to separate directory
* (internal) moved news tickers to twig template
* (internal) moved Forum class to separate file
* (internal) moved deprecated functions to compat.php
* (internal) added some compat functions that are used by shop system
* (internal) renamed constant TICKET -> TICKER
* (internal) shortened message functions
* fixed some php fatal error on spells page
* changed spells.vocations field in db size to 300
* please reload your spells after this update!
* fixed displaying custom pages
* fixed adding new group forum board
* reverted OTS_Account::getLastLogin() cause its used by tibia11-login plugin
* fixed creating account
* fixed viewing thread without being logged
* fixed showing premium account status
* added forums for guilds and groups
* added nice looking menu for my account page in default template
* new command line tool: install_plugin.php - can be used to install plugins from command line. Usage: "php install_plugin.php path_to_file"
* added new tooltip to view characters equipment item name and monster loot
* added items.xml loader class and weapons.xml loader class
* minimum PHP version to install AAC is now 5.3.0 cause of Anonymous functions used by Twig
* Added 'Are you sure?' popup when uninstalling plugin
* added some warnings when plugin json file is incomplete
* fixed showing in characters ban expires when is unlimited
* fixed displaying monster loot when item.name in loot is used instead of item.id
* load also runes into spells table
* display plugin uninstall option only if its possible
* after changing template you will be redirected to latest viewed page
* display gallery add image form only on main gallery page
* (internal) moved most of guilds html-in-php code to twig
* (internal) moved spells page to twig template
* (internal) removed useless spells.spell column that was duplicate of spells.words
* (internal) save monster loot in database in json format instead loading it every time from xml file
* (internal) store monster voices and immunities in json format
* (internal) moved buttons to separate template
* (internal) moved online search form to twig
* (internal) added new function getItemNameById($id)
* (internal) Moved plugin install logic to a new class: Plugins
* (internal) changed spells.vocations database field to store json data instead of comma separated
* (internal) removed $hook_types array, using defined() and constant() functions now
* (internal) removed useless monsters.gfx_name field from database
* (internal) renamed database field monsters.hide_creature to hidden
* (internal) renamed existing Items class to Items_Images
* (internal) optimized Spells class
* (internal) new function: OTS_Guild::hasMember(OTS_Player $player)
* (internal) new function: Forum::hasAccess($board_id)
* fixed signatures loading
* new configurable: session_prefix, to allow more websites on one machine (must be unique for every website on your dedicated server!)
* better error handling for monsters and spells loader (save errors to system/logs/error.log)
* check if file exist before loading (monsters and spells)
* (internal) Account::getAccess() = Account::getGroupId()
* (internal) moved account actions (pages) to account/ directory
* (internal) moved forum actions (pages) to forum/ directory
* (internal) moved forum.edit_post to twig templates
* added faq management - add/edit/move/hide/delete from website
* new account.login view for tibiacom template
* monsters and spells are now being loaded at the installation of the AAC
* fix for php versions under 5.5 where empty() function supported only variables
* added missing change email and change info buttons to account.management default template
* added new indicator icons for create account, create character and change character name
* fixed config loader when some inline comments are present
* fixed editing page in admin panel that contains some html code
* fixed forum new post on mac os and some specific mysql versions
* attempt to fix incorrect views counter behavior (its resetting to 0 in some cases)
* enabled cache http headers for signatures
* check if monster file exist before loading it
* fixed if plugin zip file name contains dot (.)
* renamed screenshots to gallery and movies to videos
* moved install pages to twig
* fixed Account::getGuildAccess function
* removed never used library from sources - dwoo
* moved check_* functions to class Validator
* from now all validators ajax requests will fire onblur instead of onkeyup
* ajax requests returns now json instead of xml
* added 404 response when file is not found
* fixed forum add/edit board
* new configurable: highscores_length, how much highscores to display
* fixed highscores links (ALL, previous and next page)
* update templates cache when installing/uninstalling plugin
* moved character deaths and frags table generation to twig
* fixed some bug when you uninstall plugin and then try to install again on the same page
* check if plugin exist before uninstalling
* fixed some warning in OTS_Base_DB
* moved .htaccess rules to plain php (index.php)
* updated tinymce to the latest (4.7.0) version, you can now embed code, for example youtube videos
* added option to uninstall plugin
* added option to require specified myaac, php or database version for plugins, without that plugin won't be installed
* change accountmanagement links to use friendly_urls
* fixed creating new forum thread
* sample characters are now assigned to admin account and have group_id 4 to not be shown on highscores
* added links loaded from database to admin panel - for future plugins
* print some info to error.log when can't find config.lua
* some fixes in account changecomment action
* show info when account name/number or password is empty on login
* fixed showing account login errors
* added few characters hooks
* fixed some kathrine template js bug when shop is disabled
* you can now use slash '/' in custom pages loaded from database
* added new twig function getLink that convert link taking into account config.friendly_urls
* internalLayoutLink -> getLink
* better config loader taken from latest gesior, you can now include files in your config by doing dofile('config.local.lua')
* fixed country detection in create account
* fixed showing of character deaths and frags
* fixed https://otland.net/threads/myaac-v0-0-1.251454/page-13#post-2466303
* fixed https://otland.net/threads/myaac-v0-0-1.251454/page-13#post-2466313
* fixed rook sample, which will now have level 1, 150 health, 0 mana, and 400 cap.
* fixed samples being deleted by tfs 1.0+ cause of 'deletion' field set to 1
* pages loaded from database have higher priority than normal .php pages, so they will be loaded first if they exist
* moved many pages to twig templates
* change download client links from clients.halfaway.net to tibia-clients.com
* added bugtracker to kathrine template
* added CREDITS file
* updated version number
* fixed log in to admin panel
* fixed File is not .zip plugin upload error
* added option to add/edit/delete/hide/move forum boards
* moved some of HTML-in-PHP code to Twig templates
* added bug_report configurable which can enable/disable bug tracker
* log errors instead of showing them to users with system directories
* fix when $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'] is not set
* when it fails to load config.lua it will output error also to error.log
* automatically detect json file in .zip instead of basing on filename (admin panel - plugins)
* hopefully fixed the error with "The file you are trying to upload is not a .zip file. Please try again."
* fixed wrong name of table in bugtracker
* fixed some bugs in bugtracker
* added report bug link in templates
* fixed some rare error when user is logged in for longer than 15 minutes and tries to login again
* fixed some grammar errors
* some small improvements
* fixed some separators in kathrine template
* added administration panel for screenshots management with auto thumbnail generator and image auto-resizing
* added Twig template engine and moved some html-in-php code to it
* automatically detect player country based on user location (IP) on create account
* player sex (gender) is now configurable at $config['genders']
* fixed recovering account and changing password when salt is enabled
* fixed installing samples when for example Rook Sample already exist and other samples not
* fixed some mysql error when character you trying to create already exist
* fixed some warning when you select nonexistent country
* password change minimal/maximal length notice is now more precise
* added 'enabled' field in myaac_hooks table, which can enable or disable specified hook
* removed DEFAULT '' for TEXT field. It didn't worked under some systems like MAC OS X.
* minimum PHP version to install the MyAAC is now 5.2.0 cause of pathinfo (extension) function
* removed unused admin stylish template
* removed some unused cities field from myaac_spells table
* moved news adding at installation from schema.sql to finish.php
* some optimizations
* fixed invite to guild
* added id field on monsters, so you can delete them in phpmyadmin
* fixed adding some creatures with ' and "
* fixed when there are spaces at beginning of the file (creatures)
* fixed when file is unable to parse (creatures)
* fixed typo loss_items => loss_containers
* more elegant way of showing message on reload creatures and spells
* fixed guild management on OTHire 0.0.3
* set default skills to 10 when creating new character
* fixed displaying of "Create forum thread" in newses
* fixed deleting guild on servers that use players.rank_id field
* fixed phpmailer class loading (https://otland.net/threads/myaac-v0-0-1.251454/page-8#post-2445222)
* fixed displaying vocation amount on online page
* better support for custom vocations, you just need to set in config vocations_amount to yours.
* fixed huge space in player name (https://otland.net/threads/myaac-v0-0-1.251454/page-7#post-2444328)
* fixed Undefined variable (https://otland.net/threads/myaac-v0-0-1.251454/page-7#post-2444034)
* fixed Undefined offset (https://otland.net/threads/myaac-v0-0-1.251454/page-7#post-2444035)
* added missing cache/signature directory
* fixed https://otland.net/threads/myaac-v0-0-1.251454/page-7#post-2443868
* added Swedish translation by Sizaro
* fixed some bugs with installlation & characters & houses
* added option to change character sex for premium points
* moved site_closed to database, now you can close your site through admin panel
* added option to admin panel: clear cache
* added experiencetable_rows configurable
* optimized OTS_Account->getGroupId(), now its using like 20 queries less
* optimized OTS_Player->load($id) function, should be much faster now
* fixed displaying on highscores special outfits
* fixed skull images displaying
* fixed displaying unlimited premium account
* fixed bug where players.lookaddons doesn't exist (OTHire etc.) (https://otland.net/threads/myaac-v0-0-1.251454/page-6#post-2442407)
* fixed signature tibian for OTHire and other servers that doesnt use accounts.premdays field
* fixed when player name in signature containst space
* don't show "Create forum thread" when editing
* fixed red color table after create account
* updated download links, as clients.halfaway.net isn't working anymore
* fixed some bugs while installing when field `email_next` or `hidden` already exist
* fixed movies unexpected comment
* added template_place_holder('center_top') to kathrine template
* fixed bug with "Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column 'ip' cannot be null"
* added outfit shower, in characters, online, and highscores
* updated database to version 2
* fixed item images (now using item-images.ots.me host by default)
* fixed news ticket and posting long newses (https://otland.net/threads/myaac-v0-0-1.251454/page-5#post-2442026)
* news body limit increased to 65535 (mysql text field)
* removed some unused code from my old server
* added spells & monsters to kathrine template
* this is just release to update version number
* forgot to update CHANGELOG and MYAAC_VERSION
* fixed updating myaac_config with database_version to 1
* fixed database updater
* added new feature: change character name for premium points (disabled by default, you can enable it in config under account_change_character_name in config.php)
* added automatic database updater (data migrations)
* renamed events to hooks
* moved hooks to database
* now you can use hooks in plugins
* set account.type field to 5 on install, if TFS 1.0+
* added example plugin
* new, latest google analytics code
* fixed bug with loading account.name that has numbers in it
* fixed many bugs in player editor in admin panel
* added error handling to plugin manager and some more verification in
* file has been correctly unpacked/uploaded
* fixed Statistics page in admin panel when using account.number
* fixed bug when creating/recovering account on servers with
* account.salt field (TFS 0.3 for example)
* fixed forum showing thread with html tags (added from news manager)
* new, latest code for youtube videos in movies page
* fixed showing vocation images when using $config['online_vocations_images']
* many fixes in polls (also importing proper schema)
* fixed hovering on buttons in kathrine template (on accountmanagement page)
* fixed signatures (many fixes)
* added missing gesior signature system
* fixed bug while installing (https://otland.net/threads/myaac-v0-0-1.251454/page-3#post-2440543)
* fixed bug when creating character (not showing errors) (one more time)
* fixed support for TFS 0.2 series
* added FAQ link
* fixed bug when creating character (not showing errors)
* Fixed characters loading with names that has been created with other AAC
* fixed links to shop in default template
* fixed some weird PHP 7.1 warnings/notices
* Fixed config loading with some weird comments
* fixed bug with status info utf8 encoding (https://otland.net/threads/myaac-v0-0-1.251454/page-2#post-2440259)
* fixed when ip in log_action is NULL (https://otland.net/threads/myaac-v0-0-1.251454/page-2#post-2440357)
* fixed bug when guild doesn't exist on characters page (https://otland.net/threads/myaac-v0-0-1.251454/page-2#post-2440320)
* disabled friendly_urls by default
* fixes when $config['database_*'] is set
* Full support for OTHire 0.0.3
* added support for otservers that doesn't use account.name field, instead just account number will be used
* fixed encryption detection on TFS 0.3
* fixed bug when server_config table doesn't exist
* (install) moved admin account creation to new step
* fixed news comment link
* by default, the installer creates now the Admin player, for admin account
* fixed installation errors
* fixed config.lua loading with some weird comments
* updated forum links to use friendly_urls
* some more info will be shown when cannot connect to database
* show more error infos when creating character
* fixed forum link on newses
* fixed spells loading when there's vocation name instead of id
* fixed bug when you have changed template but it doesn't exist anymore
* fixed vocations with promotion loading
* fixed support for gesior pages and templates
* added function OTS_Acount:getGroupId()
This is first official release of MyAAC.
Features are listed here
For more information, see the release announcement on OTLand: https://otland.net/threads/myaac-v0-0-1.251454/