$ java MoneyManager
Today is Thu Oct 29 00:49:00 EDT 2020
1 - Calculate paycheck
2 - Input spending from calculated paycheck
3 - Input spending from start amount
4 - Calculate budget
10 - Exit
Which employee type are you?
- Salary
- Hourly
: 1
What is your salary wage?
: $60000
Your salary is $60,000.00
What is your pay frequency?
1. Monthly
2. SemiMonthly
3. BiWeekly
4. Weekly
: 3
BiWeekly paychecks.
First week hours: 40
Second week hours: 40
Your total work hours are 80.0
What is your filing status?
- Single
- Married Filing Jointly
- Head of Household
: 1
Single. Your income tax is about 22.0%.
As a salaried employee:
- Your BiWeekly paycheck before tax will be $2,307.69
- Your BiWeekly paycheck tax is $507.69
- Your BiWeekly paycheck after tax will be $1,800.00
Weekly (1), or bi-weekly (2)? 2
Hourly wage: $60
First week hours: 40
Second week hours: 40
Your bi-weekly paycheck is $3908.00
Enter starting amount: $5000.00
Your starting amount is $5000.00
***Tip: Exit by '.123'.
How much is your purchase? $199.99
How much is your purchase? $149.99
How much is your purchase? $399.99
How much is your purchase? $499.99
How much is your purchase? $.123
You will spend $1250.08
You will have a balance of $3749.92
What is your starting amount?
: $1000
Your starting amount is $1,000.00
***Tip: Exit by '.000'.
How much is your purchase? $500
How much is your purchase? $200
How much is your purchase? $.00
You will spend $700.00
You will have a remaining balance of $300.00
1 - Calculate paycheck
2 - Input spending from calculated paycheck
3 - Input spending from start amount
4 - Calculate budget
10 - Exit
Which employee type are you?
- Salary
- Hourly
: 1
What is your salary wage?
: $50000
Your salary is $50,000.00
What is your pay frequency?
1. Monthly
2. SemiMonthly
3. BiWeekly
4. Weekly
: 3
BiWeekly paychecks.
First week hours: 40
Second week hours: 40
Your total work hours are 80.0
What is your filing status?
1. Single
2. Married Filing Jointly
3. Head of Household
: 1
Single. Your income tax is about 22.0%.
As a salaried employee:
- Your BiWeekly paycheck before tax will be $1,923.08
- Your BiWeekly paycheck tax is $423.08
- Your BiWeekly paycheck after tax will be $1,500.00
***Tip: Exit by '.000'.
You have $1,500.00 left to budget.
Budget category: lasik
Budget amount: $250
You will allocate $250.00 for lasik
You have $1,250.00 left to budget.
Budget category: rent
Budget amount: $400
You will allocate $400.00 for rent
You have $850.00 left to budget.
Budget category: utilities
Budget amount: $200
You will allocate $200.00 for utilities
You have $650.00 left to budget.
Budget category: groceries
Budget amount: $150
You will allocate $150.00 for groceries
You have $500.00 left to budget.
Budget category: fun money
Budget amount: $250
You will allocate $250.00 for fun money
You have $250.00 left to budget.
Budget category: other
Budget amount: $250
Paycheck is successfully allocated
You will allocate $250.00 for other
With a total paycheck of $1,500.00, your budget consists of:
Category: other
Amount: $250.0
Category: fun money
Amount: $250.0
Category: rent
Amount: $400.0
Category: utilities
Amount: $200.0
Category: groceries
Amount: $150.0
Category: lasik
Amount: $250.0