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This repository has been archived by the owner on Nov 27, 2021. It is now read-only.
Will Russell edited this page Jan 22, 2020 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the CellProfiler_Ubuntu_Installer wiki!

I'll try to keep this brief - generally I catalogue my own issues in the issues section as I find and solve them. I'm maintaining this distribution for other researchers who might wish to use this code base to do exciting things with CellProfiler but don't want to use Windows or Mac OS to do them (maybe you're running FIJI or just prefer the Linux environments).

My code bridges the gap between Ubuntu OS 18.04 and CellProfiler - but inherently I do not support, nor do I fully understand what Cellprofiler can do and is capable of. Therefore, all support queries related to the USE AND FUNCTIONALITY OF THE SOFTWARE AFTER INSTALLATION should route to their github at

Having said that - any errors relating to failure to start, or "general" module errors, you can submit to my issues page.

Note that I support this in my free time, and I may close your issue with can'tfix/won'tfix only because I might not have the time or the resources/knowledge to do it better. I welcome pull requests and suggestions, and you're of course welcome to fork the repo to your own ends.

It may take me a few days to come back with an answer to your inquiry - and so I appreciate your patience in advance. I assure you, I'm re-running the install on my test platforms more often than you are so odds are good that if you stay up to date with the latest master branch you'll find your issue also vaporizes. I'll also add comments to the main code branch with dates/explanation, and generally you'll find a closed issue with a self-report/resolution documented.

It's entirely possible I abandon this in the future, but we'll see how things go.


Example image of CellProfiler running ClassifyPixels-Unet on a Ubuntu 18.04LTS VM

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