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Out Of The Box: What Triggers are available?

JensBlack edited this page Aug 25, 2020 · 3 revisions

This guide explains the different Trigger modules that DLStream comes with and how to use them.

If you have never used DLStream, make sure to check out: Introduction to experiments.

If you are looking for some inspiration for your next DLStream powered experiment, look no further.

Although we recommend the wiki sections My first experiment and Adapting an existing experiment if you want to directly dive into implementing your own experiment.


Single posture triggers:

  • HeaddirectionTrigger - Allocentric

    A trigger that checks the headdirection angle of an animal in relation to a reference point. Checks an angle window (e.g. 60° around reference).

  • EgoHeaddirectionTrigger - Egocentric

    A trigger that checks the egocentric headdirection angle of an animal between tailroot, neck and nose. Checks an angle window (e.g. 60°) and direction (left/right).

  • DirectionTrigger - Allocentric

    Similiar to Headdirection trigger, but uses user-defined bodyparts as input. Checks the bodypart angle of an animal in relation to a reference point.

  • ScreenTrigger - Allocentric

    Similiar to DirectionTrigger, but checks if the bodypart angle of an animal is facing NORTH, SOUTH, EAST or WEST in the image.

  • RegionTrigger - ROI-based

    Region of Interest based trigger, that checks whether a user-defined bodypart or a list of bodyparts is in the region defined by the user. The possible regions include circles, ellipses and rectangles.

  • OutsideTrigger - ROI-based

    Similiar to RegionTrigger, but checks whether the animal is NOT in the Region of Interest.

Posture sequence triggers:

  • SpeedTrigger - Parameter-based

    Calculates speed of user-defined bodyparts in a user-defined frame/time window and reacts if a user-defined threshold was surpassed.

  • FreezeTrigger - Parameter-based

    Similiar to SpeedTrigger, but checks whether the animal is slower then the user-defined threshold.

Output & Input:

All Trigger modules have the same input and output, when engaged by the Experiment. Trigger modules are only initiated differently from each other.


The function MyTrigger.check_skeleton(skeleton) takes the DLStream provided posture estimation (skeleton) and evaluates it.


The function MyTrigger.check_skeleton(skeleton) has the output response which consists of a boolean result (True/False) and a response_body which can be used to plot a visual feedback on the video stream.

Initializing a Trigger Module

To initialize any Trigger module import the module from /experiments/ in the beginning of the script and initialize it by creating a variable like this:

from experiments.triggers import MyTrigger my_trigger = MyTrigger(parameter1, parameter2)

Note that each Trigger module has slightly different initialization parameters and you can use them to tune an already existing Trigger to your own needs. To learn how to implement any Trigger in an Experiment, check out the next guide: Adapting an existing experiment or directly create your own experiment from scratch: My first experiment